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Lansdale Joe R: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
41. Powell's Books - The Bottoms By Joe R Lansdale Way back before the bottoms were drained during the Great Depression that transformed deep East Texas, a boy could hear the crickets and the frogs in the http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0446677922 |
42. Literature-Map: Joe R. Lansdale What else do readers of joe R. lansdale read? joe R. lansdale. What else do readers of joe R. lansdale read? The closer two writers are, the more likely http://www.literature-map.com/joe r-2e lansdale.html | |
43. Urntarotsusm.00040 A Guide To The Joe R. Lansdale Papers, 1985 There are also lansdale s introductions to the work of others as well as screenplay renditions of lansdale works by other writers. Biographical Note joe R. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tsusm/00040.xml | |
44. MySpace.com - Joe R. Lansdale - 56 - Male - NACOGDOCHES, US - Www.myspace.com/24 MySpace profile for joe R. lansdale with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=240828 |
45. BUBBA HO-TEP. - LANSDALE, JOE R. & DON COSCARELLI, BUBBA HOTEP.; lansdale, joe R. DON COSCARELLI,. Offered by Mythos Books. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/myt/86754.shtml | |
46. Avoyelles Parish Public Library : Search Results Location Moreauville / LP FIC lansdale joe, Available. 4. A fine dark line. / by lansdale, joe R., 1951 ; joe R. lansdale.. ( 2002) Book http://catalog.avoyelles.lib.la.us/(mainlib)AuthorSearch?p=Lansdale, Joe R., 195 |
47. Joe R. Lansdale - Authors - Random House joe R. lansdale has written more than a dozen novels in the suspense, horror, and Western genres. He has also edited several anthologies. http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=35891 |
48. === Coldtonnage Search Result === 75, lansdale, joe R. The DriveIn 2 Not Just One Of Those Sequels. Kinnell London. 1990. First hardcover edition ( 1st printing). http://www.coldtonnage.com/cgi-bin/search/ctfullsearch.pl?publisher=Kinnell: Lon |
49. The Two-Bear Mambo - LANSDALE,JOE R The TwoBear Mambo; lansdale,joe R. Offered by stevethefish. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/fis/STFISH004429I.shtml | |
50. Joe R Lansdale’s East Texas Adventures « The Book’s Den Well thats just happened to me again with joe R. lansdale. I found a book called Mucho Mojo being recommended in a book shop, and it was reduced in price, http://booksden.wordpress.com/2007/06/17/joe-r-lansdales-east-texas-adventures/ | |
51. FREEZER BURN Ebook Lansdale, Joe R. Diesel EBooks Freezer Burn Browse Psychological Suspense. Download ebook in MS Reader, Adobe and eReader lansdale, joe R. http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/item/parent-089296703X/Freezer-Burn-eBook.h | |
52. Joe R. Lansdale - Sonandfoe.com joe R. lansdale resides in Nacogdoches, Texas with his wife, Karen. Twotime inductee into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Mr. lansdale has http://sonandfoe.com/contributors/joe-r-lansdale/ | |
53. Bookreporter.com - A FINE DARK LINE By Joe R. Lansdale The arrival of A FINE DARK LINE prompts a legitimate question regarding its author, joe R. lansdale is there anything this guy can t do well? http://www.bookreporter.com/reviews/0892967293.asp | |
54. SlushPile.net » Interview: Joe R. Lansdale, Author joe R. lansdale is one of our most prolific writers. Author of twenty books, and more published short stories than my mathematically challenged brain can http://www.slushpile.net/index.php/2005/11/02/interview-joe-r-lansdale-author/ | |
55. Joe R. Lansdale Information, Photos, And Trivia At MovieTome All of the best joe R. lansdale information, photos, and trivia at MovieTome. Join fellow joe R. lansdale fans discussing their favorite actors. http://www.movietome.com/people/102119/joe-r-lansdale/index.html | |
56. The Mumpsimus: Dead in the West is joe R. lansdale s genreblending Zombie Western, the literary equivalent of George Romero making a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western. http://mumpsimus.blogspot.com/2005/08/dead-in-west-by-joe-r-lansdale.html | |
57. Joe R. Lansdale's CAPTAINS OUTRAGEOUS: Review Judi Rohrig reviews the joe R. lansdale book, Captains Outrageous with Hap and Leonard. http://www.feoamante.com/Stories/Reviews/ABC/captains_out.html | |
58. Lansdale, Joe R. The Bottoms - Book Review | Kliatt | Find Articles At BNET.com lansdale, joe R. The bottoms Book Review from Kliatt in Array provided free by LookSmart Find Articles. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_1_36/ai_107217362 | |
59. Simply Audiobooks - Audio Books By Joe R. Lansdale 22000 Audio Books on Tape, CD, and MP3 Download. Rent Unlimited Books on CD, one low monthly fee. The titles you want no library late fees. http://www.simplyaudiobooks.ca/audio-books-author/Joe R. Lansdale/1721/ | |
60. SF Signal: REVIEW: Zepplins West By Joe R. Lansdale REVIEW Zepplins West by joe R. lansdale. REVIEW SUMMARY Adventure western that meets pulp science fiction with a bit of humor mixed in. MY RATING http://www.sfsignal.com/archives/003928.html | |
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