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1. Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Quote from CD Timothy Leary Live at Starwood) He also collaborated with Eric Gullichsen on Load and Run Hightech Paganism Digital Polytheism 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary | |
2. Psychedelic 60s: Timothy Leary TIMOTHY LEARY WAS another early advocate of LSD experimentation. Leary taught psychology at Harvard and by 1960 was doing experiments with LSD and other http://www.lib.virginia.edu/small/exhibits/sixties/leary.html | |
3. Timothy Leary Timothy Leary interviewed by Lucy Broadbent, Telegraph magazine, 1995. Foreward to Alan Watts The Joyous Cosmology by Timothy Leary and Richard http://www.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/People/leary.html |
4. Timothy Leary - Wikiquote Said repeatedly, with various inflections, these were among his last words before his death (31 May 1996), as quoted in Timothy Leary s Last Moments by http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary | |
5. Crossing The Deadline - MISSION ETERNITY / PILOTS / Test Pilot Leary Timothy Leary died on May 31,1996 at the age of 75. A Pegasus rocket containing 7 grams of his ashes was launched on February 9, 1997, and remained in orbit http://missioneternity.org/pilots/test-pilot-leary/ | |
6. Timothy Leary leary timothy. Click on a name for a new proximity search . leary timothy. pages searched 48. These names share the indicated number of pages with the http://www.namebase.org/main4/Timothy-Leary.html | |
7. Timothy Leary -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Timothy Leary American psychologist and author who was a leading advocate for the use of LSD and other http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9002757/Timothy-Leary | |
8. SALON: Timothy Leary Timothy Leary s dead really. Three decades later, Moody Blues vindicated. By IAN SHOALES. Timothy Leary has passed on, as they say. He was 75. http://www.salon.com/weekly/leary960531.html | |
9. Timothy Leary - Wikipedia Translate this page Timothy Leary (Springfield, 22 ottobre 1920 Beverly Hills, 31 maggio 1996) è stato uno scrittore e psicologo statunitense, noto per le sue posizioni e il http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary | |
10. Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia Timothy Leary (ur. 22 pa dziernika 1920 w Springfield, st. Massachusetts zm. 31 maja 1996 w Los Angeles, st. Kalifornia) - ameryka ski pisarz, psycholog, http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary | |
11. Timothy Leary - Vikipedi Written by Dr. Timothy Leary for the special publication Lysergic Times, edited by Michael Horowitz to commemorate 50 years of LSD, and launched on April 16 http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary | |
12. Timothy Leary Timothy Leary. Author of books Interpersonal Analysis of Personality A Functional Theory and Methodology for Personality Evaluation (1957) http://www.nndb.com/people/939/000031846/ | |
13. Timothy O'Leary Home Page Timothy O Leary, Lecturer, School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, City East Campus BJ323, +61 8 830 22921. http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/staff/homepage.asp?Name=Timothy.Oleary |
14. Dr. Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Dr. timothy leary, PhD (19201996) Psychologist, philosopher, explorer, teacher, optimist, author and revolutionary avatar of the mind. http://deoxy.org/leary.htm | |
15. Timothy Leary www.leary.com/ 2k - Cached - Similar pages timothyleary.us - Dr. timothy leary Ph.D. (1920-1996) LSDtimothy leary LSD-Guru Dr. timothy leary was a LSD-Guru for the hippie-generation leary takes psychedelic drugs ecstasy drug test albert hofmann lyserg acid http://www.leary.com/ |
16. Was Timothy Leary Right? - TIME Are psychedelics good for you? It s such a hippie relic of a question that it s almost embarrassing to ask. But a quiet psychedelic renaissance is beginning http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1612717,00.html | |
17. Timothy Leary Quotes timothy leary quotes,timothy, leary, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/timothy_leary/ | |
18. The Biography Project: Timothy Leary Biography and links for timothy leary. This is a portion of The Biography Project. Links, biographical information, bibliographies, photographs, et cetera. http://www.popsubculture.com/pop/bio_project/timothy_leary.html | |
19. Erowid Timothy Leary Vault Information about timothy leary, including publications, photos, and links. http://www.erowid.org/culture/characters/leary_timothy/ | |
20. Timothy Leary Bio William S. Burroughs referred to timothy leary as a true visionary of the potential of the human mind and spirit. Allen Ginsberg has proclaimed him a http://www.roninpub.com/TimLea.html | |
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