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1. Livy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Titus Livius (traditionally 59 BC AD 17 1), known as livy in English, was a Roman historian who wrote a monumental history of Rome, Ab Urbe Condita, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livy | |
2. Livy This page is designed to provide a brief introduction to the Roman Historian livy, and to provide tools for further research on his History, Ab Urbe Condita http://academic.reed.edu/humanities/110Tech/Livy.html | |
3. Livy 1: Life Titus Livius or livy (59 BCE 17 CE) Roman historian, author of the authorized version of the history of the Roman republic. http://www.livius.org/li-ln/livy/livy.htm | |
4. Livy - Roman Historian Livy Information on livy and his magnum opus, Ab Urbe Condita, a history of Rome from its founding. livy was a Roman historian. http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/historianslivy/a/Livy.htm | |
5. The History Of Rome, Vol. I Book 2 livy s History of Rome Book 2 The Early Years of the Republic Book 4 livy s History of Rome Book 4 The Growing Power of the Plebs http://etext.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/Liv1His.html | |
6. Livy T. LIVIVS. (59 B.C. A.D. 17). AB VRBE CONDITA LIBRI. Praefatio Liber I Liber II Liber III Liber IV Liber V Liber VI Liber VII Liber VIII http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/liv.html | |
7. Index Of /txt/ah/Livy DIR Parent Directory 23Aug-2005 1417 - livy.lis 30-Dec-1997 2218 176k TXT livy01.html 29-Oct-1997 0216 172k TXT http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/txt/ah/Livy/ | |
8. Discourses On Livy: Contents Full text of the work in HTML format. Translated by Henry Neville. http://www.constitution.org/mac/disclivy_.htm | |
9. Livybib Andrew Feldherr, Spectacle and Society in livy s History (Berkeley, 1998). Timothy J. Moore, Artistry and Ideology livy s Vocabulary of Virtue http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~tjmoore/livybib.html | |
10. The Internet Classics Archive | Works By Livy List of works by livy, part of the Internet Classics Archive. http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/browse-Livy.html | |
11. Siege Of Syracuse (Livy) by livy (59 BC17 AD). BOOK XXIV. 34. An operation launched with such strength behind it might well have proved successful, had it not been for the presence http://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Siege/Livy.html | |
12. Livy -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on livy with Sallust and Tacitus, one of the three great Roman historians. His history of Rome became a classic in http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9048612 | |
13. Livy, History Of Rome (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) History of Rome. English Translation by. Rev. Canon Roberts. New York, New York. E. P. Dutton and Co. . 1. livy. History of Rome. English Translation. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.02.0026 |
14. Malaspina Great Books - Livy (59 BCE) A native of Padua on the Po River in northern Italy, Titus Livius (in Englishspeaking countries, livy ), wrote a monumental history of Rome from its http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_764.asp | |
15. Ancient History Sourcebook: Roman Religious Toleration: The Senatus Consultum De livy, History of Rome, Book XXXIX. 8. The following year diverted Spurius Postumius Albinus and Quintus Marcius Philippus from the care of armies, and wars, http://www.fordham.edu/HALSALL/ancient/livy39.html | |
16. Biographies: Livy His family apparently did not belong to the senatorial class and livy does not seem to have embarked on a political or forensic profession. http://intranet.grundel.nl/thinkquest/bio_livy.html | |
17. Livy's Love Graphics Custom memorial graphics, memorial graphics, free memorials. http://www.geocities.com/livys_love/ | |
18. Livy, The Rape Of Lucretia This short extract from livy s history of early Rome describes the rape of Lucrece by the Tarquin prince; this rape led to the expulsion of the Tarquins and http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/ROME/RAPE.HTM | |
19. Biz Stone, Genius: Livy And Maggie livy and Maggie livy and Maggie Originally uploaded by bizstone. That s not really a reindeerit s just our dog Maggie wearing fake antlers. http://www.bizstone.com/2007/12/livy-and-maggie.html | |
20. Livy - Wikiquote Titus Livius (around 59 BC 17 AD), known as livy in English, wrote a monumental history of Rome, Ab Urbe Condita, from its founding (traditionally dated http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Livy | |
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