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1. Mary Leapor Includes posthumously published volume Poems Upon Several Occasions, as well as the poems Man the Monarch and CrumbleHall. http://www.muohio.edu/womenpoets/leapor | |
2. Mary Leapor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia a b c d e Richard Greene, Mary Leapor A Study in EighteenthCentury Women s Poetry (New York Oxford University Press, 1993). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Leapor | |
3. Literary Encyclopedia Mary Leapor Mary Leapor was born on the 26th February 1722 in Marston St. Lawrence, Northamptonshire, the daughter of Philip Leapor (16931771), a gardener, http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2658 |
4. Mary Leapor (British Poet) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Notable female poets later in the century include Mary Leapor, a Northhamptonshire kitchen servant who was also a witty verse satirist, celebrated by http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-1296360/Mary-Leapor | |
5. Mary Leapor Quotes Mary Leapor quotes and quotations, quotes by Mary Leapor. http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/quotes/favourite/mary_leapor | |
6. Advanced Search View Basket Your Account Order Status Help Home UK Your search for leapor+mary yielded 1 results using author Works of Mary Leapor, The Leapor, Mary Hardback - Published 4 December 2003 http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?searchtype=author&searchtext= |
7. Powell's Books - The Works Of Mary Leapor By Leapor Mary Leapor (172246) was the kitchen-maid daughter of a Northamptonshire gardener. Her poems are at times amusing, angry, and poignant. http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780198182924 |
8. Mary Leapor Criticism A kitchen maid and the daughter of a gardener, leapor produced a substantial body of poetry that was published only after her death. http://www.enotes.com/literary-criticism/leapor-mary | |
9. Poet: Mary Leapor - All Poems Of Mary Leapor Poet mary leapor All poems of mary leapor .. poetry. http://www.poemhunter.com/mary-leapor/ | |
10. FirstScience - Leapor, Mary (1722-1746) mary leapor (17221746), a Northamptonshire kitchen maid, produced a substantial body of exceptional poetry which was only published after her early death http://www.firstscience.com/home/poems-and-quotes/authors/leapor-mary-1722-1746_ | |
11. Mary Leapor : Oxford Biography Index Entry leapor, mary (17221746), poet. Oxford Biography Index Number 101016246 what Stuart Gillespie, leapor, mary (17221746), first published Sept 2004, http://www.oxforddnb.com/index/101016246/ | |
12. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Mary Leapor (1722-1746) Brought up in Brackley, Northamptonshire, the daughter of a gardener, and educated only within her family, mary leapor worked as her father s housekeeper http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poet/199.html | |
13. Leapor, Mary Summary a gardener, and educated only within her family, mary leapor worked as her father s housekeeper after her mother s . http://6go.biz/dwodp/index/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Leapor,_Mary/ | |
14. Demystifying The Repugnant Female Body: Mary Leapor And Feminist History - With Demystifying the repugnant female body mary leapor and feminist history with from Criticism in Arts provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2220/is_n4_v38/ai_18981384 | |
15. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/9780470996638.ch17 | |
16. JSTOR Reading Mira S Will The Death Of Mary Leapor And The we must understand the ties that have bound Mira to mary leapor, The story of mary leapora woman who was a poet in eighteenth-century England, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0047-7729(200223)32:2<69:RWTDO>2.0.CO;2-Y |
17. Poems By The Most Eminent Ladies Of Great Britain And Ireland, Volume 2 mary leapor (17221746) was the daughter of a gardener in Northamptonshire. mary leapor referred to herself as Mira in her writing. http://www.nku.edu/~issues/eminent_ladies/vol2/master_file_vol_2.html | |
18. Alexa - Sites In: Leapor, Mary Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=516722&mode=general&Start=1&Sor |
19. Leapor Bibliography (Mandell) See mary leapor A Study in EighteenthCentury Women s Poetry (Oxford Clarendon . Kathryn R. King, Jane Barker, mary leapor and a Chain of Very Odd http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/C18/biblio/leapor.html | |
20. The Mind Is A Metaphor | Browse The Database The soul is imprisoned in a body of expiring clay , 1748, leapor, mary (17221746) A wanton mind is overgrown and needs pruning, 1751, leapor, mary http://mind.textdriven.com/db/browse.php?mode=1&filter=author.Name&fvalue=Leapor |
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