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21. Osman Lins - Vida E Obra Translate this page Acompanhe os eventos dedicados a osman lins e sua obra. AVALOVARA ver mais ver toda agenda, homenagem a osman lins por Gil Vicente ver mais http://www.osman.lins.nom.br/home.htm | |
22. JSTOR Creative Deregulation Naming And Pastiche In Osman Lins S Creative Deregulation Naming and Pastiche in osman lins s A Rainha dos Cdrceres da Grecia Adria Frizzi O presente estudo examina o ultimo romance de osman http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0024-7413(199422)31:1<67:CDNAPI>2.0.CO;2-G |
23. Osman Lins - Menu Translate this page osman lins nasceu a 5 de julho de 1924, em Vitória de Santo Antão (PE). Publicou seu primeiro romance, O visitante, em 1955 e, em 1957, Os gestos. http://www.releituras.com/osmanlins_menu.asp | |
24. Stories, Listed By Author lins, osman (19241978). * Hahns Pentagon, (nv) The Oxford Book of Latin American Short Stories, ed. Roberto González Echevarría, Oxford University Press http://www.philsp.com/homeville/anth/s112.htm | |
25. 20070808 [OCLC] Old 100 1 lins, osman, ßd 1924 New 100 1 lins, osman, ßd 1924-1978. no 93000548 Old 100 1 Lippincott, J. Gordon ßq (Joshua Gordon), ßd 1909- http://www.oclc.org/rss/feeds/authorityrecords/20070808.htm | |
26. CONTEXT: Gregory Rabassa, Reading Osman Lins's Avalovara osman lins has his people aware of their hidden dimensions, their otherness, but they are completely unaware of how these will affect them in another moment http://www.centerforbookculture.org/context/no11/Rabassa.html | |
27. Lins, Osman lins, osman, Rabassa, Gregory Trade Paper. Dalkey Archive Press, USA, 200205, Jämför priser Lägg boken i din Jämförelsekorg http://www.bokfynd.nu/forfattare/Lins, Osman.html | |
28. Search > Arts : Literature : Authors : L : Lins, Osman Review of osman lins story collection Nine, Novena in News from Brazil, No. 123. http//www.sunmoon.com/reviews/lins_nine2.html. http://www.cooltoad.com/links/show.php?n=Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lins,_Osman&P |
29. 411Sync - Osman Lins mobile, osman lins, wikipedia, search, news, photos, answers, shopping, blogs, translate, spanish, german, italian, french. http://www.411sync.com/cgi-bin/portal?d=1&kw=Osman_Lins |
30. Lins, Osman - Chainki Main Page Arts- Literature- Authors- L- lins, osman Retrieved from http//en.chainki.org/wiki/lins%2C_osman . Views http://en.chainki.org/wiki/Lins,_Osman | |
31. Lins, Osman Summary interview with osman lins by Edla and Laurence Sterne, with this novel osman lins takes his rightful place among the . http://6go.biz/dwodp/index/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lins,_Osman/ | |
32. Katalog DMOZ Arts Literature Authors L Lins, Osman Katalog DMOZ Arts Literature Authors L lins, osman. http://www.infobank.jor.pl/dmoz/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lins,_Osma |
33. To: Financial Times lins, osman The Queen of the Prisons of Greece. 207. Roa Bastos, Augusto - I the Supreme. 208. Sarduy, Severo - Cobra Maitreya (Intro. by James McCourt) http://www.aubg.bg/library/NewBooks/DALKEY ARCHIVE PRESS.htm | |
34. Dimmick, Ralph Edward Ingalls, 1916-, Recipient. Letters To Ralph Edward Ingalls Letters from Brazilian literary figures, including Manuel Bandeira, Stella Leonardos, Alceu Amoroso Lima, Jorge de Lima, osman lins, Cecília Meireles, http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou00120 | |
35. Register Of Sun And Moon Press Archive - MSS 0224 175, 26, Lin, Tan LOTION BULLWHIP GIRAFFE (1996), 1996. Edited manuscript, corrections, and final printout. 175, 27, lins, osman - NINE, NOVENA, http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/testing/html/mss0224a.html | |
36. Green Integer Books, Complete Catalog Selected Poems 1892295-86-5, U.S. $11.95. Leiris, Michel. Operratics 1-892295-03-2, U.S. $12.95. lins, osman. Nine, Novena 1-55713-229-1, U.S. $12.95 http://www.greeninteger.com/catalog.cfm | |
37. Lins, Osman - CAPLEX lins, osman, 192478, brasiliansk forfatter. Hovedtemaet i hans romaner og noveller er forholdet mellom språket og virkeligheten. http://www.caplex.no/Web/ArticleView.aspx?id=9801226 |
38. LINS, Osman Translate this page C est cette alliance d un matériau traditionnel et de procédés d écriture novateurs qui fait la singularité et la richesse de l uvre d osman lins, http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/portugal/bresil/lins_osman.htm | |
39. Reading lins, osman. Le fléau et la pierre. Arles/Paris, Actes Sud, 1989. 48. Lopes, Baltasar . Chiquinho.. Arles/Paris, Actes Sud, 1990. 49. Lu Wenfu. http://paquettereading.blogspot.com/ | |
40. Fundação Joaquim Nabuco Translate this page O escritor pernambucano osman da Costa lins, filho de Teófanes da Costa lins e de Maria osman lins envolveu-se também na direção e produção de programas http://www.fundaj.gov.br/notitia/servlet/newstorm.ns.presentation.NavigationServ |
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