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61. The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Timothy Leary Talking to timothy leary, you re pretty sure he s rightprobably because his idea alone are enough to induce a mild psychedelic experience. http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=248776 |
62. I Have America Surrounded - The Life Of Timothy Leary Website for the biography I Have America Surrounded The Life of timothy leary by John Higgs, foreword by Winona Ryder. http://www.ihaveamericasurrounded.com/ |
63. Online NewsHour: Timothy Leary In Memoriam -- May 31, 1996 timothy leary died peacefully today at the age of 75. Best known as a 1960 s guru of LSD and expanded consciousness, leary made the line tune in, http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/remember/leary_5-31.html | |
64. Dr. Timothy Leary Honorary Site Tim leary, who died on may 31 , 1996 in Beverley Hills, has been an inspiring personal suggestion let s call the Tim leary memorial Day Smile Day http://www.net.info.nl/leary/index.htm | |
65. Timothy Leary At The John & Yoko Montreal Bed-in Not much has been documented by way of an actual interview with Dr. timothy leary during his attendance with John Lennon and Yoko Ono during the May June http://beatles.ncf.ca/leary.html | |
66. Joe Bageant: The Ghosts Of Timothy Leary And Hunter S. Thompson Tim leary called it The Outlaw Game, and he and Thompson were two examples of the outlaw s part in the superstate s instructive televised morality play. http://www.counterpunch.org/bageant05162007.html | |
67. An Interpretation Of Timothy Leary. « This Is The New Me, Dig? I knew that I was in trouble when I sat down on a Friday night with Robert Greenfields timothy leary A Biography and looked up Sunday night to realize I http://lennyflatley.wordpress.com/2006/09/29/an-interpretation-of-timothy-leary/ | |
68. Modern History Sourcebook: Timothy Leary: The Declaration Of Evolution Modern History Sourcebook timothy leary The Declaration of Evolution . our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor. Author Dr. timothy leary, Ph.D. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/leary-decevo.html | |
69. Timothy Leary According to his biography, Flashbacks, timothy leary claims that Mary Pinchot Meyer phoned him the day after John F. Kennedy was assassinated They http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKlearyT.htm | |
70. Drugnerd | Consciousness Inhibitor » Timothy Leary Much of this documentary was filmed at a foundation for psychedelic research in Millbrook, New York, run by psychologist timothy leary. http://www.drugnerd.com/archives/category/timothy-leary/ | |
71. Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror - MobyGames timothy leary s Mind Mirror for Atari 8bit, Commodore 64, PC Booter by Electronic Arts, Inc., Futique, Inc.. Mind Mirror allows the performer to digitize http://www.mobygames.com/game/timothy-learys-mind-mirror | |
72. The Stage / Reviews / The Six Wives Of Timothy Leary Philip de Gouveias play about the six wives of the controversial American psychologist timothy leary, who died in 1996, is a remarkable first achievement. http://www.thestage.co.uk/reviews/review.php/18938/the-six-wives-of-timothy-lear | |
73. Dr. Timothy Leary, River City Reunion, Lawrence, KS | September 12, 1987 | With Dr. timothy leary, Ph.D. (19201996), Harvard University professor, then Acid King of the 1960s, and George Laughead Jr., Liberty Hall, Lawrence, Kansas. http://www.vlib.us/beats/timothyleary.html | |
74. Big Sur Tapes: Leary, Tim timothy leary (1920 1996) was a psychologist and famous proponent of the psychedelic revolution. He wrote several books including Flashbacks and The http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv99.htm | |
75. Actor Headshot Photographer And Business Portraits Timothy OLeary Photography Or Headshot Photographer, timothy O leary, is an actor headshot photographer,located in Newport Beach,who uses high end digital processes to provide prints and http://www.timothyolearyphotography.com/ | |
76. Tim Leary Statistics - Baseball-Reference.com Tim leary batting, fielding and pitching major league baseball lifetime statistics for each season and his career, and a list of any postseason awards he http://www.baseball-reference.com/l/learyti01.shtml | |
77. Tim Leary Baseball Stats By Baseball Almanac Tim leary baseball stats with batting stats, pitching stats and fielding stats, along with uniform numbers, salaries, quotes, career stats and biographical |
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