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Lavant Christine: more books (32) | ||
41. Buy.com - Memoirs From A Madhouse : CHRISTINE/ Schneider LAVANT : ISBN 978157241 Memoirs From A Madhouse christine/ Schneider lavant ISBN 9781572411227 Book. http://www.buy.com/prod/memoirs-from-a-madhouse/q/loc/106/36492634.html | |
42. Stadt Wolfsberg Famous artists including christine lavant, Switbert Lobisser and Gerhart christine lavant was born in Grossedling in 1915, the daughter of a miner. http://www.wolfsberg.at/wolfsberg/english/culture/cultural_heritage.php?navid=11 |
43. OYP Directory - World > Deutsch > Kultur > Literatur > Autoren Und Autorinnen > Deutsch Kultur Literatur Autoren und Autorinnen L lavant, christine christine lavant Einige Gedichte von christine lavant (1915-1973). http://www.oyp.in/index.php?paplu=/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Literatur/Autoren_und_Au |
44. Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt - Archiv Translate this page B christine lavant S Werke von H.C. Artmann, Jeannie Ebner, Wolfgang Fischer, Bestand christine Wigotschnig christine lavant 1 Archivbox http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/musil/inhalt/253.htm | |
45. Collections: La / SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections Music Archives (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada); lavant, christine (19151973), writer Universität Klagenfurt; Kärntner Literaturarchiv (Klagenfurt, Austria) http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/collections/la.html | |
46. Odegaard - New Book Acquisitions English;Memoirs from a madhouse / christine lavant preface and afterword by Ursula Schneider and Annette Steinsiek translated by Renate Latimer. http://www.lib.washington.edu/ougl/collections/newbooks5-06.html | |
47. Ein Kurzer Blick In Die Dauerausstellung Des Literaturmuseums Zum Thema Translate this page Im Jahr 1966 übersiedelte christine lavant mit ihrem Hausrat in eine Wohnung, 1968 zog christine lavant wieder zurück nach St. Stefan, http://www.musilmuseum.at/lavant-text.htm | |
48. Christine Lavant Biography (1915â73) (originally Christine Habernignée T christine lavant Biography (191573) (originally christine Habernignée Thonhauser). Writer, born in Wolfsberg in Kärnten, S Austria. http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/Cambridge/entries/074/Christine-Lavant.html | |
49. New Books At BGSU For March 2006 By Call Number Part 2 lavant, christine, 19151973. AUFZEICHNUNGEN AUS EINEM IRRENHAUS. ENGLISH. MEMOIRS FROM A MADHOUSE / christine lavant ; PREFACE AND AFTERWORD BY URSULA http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cats/newbooks/nbcn2306.htm | |
50. L - Biography - Classifiedslister.com Laurence, Margaret 10 Laurens, JeanPaul 2 Laurie, Hugh 10 Laurie, Piper 7 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 8 Laus, Paul 2 Lautréamont, Comte de 1 lavant, christine 2 http://www.classifiedslister.com/reference/biography/l/ | |
51. Marburger Forum 2 (2001), Heft 5 - Mein Buch Des Monats Oktober 2001 Translate this page Zum zweiten Mal möchte ich in dieser Rubrik kein gedrucktes, sondern ein Hörbuch vorstellen, nun mit Gedichten von christine lavant, gelesen von der http://www.philosophia-online.de/mafo/heft2001-05/bdm0110.htm | |
52. Poems By Christine Lavant In English Translation DayPoems A SevenCentury Poetry Slam * Poems by christine lavant in English translation lines of verse * www.daypoems.net * Timothy Bovee, editor http://www.daypoems.net/nodes/220.html | |
53. Directory : Reference : Biography : L Laurier, Sir Wilfrid@ (8); Laus, Paul@ (2); Lautréamont, Comte de@ (1); lavant, christine@ (2); Lavin, Steve@; Lavoisier, Antoine@ (2); Law, Jude@ (14) http://directory.sidolux.eu/index.php?c=Reference/Biography/L |
54. Dimension2-Authors And Translators lavant, christine LEHMANN, Wilhelm LEUPOLD, Dagmar LORENC, Kito LUDWIG, Paula (return to top) MALKOWSKI, Rainer http://www.members.aol.com/germanlit/authorsandtrans.html |
55. Karlsruhe: Katalog Der Stadtbibliothek Translate this page Verfasser, lavant, christine. Titel, ¬Das¬ Kind Erzählung / christine lavant. - Frankfurt am Main Suhrkamp, 1989. - 77 S. http://opac.karlsruhe.de/opac/g_ftitle.S?43128=YES&LANG=de&FUNC=full |
56. SEARCH TEMPORARILY DISABLED Only In L/Lavant,_Christine Top Arts SEARCH TEMPORARILY DISABLED, only in L/lavant,_christine. Top Arts Literature Authors L lavant, christine (2). Poetry (2) http://somalinet.com/dir1/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lavant,_Christine/ | |
57. Schoolsalumni.com -- - Reference - Biography - L Laurens, JeanPaul@; Laurie, Hugh@; Laurie, Piper@; Laurier, Sir Wilfred@; Laus, Paul@; Lautréamont, Comte de@; lavant, christine@; Lavin, Steve@ http://www.schoolsalumni.com/directory/Reference/Biography/L | |
58. Bukmacherka : Reference : Biography : L Laurie, Hugh Laurie, Piper Laurier, Sir Wilfrid Laus, Paul Lautréamont, Comte de lavant, christine Lavin, Steve Lavoisier, Antoine Law, http://www.katalog.thewinner.pl/index.php?c=Reference/Biography/L |
59. Christine Lavant Biography And Quotes Sites Browse author quotations and bio literature sites. http://www.matchc.com/l_authors/Christine_Lavant.html | |
60. Poezibao: Christine Lavant Translate this page La poète autrichienne christine lavant (de son vrai nom christine Thonhauser) est née le 4 juillet 1915 dans la vallée du lavant en Carinthie. http://poezibao.typepad.com/poezibao/2006/11/christine_lavan.html | |
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