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Lichtenberg Jacqueline: more books (54) | |||
61. BookRev-Alpha lichtenberg, jacqueline. Never Cross a Palm With Silver (review by Michele Jackson). McCarroll, Amber. A Kaleidoscope of Dreams (review by Diane Wilkes) http://www.tarotpassages.com/booksalpha.htm | |
62. Werewolves lichtenberg, jacqueline Those of my Blood Little, Bentley The Summoning Lumley, Brian Necroscope Invaders Matheson, Richard I am Legend http://www.duluth.lib.mn.us/PopLib/Werewolves.html | |
63. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by lichtenberg, jacqueline/ Lorrah, Jean, Forestry and the Forest Industry in Japan by Iwai, Yoshiya (Edt), Regulating Lives Historical Essays on the http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-1055.html | |
64. Wotmania: Feed Your Wheel Of Time Addiction jacqueline lichtenberg 18. Connie Willis 19. Elizabeth Moon 20. Nancy Kress 21. Pat Murphy 22. Tanith Lee 23. Janet Kagan 24. Doris Lessing 25. Kate Wilhelm http://www.wotmania.com/yourwotmaniaprofile.asp?Username=Anastasia |
65. The Speculative Literature Foundation lichtenberg, jacqueline. In cooperation with Jean Lorrah, she created the Sime/Gen novels arguably the best science fiction series nobody seems to have http://www.speculativeliterature.org/Reader/Booklists/bklists_xenoling.php | |
66. John Lichtblau â Stephen Lichtenberger : ZoomInfo Business People Informati lichtenberg, jacqueline, Sime~Gen Inc. jacqueline lichtenberg Co-Founder of Sime~Gen Inc. of Sime~Gen lichtenberg, James, American Psychological http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page23615.aspx | |
67. JSTOR Star Trek Lives Trekker Slang lichtenberg, jacqueline; Marshak, Sondra; and Winston, Joan. Star Trek Lives! New York Bantam Books, 1975. Menagerie 10 (August 1976). Kalamazoo, Mich. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-1283(197821)53:1<52:STLTS>2.0.CO;2-A |
68. Electronic OtherRealms 26 Winter, 1990 Part 6 Of 8 Copyright 1990 lichtenberg, jacqueline. Dreamspy, St. Martin s, December 1989, 337pp, $19.95, 0312-03327-3. McKiernan, Dennis L. Dragon Doom, Bantam, February, 1990, http://plaidworks.org/chuqui/downloads/OtherRealms/26-06.txt |
69. DV: Author Index L lichtenberg, jacqueline Lindsay, David Long, Frank Belknap Longyear, Barry Lovecraft, H.P. Lukeman, Timothy Lumley, Brian Lupoff, Richard A. http://www.readsf.com/html/bks_l.html | |
70. Arts > Literature > Authors > L > Lichtenberg, Jacqueline jacqueline lichtenberg is an SF/F author with several published novels and short stories including the Sime~Gen series (originally knowns as the Sime Series http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lichtenberg | |
71. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Fiction Index, Aa- lichtenberg, jacqueline, Aventura, . *. Liddel, Bob, Dragon in a Box, 5, Summer, 1989. (short short) The Old Troll Comes to Town, 7, Winter, 1990. http://www.hycyber.com/HF/bradleys_index.html | |
72. Archived Newsletter Content lichtenberg, jacqueline, Dreamspy (Companion to Those of My Blood As war threatens the space_time continuum, a Teleod telepath working for the Metaji is http://www.unclehugo.com/prod/newsletterSection.shtml?seq=66§ion=forthcoming |
73. Win Without War Webring Previewing Vampire Romances by jacqueline lichtenberg Read free chapters of jacqueline lichtenberg s vampire romances from BenBella Books in trade http://s.webring.com/hub?ring=winwithoutwarweb;id=211;prvw |
74. Science Fiction - By Jacqueline Lichtenberg by jacqueline lichtenberg. Breaking Out . Send books for review in this column to jacqueline lichtenberg, POB 290, Monsey, N.Y. 1095 http://www.lightworks.com/monthlyaspectarian/2001/May/lichtenberg.htm |
75. About Jean Lorrah And Jacqueline Lichtenberg Entry to the professional novels and writing school founded by Jean Lorrah and jacqueline lichtenberg. http://www.lifekiss.com/ | |
76. Transformation Stories List:Books L - Lycanthropy, Shapechanging Magic, Nanotech lichtenberg, jacqueline AL. 0 Sime/Gen series {/42/}. First Channel (coauthor Lorrah, Jean) Playboy; 1981; 0872167720; $2.50 BB BBT http://www.transformationlist.com/transbooksl.html | |
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