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Leiber Fritz: more books (102) | ||||||||||
41. Fritz Leiber -- In Memoriam fritz leiber, one of the most versatile and unorthodox writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror, died on 5 September 1992, at the age of 81. http://www.waldeneast.fsnet.co.uk/memfritz.htm | |
42. FHS Library Short Story Collection Index: L leiber, fritz, Black Glass, Best Science Fiction of the Year 8, SC BES, 4773. leiber, fritz, Catch That Zeppelin! 1976 Annual World s Best SF, SC WOL http://www.fayar.net/east/library/ourlibrary/storycollection/storyl.htm | |
43. Leiber, Fritz » L » Author A-Z » Fiction EBooks On Franklin.com Ramsey Campbell, one of England s most highly regarded British horror authors, called fritz leiber the greatest living writer of supernatural horror fiction http://find.franklin.com/nav/nau/Leiber, Fritz /aau/L/pubauth/auth/gr/fiction eb | |
44. Schwerter Und Eiszauber. - LEIBER, FRITZ: Schwerter und Eiszauber.; leiber, fritz. Offered by Antiquariat Lavande Noir. http://www.antiqbook.de/boox/lav/13028.shtml | |
45. L. W. Currey, Inc. - NIGHT'S BLACK AGENTS. - Leiber, Fritz. leiber, fritz. NIGHT S BLACK AGENTS. Sauk City, Wisconsin Arkham House, 1947. Octavo, cloth. First edition. Signed by leiber. The author s first book. http://www.lwcurrey.com/details.php?record=81010 |
46. Tevis Mss However, there are three original letters from science and fantasy fiction writer fritz leiber, and one each from authors E.L. Doctorow and Herbert Gold. http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/findingaids/lilly/view?brand=ead&docId=InU-Li-VA |
47. University Of Delaware Library: Special Collections - ROLAND E. BOUNDS SCIENCE F The Best of fritz leiber. New York Del Rey Books, 1979. Serial 28351 BOX 3, Ace Doubles 120, leiber, fritz.The Mind Spider and Other Stories, http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/bound_sf/8k_l.html | |
48. The GREGG PRESS Science Fiction Series leiber, fritz Saga of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser III Swords in the Mist (1977) leiber, fritz Night s Black Agents (1980). 1st hardcover printing of the http://www.kathryncramer.com/gregg_update.html | |
49. Internet Articles A description of fritz leiber s papers at the University of Houston. fritz leiber Papers fritz leiber Biography and List of Works fritz leiber Books http://gothicpress.com/leiberinternet.html | |
50. DV: Fritz Leiber Specializing in new, used, and rare science fiction, fantasy, and horror in all its printed forms since 1981. Frequent autograph parties. Online ordering. http://www.readsf.com/html/bks_leiber.html | |
51. VanderWorld (under Occupation): BIG-ASS FANTASY LIST leiber, fritz, Ill Met In Lankhmar leiber, fritz, Night s Black Agents leiber, fritz, Swords In The Mist leiber, fritz, The Knight And Knave Of Swords http://vanderworld.blogspot.com/2006/05/big-ass-fantasy-list.html | |
52. Leiber, Fritz (Reuter), (Jr.) Criticism leiber, fritz (Reuter), (Jr.) Criticism and Essays. http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/leiber-fritz-reuter-jr | |
53. Camelot Books Midnight House is pleased to announce a new collection of tales by the legendary fritz leiber. Considered by many to be the greatest writer in the field of http://www.camelotbooks.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=621 |
54. SFBook.com Science Fiction - Fritz Leiber The Book of fritz leiber C, 1974, (0). The Second Book of fritz leiber C, 1975, (0) leiber Chronicles Fifty Years of fritz leiber, 1990, (0) D http://sfbook.com/modules.php?authorid=159 |
55. Alexa - Sites In: Leiber, Fritz Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=55865&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
56. Concat SF Collectors Core Checklist - Books (1943); leiber, fritz Ill Met in Lankhmar (1970); leiber, fritz Ship of Shadows (1969); leiber, fritz Wanderer, The (1964); Lem, http://www.concatenation.org/sfguidebooks.html | |
57. Reviews For Gonna Roll The Bones / Story By Fritz Leiber ; Adapted As an art student, Caldecott medalist Wiesner (The Three Pigs) created a visual version of Lieber s novelette about a craps game with Death the bones http://library.springville.org:8000/kcweb/kcContent?isbn=9780689035913&type=revi |
58. Fritz Leiber And H.P. Lovecraft: Writers Of The Dark - Fritz Leiber - H., P. Lov fritz leiber and HP Lovecraft Writers of the Dark fritz leiber - H., P. Lovecraft - Adobe Reader PDF eBook - Get eBooks! http://ebooks.ebookmall.com/ebook/150903-ebook.htm | |
59. Literature-Map: Fritz Leiber What else do readers of fritz leiber read? What else do readers of fritz leiber read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both http://www.literature-map.com/fritz leiber.html | |
60. Buy.com - Leiber, Fritz: Books Search Results Thomson leiber, fritz Wiesner, David Publisher Milk Cookies. Publish Date 8/1/2004 Format Author leiber, fritz Publisher Dark Horse Comics http://www.buy.com/search/q/qutype/2/loc/106/search_store/3/queryType/book_autho | |
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