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21. :: Munseys: Murray Leinster not available. Tags No Tags. Morale leinster, murray Description not available. Tags No Tags......leinster, murray http://www.munseys.com/detail/mode/author/Murray_Leinster | |
22. Murray Leinster, Science Fiction Writer murray leinster (William Fitzgerald Jenkins). June 16, 1896 First Contacts The Essential murray leinster, NESFA Press, Framingham, Massachusetts, http://www.hycyber.com/SF/leinster_murray.html | |
23. The Pirates Of Zan (Bound With Murray Leinster--Mutant Weapon.) - LEINSTER, MURR The Pirates of Zan (Bound with murray leinsterMutant Weapon.); leinster, murray (PSEUDONYM OF WILL F. JENKINS) (BOUND WITH murray leinster.). http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/grantt/116928.shtml | |
24. Buy.com - First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster : Murray Leinster : ISBN First Contacts The Essential murray leinster murray leinster ISBN 9780915368679 Book. http://www.buy.com/prod/first-contacts-the-essential-murray-leinster/q/loc/106/3 | |
25. The Online Books Page: Murray Leinster (Leinster, Murray, 1896-[1975]) leinster, murray, 18961975 A Logic Named Joe , ed. by Eric Flint and Guy leinster, murray, 1896-1975 Operation Outer Space (page images at http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Leinster, Murray |
26. 300 Multiple Choices The document name you requested ( /SF/ARB/SFL/leinster,murray.html ) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to http://www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFL/Leinster,Murray.html |
27. Murray Leinster Translate this page El Planeta Loco The Red Planet; 1920, PulpEdiciones, Double, 6. El Planeta Solitario (R) The Best of murray leinster; 1978, Caralt, Antologías de CF, 29 http://dreamers.com/libroscf/leinster.html | |
28. Totaalgeschenk. - LEINSTER, MURRAY, Totaalgeschenk.; leinster, murray,. Offered by Antiquariaat Victory. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/vic/14272.shtml | |
29. Used Paperback Books leinster, murray Operation Terror Berkley F694 ? 3 $4.00. leinster, murray Planet Explorer, The Avon T202 1957 4 $5.00. leinster, murray War with the http://www.ramblehouse.com/paperbacksj-l.htm | |
30. INVADERS OF SPACE. - LEINSTER, MURRAY, INVADERS OF SPACE.; leinster, murray,. Offered by A Book for all Reasons. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/bkf/31987.shtml | |
31. Authors - L leinster, murray Joe Kenmore 1 1953 Space platform 2 1953 Space tug 3 1957 City on the moon Land of the Giants 1 1968 Land of the giants 2 1969 Hot spot http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorl.html | |
32. LEINSTER, Murray War with the Gizmos, by murray leinster (hardcover). $29.95 Operation Outer Space, by murray leinster (trade pb). $11.95. Buy. The Pirates of Zan, http://www.wildsidebooks.com/LEINSTER-Murray_c_498-1.html | |
33. City On The Moon By Murray Leinster, Ed Emshwiller (Used, New, Out Alibris UK has City on the Moon and other books by murray leinster, Ed Emshwiller, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/qwork/1116267/used/City on the Moon | |
34. Leinster, Murray (1896-1975) leinster contributed regularly to Argosy as early as 1916, but his first significant work was The Runaway Skyscraper (1919) in which a side effect of a http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/L/Leinster.html | |
35. Mobipocket - Ebooks Written By Murray Leinster. Read Them On Your PC, Palm, Wind List of all ebooks written by murray leinster . Read them on your PC PDA or Smartphones Windows Mobile Blackberry Palm Symbian ( Nokia Series 60 1st 2nd http://www.mobipocket.com/en/eBooks/AuthorDetails.asp?authorId=14347&authorName= |
36. Leinster, Murray » L » Author A-Z » Fiction EBooks On Franklin.com The Runaway Skyscraper murray leinster The first few paragraphs of Chapter 1 The whole thing started when the clock on the Metropolitan Tower began to run http://find.franklin.com/nav/nau/Leinster, Murray /aau/L/pubauth/auth/gr/fiction | |
37. D I M E N S I O N X - - 1950 - 1951 First Show 1951 Aug 30, 1951 46 Marionettes, Inc. Ross Martin by Ray Bradbury Kermit Martin Sep 06, 1951 47 First Contact by murray leinster Sep 13, http://www.old-time.com/otrlogs2/dx_.log.txt |
38. Murray Leinster On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. http://sk.librarything.com/author/leinstermurray | |
39. University Of Delaware Library: Special Collections - ROLAND E. BOUNDS SCIENCE F The Best of murray leinster. Edited by J. J. Pierce. BOX 2, Ace Doubles 60, leinster, murray.The Other Side of Here, Ace Doubles. New York Ace, 1954. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/bound_sf/8k_l.html | |
40. Murray Leinster - The Wailing Asteroid - MobileRead Forums murray leinster The Wailing Asteroid Mobi/PRC Books. http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?p=138915 |
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