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1. Li Bai - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Li Bai, Li Bo, or li po (Chinese ; pinyin L Bái) (701762) was a Chinese poet. He was part of the group of Chinese scholars called the Eight http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Bai | |
2. Li Po This page contains poems by li po, the Chinese poet. http://www.poetrystore.com/lipo.html | |
3. Li Po li po (about 701762 CE) was a native of Sezchaun, China. While still in his teens, he retired to mountains in the north of the province to live with a http://www.humanistictexts.org/LiPo.htm | |
4. Li Po li po. 701762 A.D.. Also Romanised Li Pai, Li T aipo, Li Bai, et cetera. About Tu Fu Alchemy and li po from Waley s book on the poet. http://www.cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/Poetry/Li_Po/ | |
5. Li Po li po (701762) was probably the greatest Chinese poets of premorden times. It is generally agreed that he and Tu Fu raised in the shih form to its highest http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~yangzw/libai1.html | |
6. Li Po Poems â Poet Seers li po Poems. Blue mountains lie beyond the north wall; Round the city s eastern side flows the white water Books on li po Poetry. li po Poems include http://www.poetseers.org/the_great_poets/li_po/li | |
7. Poetry Reading - China The Beautiful English translation of Li Bai s poems. Li Bai Poetry li po, Li TaiPo. English Translation. You ask me why I dwell in the green mountain; http://www.chinapage.com/libai/libai2e.html | |
8. Poet: Li Po - All Poems Of Li Po I dearly love li po.He was indeed a Great Poet.His poems like To Wang Lun are superbly written and very emotional.I love you dearly, Oh li po! http://www.poemhunter.com/li-po/ | |
9. Li Po's Hermitage li po is a peaceloving human cleric of the Kwan Yin sect. He admires the classic Chinese poet ( li po or LiBei) whose name he borrowed, and respects the http://www.pathguy.com/lipo.htm | |
10. Li Po Chun United World College: Welcome main photo. bottom banner. English Trad. Chinese Site Map Language Change Site Search http://www.lpcuwc.uwc.org/ | |
11. Poetry Archives @ EMule.com Home » Classic Poets » li po. EMail Printable View. Author Picture. li po. (701-762). Farewell to Secretary Shu-yun at the Hsieh Tiao Villa in Hsuan-Chou http://www.emule.com/poetry/?page=overview;author=16 |
12. THE LI PO SOCIETY OF AMERICA Actually a more general site, devoted to Asian poetry and poetic forms. http://www.levity.com/interbeing/lipo.html | |
13. Li Po Li Wiseguy Po, out of the T ang Dynasty, the maestro himself. Author of 100000 poems, all of them better than anything youll ever write, he died jumping http://poetry.about.com/library/weekly/bllipo.htm | |
14. Topics Page Li Bo 701 762 Du Fu 721 - 770. Li Bo (li po in Wade-Giles romanization) is also known as Li Bai. Li Bo, also called Li Bai, a second very well-known poet http://www.columbia.edu/itc/eacp/asiasite/topics/index.html?topic=LiBo subtopic= |
15. [minstrels] Parting -- Li Po Quite a few poets have essayed their own translations of li po s poem. Here s the inimitable Ezra Pound Parting Blue mountains to the north of the wall, http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/749.html | |
16. Li Bi Poetry - China The Beautiful Poetry of Tang Dynasty Chinese poet Li Bai aka (li po) (Li bo) Poems Li Bai s Poetry China the Beautiful aka Li Bo, li po, Li T ai Po http://www.chinapage.org/libai2n.html | |
17. Li Po - San Francisco, CA, 94108-1302 - Citysearch Come to Citysearch to get information, directions, and reviews on li po and other Bars and Clubs in San Francisco. http://sanfrancisco.citysearch.com/profile/882818/san_francisco_ca/li_po.html | |
18. San Francisco Bars - SF Station The Knockout li po Lounge Lucky 13 Lush Lounge Mad Dog in the Fog Madrone Lounge Martuni s Murio s Trophy Room Otis R Bar Redwood Room http://www.sfstation.com/bars | |
19. Li Po â Infoplease.com Most authorities believe that he was a Taoist; li po s unconcern for worldly preferment and his love for retirement was expressive of both Taoism and the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0829921.html | |
20. Li PO In San Francisco, CA - AOL City Guide Seems like every bar in Chinatown has karaoke except li po. If you want a cocktail with an Asian touch but without a shrieking pop wannabe, http://search.cityguide.aol.com/sanfrancisco/bars/li-po/v-100942419 | |
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