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Lichtenberg Jacqueline: more books (54) | ||||||||
41. Jacqueline Lichtenberg Lorrah Books On Wrigley-Cross Books 1st combined edition with new maps, wraps (trade paper), Fine. http://www.wrigleycrossbooks.com/ap_jacqueline_lichtenberg_lorrah.html | |
42. English Literature & Creative Writing Web Sites, Resources For Writers & Informa Books Under Review lichtenberg, jacqueline Reader reviews of jacqueline s books. Mostly contains reviews of The Unity Trilogy. http://www.literature-study-online.com/search/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/ | |
43. Vampire Book Bibliography lichtenberg, jacqueline. Those of My Blood. New York St. Martin s Press, 1988. Linssen, John. Tabitha Fffoulkes. New York Arbor House, 1978. 311 pp. http://www.afn.org/~vampires/bkslist.html | |
44. Jacqueline Jean Lichtenberg Lorrah Books On BookEndsUsedBooks.com A solidly bound bright copy with a flat uncreased spine. http://www.bookendsusedbooks.com/ap_jacqueline_jean_lichtenberg_lorrah.html | |
45. Vidz Of Oz - LICHTENBERG, JACQUELINE 2 titles for lichtenberg, jacqueline lichtenberg, jacqueline / THOSE OF MY BLOOD lichtenberg, jacqueline / DREAMSPY (REPRINT) http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=411348 |
46. Kopia DMO Z Katalog Ktory Przyniesie Ci Najszybsza Indeksacje Kopia DMO Z Katalog ktory przyniesie ci najszybsza indeksacje. Arts Literature Authors L lichtenberg, jacqueline. http://www.dmoz.psychoarts.pl/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lichtenberg, |
47. List Of Recipients Of The LiFe Award: Literature For Environment St. Martin s Press says of Dreamspy A moving tale of love and adventure set against a grand canopy, Dreamspy further enhances jacqueline lichtenberg s http://www.hotkey.net.au/~bobrich/writer/lifelist.html | |
48. Goodreads | Jacqueline Lichtenberg Get all the rants and raves about jacqueline lichtenberg s books on Goodreads.com where you can see what your friends are reading. http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/710215 | |
49. ARCHON 31/TUCKERCON/9TH NASFIC MEMBERSHIP LIST Hope Levy (A) Shelton, Gary (A) Casteel, jacqueline (A) Kott, . Lindalee (A) Covey, Elizabeth (AG) lichtenberg, jacqueline (A) Standlee, http://www.archonstl.org/31/memberlist.html | |
50. Chicon 2000 Onsite: Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Jean Lorrah And Anne Phyllis Pinzow With 18 SF novels, 13 SF short stories, and Star Trek Lives! plus over 6 years of the SF/F review column in The Monthly Aspectarian jacqueline lichtenberg, http://www.cybling.com/chicon/guests/lichtenbergLorrahPinzow.html | |
51. Alan Guisewite S SCIENCE FICTION / FANTASY / TECHNOTHRILLER / SPY S. N. (Shariann) Angel at Apogee Berkley Mar 87 0425-09367-8 lichtenberg, jacqueline Dushau (Dushau 1) Questar May 85 0-445-20015-4 lichtenberg, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/adg/www/sf_booklist.txt |
52. FiestaCon Westercon 62 - Bid Supporters lichtenberg, jacqueline lichtenberg, Salomon L Linneman, Mark Manning, Jim Manning, Sandi Marble, Beth Marble, Chris Massoglia, Benjamin Massoglia, Marty http://www.leprecon.org/w62/supporting.html | |
53. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: October 2003 Rel lichtenberg, jacqueline. Those of My Blood. $14.95. Trade paperback reprint 1988 hardcover vampire sf thriller. Cover art by Marianne Plumridge. http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/0310.html | |
54. Article: Lust, Love, And The Literary Vampire, By Margaret L. Carter In jacqueline lichtenberg s novel of alien vampires, Those of My Blood, the heroine Inea asks the vampire protagonist, Titus, Is it especially good with http://www.strangehorizons.com/2002/20020722/vampire.shtml | |
55. The WSFA Journal, January 1984 GOH jacqueline lichtenberg, FGOH Marion Zimmer Bradley. Special Guests Katherine Kurtz Jean Lorrah. lichtenberg, jacqueline Rensime $11.95 (H) http://www.wsfa.org/journal/j84/1/index.htm | |
56. LoneStarCon 2, The 1997 Worldcon Membership List: L Vince A00804 lichtenberg, jacqueline A00805 lichtenberg, Salomon A03372 Liddle, Robert A02145 Lidral, Bob A00806 Lieberman, Danny S00807 Lieberman, http://www.alamo-sf.org/lonestarcon2/memb/l.html | |
57. Authors - L 3 1981 First channel (with jacqueline lichtenberg) 5 1982 Channel s destiny (with jacqueline lichtenberg) 7 1986 Ambrov Keon http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorl.html | |
58. Meisha Merlin Publishing - Sime~Gen The Unity Trilogy By In House of Zeor by jacqueline lichtenberg, Hugh Valleroy, a Gen, must rescue the woman he loves from Sime raiders. To do so, he must learn to cooperate http://www.meishamerlin.com/Sime~GenTheUnityTrilogy.html |
59. Houston Public Library - Vampire Reading List By Author Dreamspy / lichtenberg, jacqueline. Enquiry into the existence of vampires / Lovell, Marc. Throat sprockets / Lucas, Tim. Last aerie / Lumley, Brian http://www.houstonlibrary.org/research/genre/vampire_a.html | |
60. University Of Delaware Library: Special Collections - ROLAND E. BOUNDS SCIENCE F BOX 114, Playboy 016, lichtenberg, jacqueline.Molt Brother. BOX 46, Bantam - 282, lichtenberg, jacqueline, Sondra Marshak and Joan Winston. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/bound_sf/8k_l.html | |
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