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21. Universal Edition Music Publisher - Christine Lavant - List Of Works christine lavant (1915 1973). List of Works. Text Author lavant-Gesänge, 5 Gedichte von christine lavant, für Alt und Klavier http://www.uemusic.at/truman/en_templates/paste.php3?pers_id=2818&template=en_we |
22. TakeDirectory.com - Arts > Literature > Authors > L > Lavant, Christine Navigation Top Arts Literature Authors L lavant, christine. Categories Web Sites. Top. Arts. Literature. Authors. L. lavant, christine http://takedirectory.com/index.cgi?id=33819 |
23. EKatalog.pl - Arts > Literature > Authors > L > Lavant, Christine Katalog stron. the entire directory only in this category. Katalog Stron Arts Literature Authors L lavant, christine http://www.ekatalog.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lavant,_Christine/ | |
24. MySpace.com - Christine Lavant Quartett - Wien, AT - Classical - Www.myspace.com MySpace music profile for christine lavant Quartett with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=183305 |
25. Christine Lavant - Memoirs From A Madhouse christine lavant (19151973), one of Austria s most famous yet obscure 20th-century poets, grew up in a small village, in a provincial Catholic milieu, http://www.ariadnebooks.com/productinfo.aspx?productid=1572411228 |
26. Cigarettes Shop Giude Cigarettes Shop Guide : World : Deutsch : Kultur : Literat Online Cigarettes Shop Guide Cigarettes Shop Guide World Deutsch Kultur Literatur Autoren und Autorinnen L lavant, christine. http://dir.cigarettes-shop.net/directory/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Literatur/Autoren_ | |
27. Main Page - HouseSudoku Wiki te necesito la ley (http//jere7my.50webs.com/web/tenecesito4/) lavant, christine (http//nightatlast.50webs.com/text/lavant-christine.htm) anchorman. http://wiki.housesudoku.com/ | |
28. Memoirs From A Madhouse | Reference & Research Book News | Find Articles At BNET Austrian poet christine lavant (19151973) was the recipient of many awards, including the Austrian State Prize for literature in 1970, yet most of her http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QLQ/is_3_20/ai_n15394895 | |
29. Central Library: Dr. Ernst Waldinger Collection AUTHOR lavant, christine, 19151973 PUBLISHER Salzburg O. Mèuller c1959. DATE 1959 LIBRARY CENTRAL CALL NUMBER PT2615 .A215 U5 1949 http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/waldinger.html | |
30. Austria â Ãsterreich. You´ve Arrived. Austrian National Tourist Offic christine lavant, one of Austria s most famous yet obscure 20thcentury poets, grew up in a small village, in a provincial Catholic milieu, http://www.austria.info/xxl/_site/us/_area/417410/_subArea/417431/_aid/416178/in | |
31. IngentaConnect Christine Lavant - Ein Portrat christine lavant (19151973) a pseudonym for christine Thonhauser was born as the ninth child of a poor miner in a small and remote Karinthian village. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/dk/2004/00000053/00000001/art00009 | |
32. Lavant, Christine Eigentlich C. Habernig, Geborene Thonhauser Translate this page lavant, christine (eigentlich C. Habernig, geborene Thonhauser), * 4. 7. 1915 Großedling (Gemeinde Wolfsberg, Kärnten), 7. 6. 1973 Wolfsberg (Kärnten) http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/aeiou.encyclop.l/l301666.htm | |
33. Recherche : Christine Lavant - LaProcure.com, Librairie Online Translate this page Recherche christine lavant - La Procure, reseau national de librairie, un catalogue de plusieurs milliers de livres. De la petite enfance aux grands http://www.laprocure.com/auteurs/christine-lavant-0-9401117474.aspx | |
34. Christine Lavant Translate this page Zusammenstellung und Text Ursula A. Schneider und Annette Steinsiek. Gestaltung http://www.uibk.ac.at/brenner-archiv/lavant/index.html | |
35. Christine Lavant Translate this page Einige Gedichte von christine lavant (1915-1973). http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/6745/Lavant.html |
36. Silke Andrea Schuemmer über Christine Lavant (1915-1973) Translate this page Aichinger, Ingrid Alles geht im Schwermutkreise. christine lavant zum fünfzigsten Geburtstag. Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur (ÖGL) 9, S. 429-447. http://www.schuemmer.com/lavant.htm | |
37. Das Kind / Lavant, Christine Test Und Preisvergleich Translate this page Das Kind / lavant, christine im Ciao Preisvergleich. Lesen Sie Testberichte und vergleichen Sie Preise zum Thema weitere Autoren. Machen Sie ein Schnäppchen http://www.ciao.de/Das_Kind_Lavant_Christine__171167 | |
38. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, L, Lavant, Christine, Poetry From Thumbsho Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lavant,_Ch |
39. Excite España - Arts - Literature - Authors - L - Lavant, Christine Translate this page Directorio Arts Literature Authors L lavant, christine. Poetry ( 2). La categoría lavant, christine en otros idiomas http://www.excite.es/directory/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lavant,_Christine | |
40. Approfondissement Address, , christinelavant-Gesellschaft. , Postfach 1. City, , St. Stefan im lavanttal 47. Postal Code, , A-9431. Telephone, , 43 52 2552/2574 http://www.unesco.org/poetry/appronfondissement.php?nom=799&langue=english |
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