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1. Else Lasker-Schuler -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Else LaskerSchuler German poet, short-story writer, playwright, and novelist of the early 20th century. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9047253/Else-Lasker-Schuler | |
2. Else Lasker-Schüler - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia There is a memorial plaque to Else LaskerSchüler at Motzstraße 7, Berlin-Schöneberg, where she lived from 1924 to 1933. Part of this street was renamed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Else_Lasker-Schuler | |
3. MOI ETMOI, Une Oeuvre De LASKER-SCHULER ELSE, Proposée Par Chapitre Translate this page MOI ETMOI une oeuvre de lasker-schuler else paru le 01/12/1990 aux éditions BOURGOIS CHRISTIAN, en edition ancienne ou neuve, rare ou épuisée, http://www.livres-chapitre.com/-C0I33S/-LASKER-SCHULER-ELSE/-MOI-ETMOI.html | |
4. Lasker-Schuler, Else - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Lasker-Schuler, Els Hutchinson encyclopedia article about laskerschuler, else. lasker-schuler, else. Information about lasker-schuler, else in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Lasker-Schuler, Else | |
5. Project MUSE Suddenly the lights went out, and else LaskerSchüler stepped out onto the stage. She wore a robe made of blue silk. Loose-fitting trousers, silver shoes, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/biography/v024/24.1lindenmeyer.html | |
6. Lasker-Schuler, Else (1869-1945: The Date Of Birth Was Not 1874, As She Had Clai LaskerSchüler, else (1869-1945 the date of birth was not 1874, as she had claimed). Editors Raymond Furness; Malcolm Humble. No. of pages 319 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/432725902-13669066/content~content=a733038831~t | |
7. Die Kuppel Gedichte. Der Gedichte Zweiter Teil - LASKER-SCHULER, ELSE Die Kuppel Gedichte. Der Gedichte Zweiter Teil; laskerschuler, else. Offered by Pellbooks, Inc. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/pel/2846.shtml | |
8. Else Lasker-Schüler Criticism Guder asserted else LaskerSchüler wrote her poems in the first person singular, but she is not subjective in the worst sense of the word. http://www.enotes.com/twentieth-century-criticism/lasker-schuler-else | |
9. BiggerBooks.com â Discount Bookstore. Bestsellers, New Books, Used Books An else laskerschuler was a leading Expressionist poet and one of the most prominent women writers of the early 20th century. She has been described by Karl http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9781892295866 | |
10. Steven Wolfe Books 151 Spiers Rd. Newton Centre, MA 02459 USA E laskerschuler, else, 1869-1945. Mein Herz. Ein Liebesroman mit Bildern und wirklich Lasker-Schüler, else. Verse und Prosa aus dem Nachlass. Hrsg.v. http://www.std.com/~shw/Judaica-German.html | |
11. Three Plays, Else Lasker-Schuler Famous for her poetry and infamous for her bohemian lifestyle, as well as her association with political radicals, else LaskerSchÜler (1869-1945) is only http://nupress.northwestern.edu/title.cfm?ISBN=0-8101-2198-0 |
12. I AM PRINCE JUSSUF ELSE LASKER-SCHULER S AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL I AM PRINCE JUSSUF else LASKERSCHULERS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PERFORMANCE. from Biography in Arts provided by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb032/is_200101/ai_n8303930 |
13. The Play Element In The Poetry Of Else Lasker-Schuler EJ028429 The Play Element in the Poetry of else lasker-schuler. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ028429 |
14. Compare Else Lasker-Schuler And Janine Canan - Star In My Forehead: Selected Poe Save money! Books comparison shopping information at mySimon. Compare prices, key features and find the best prices from across the Web. http://www.mysimon.com/9015-11122_8-2001722001.html | |
15. JSTOR Else Lasker-Schuler Zur Kritik Eines Etablierten Bildes It is Dieter Bansch s purpose to demolish a legend about else laskerschuler which he equates with her etabliertes Bild . The view that her work has an http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0026-7937(197310)68:4<952:ELZKEE>2.0.CO;2-4 |
16. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1600-0730.1978.tb00746.x | |
17. University Of Delaware: ARCHIVE OF THE RAVEN ARTS PRESS Unpublished or Unattributed Manuscripts, 1992 and n.d. F130 laskerschuler, else Typescript of translation of German poet else lasker-schuler by James http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/raven.htm | |
18. Sheet Music Plus - Nelly Search Results Requiem fur einen Unbekannten 3 Gesange Gott hor (else laskerschuler) - Psalm (Paul Celan) Text lasker-schuler, else; Celan, Paul; Sachs, Nelly. http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=68820&phrase=Nelly |
19. Lasker-Schüler, Else : Mi Piano Azul Y Otros Poemas De Lasker-Schüler, Else - Translate this page Autor Lasker-Schüler, else Editor Igitur Lengua Castellano Búsqueda de artículos similares. Otros libros de ; Lasker-Schüler, else http://www.priceminister.es/offer/buy/20479411/Lasker-Schuler-Else-Mi-Piano-Azul | |
20. Jewish Heritage Online Magazine The poet, writer, and artist else LaskerSchüler was an influential member of the Berlin artistic community that emerged in the first years of the 20th http://www.jhom.com/personalities/else_schuler/index.htm | |
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