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Lansdale Joe R: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
21. The Reading Diary Of John Dupuis: Lansdale, Joe R. lansdale, joe R. Captains Outrageous. New York Mysterious Press, 2003. 336 pp. Can you say Gonzo? lansdale has long been one of my favourite authors. http://jdupuis2.blogspot.com/2005/05/lansdale-joe-r-captains-outrageous-new.html | |
22. Joe R. Lansdale joe R lansdale has joined the first division of the blood and guts brigade, and his new Hap Collins and Leonard Pine gonzobuster is another excursion into http://www.twbooks.co.uk/authors/jrlansdale.html |
23. Joe R. Lansdale | Interviews | SCI FI Weekly Grand Master joe R. lansdale shares secrets about Bubba HoTep, patrols Gotham City with Batman and channels Edgar Rice Burroughs http://www.scifi.com/sfw/interviews/sfw14933.html | |
24. Lansdale, Joe R. The Bottoms - Book Review Kliatt Find lansdale, joe R. The bottoms Book Review from Kliatt in Reference provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_1_36/ai_107217362 |
25. Lansdale And Truman's Dead Folks -- Avatar Press I remember the first time I read joe R lansdale I realized I was not alone. The cult favorite team of joe R. lansdale and Timothy Truman are back http://www.avatarpress.com/deadfolks/ | |
26. Joe R. Lansdale : Sunset And Sawdust : Book Review Read a review of Sunset and Sawdust by joe R. lansdale at Mostly Fiction. http://www.mostlyfiction.com/west/lansdale.htm | |
27. Strange Horizons Reviews: Mad Dog Summer By Joe R. Lansdale, Reviewed By Duncan The problem with this collection is that joe R. lansdale is a great writer. He has such mastery of tone and style that I was convinced by almost every word http://www.strangehorizons.com/reviews/2006/11/mad_dog_summer_.shtml | |
28. Fiona's Reviews Of Horror Books lansdale, joe R. The DriveIn A Double-Feature Omnibus lansdale, joe R. The Nightrunners lansdale, joe R. Savage Season http://www.oceanstar.com/horror/amrevs.htm |
29. Lansdale, Joe R.; THE MAGIC WAGON joe R. lansdale. 8/1/94. Previous owner s initials written on the first page of chapter 1 and the page preceding. Fine in fine and bright dust jacket. http://www.ilab.org/db/book1771_22532.html | |
30. DarkEcho/HorrorOnline: Joe R. Lansdale 2000 joe R. lansdale hails from Nacogdoches, Texas. That s EAST Texas for those of you who don t realize there are several Texases. It s a place of piney woods http://www.darkecho.com/darkecho/horroronline/lansdale.html | |
31. EReader.com: Author: Joe R. Lansdale Shop our large selection of eBooks. New eBook releases and bestsellers in over 40 categories including science fiction, romance, mystery, http://www.ereader.com/author/detail/1629 | |
32. Joe R. Lansdale Sunset And Sawdust Reviewed By Rick Kleffel It s easier to realize this when you get a work like Sunset and Sawdust , the latest novel from joe R. lansdale. lansdale s latest is a riproaring western http://trashotron.com/agony/reviews/2004/lansdale-sunset_and_sawdust.htm | |
33. Authors: Joe R. Lansdale First you got to see the world, like champion Mojo storyteller joe R. lansdale, who has lived everywhere from Gladewater, Texas to Mount Enterprise, http://www.hachettebookgroupusa.com/authors/47/542/index.html | |
34. Night Shade Books: Lansdale, Joe R. - Dead In The West A zombie western by joe R. lansdale. Dead In The West is the story of Mud Creek, Texas, a town overshadowed by a terrible evil. An Indian medicine man, http://www.nightshadebooks.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=63 |
35. Joe R. Lansdale's The Drive-In joe R. lansdale s The DriveIn 2 1 wrap cover. Artwork by. joe R. lansdale s The Drive-In 2 1 wrap cover. Artwork by Andres Guinaldo, color by Andrew http://www.avatarpress.net/v/drivein/ | |
36. The SF Site Featured Review: Joe R. Lansdale's Lords Of The Razor Thus, in spite of my initial misgivings, joe R. lansdale s Lords of the Razor proved to be of consistently high quality, including many excellent stories http://www.sfsite.com/08a/lr229.htm | |
37. Books: Joe Lansdale (Austin Chronicle . 08-25-97) Nacogdoches native joe lansdale has made an impressive mark in the world of novels, comics, horror, Westerns, and more, and yet is still an unknown. http://weeklywire.com/ww/08-25-97/austin_books_feature1.html | |
38. Joe R. Lansdale, Bumper Crop Unfortunately, to this reviewer, who has come to expect nothing but the best from joe R. lansdale, a preponderence of this Bumper Crop falls into the http://www.greenmanreview.com/book/book_lansdale_bumpercrop.html | |
39. Adventures In Reading: Quick Takes: Stephen King, Joe R. Lansdale The Bottoms, by joe R. lansdale A bit of a mystery here when two white children find the corpse of a black woman in the South in the 1920s. http://joesherry.blogspot.com/2007/12/quick-takes-stephen-king-joe-r-lansdale.ht | |
40. LIBERO WebOPAC Search Results (W552) Sunset and sawdust Compact disc, lansdale, joe R.96293-, 2004, Available at Umina Beach Library. Number of Holdings 1. http://webopac.gosford.nsw.gov.au/libero/WebopacOpenURL.cls?ACTION=SEARCH&sid=Li |
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