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41. Georgia Biographies J-L lanier, sidney printed materials lanier, sidney writings lanier, Warren lanier, William Lardner, Ring W. Larkin Family Larsen, Jack Lenor http://www.libs.uga.edu/hargrett/garoom/gabio/gabiojl.html | |
42. Lake Sidney Lanier, US Army Corps Of Engineers The US Army Corps of Engineers homepage for the operation and management of Lake sidney lanier. This site contains information on boat ramps, parks, http://lanier.sam.usace.army.mil/ | |
43. Family Roots And Branches: Sidney Clopton Lanier 1842-1881 It was while working on my lanier family lines, I discovered I was related as a 3rd cousin to the poet sidney lanier. The following is a brief biography on http://family-genealogy.blogspot.com/2006/08/sidney-clopton-lanier-1842-1881_07. | |
44. The Poems Of Sidney Lanier / Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881 Poems of sidney lanier. July, 1996 Etext 579 **The Project Gutenberg Etext of Poems of sidney lanier** **This file should be named planr10.txt or http://www.infomotions.com/etexts/gutenberg/dirs/etext96/slanr10.htm | |
45. Authors Starting With L From Dogwood Books - Used Books At Biblio 12), Letters of sidney lanier, Selections from His Correspondence 18661881, lanier, sidney. Binding Hardcover Book condition Very Good Plus http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/author/L/74870.html | |
46. FirstScience - Lanier, Sidney (1861-1865) sidney lanier (18421881) was born in Macon, Georgia. and graduated from Oglethorpe College in 1860. He served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War http://www.firstscience.com/home/poems-and-quotes/authors/lanier-sidney-1861-186 | |
47. Project Gutenberg Titles By Sidney Lanier (Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881) Project Gutenberg Titles by. sidney lanier. (lanier, sidney, 18421881). Poems of sidney lanier. Select Poems of sidney lanier http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Lanier, Sidney, |
48. Sidney Lanier â Infoplease.com lanier, sidney (lun r ) key, 184281, American poet and musician, b. Macon, Ga., grad. Oglethorpe College 1860. His first work, the novel TigerLilies http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0828824.html | |
49. RootsWeb: LANIER-L Re: [LANIER] Sidney Lanier writer by the name of sidney lanier, whose first novel Tiger Lilies was sidney lanier was charmed by Montvale and wrote most of his book while he http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/LANIER/2006-10/1160164910 | |
50. Lanier, Sidney -- Lanman, Charles: In Cornell University's Making Of America lanier, sidney, Moral Purpose in Art. The Century, vol. lanier, sidney, The Waving of the Corn. Harper s New Monthly Magazine, vol. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/l.21.html | |
51. About Sidney Lanier Brief biography. Reference to his first novel and poetic themes. http://www.civilwarpoetry.org/authors/lanier.htm | |
52. JSTOR Concerning Sidney Lanier. CONCERNING sidney lanier. sidney lanier lived from 1842 until 1881, thirtynine years,-one less than Poe. He published several volumes a novel, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0149-6611(189911)14:7<197:CSL>2.0.CO;2-Q |
53. Sidney Lanier lanier, sidney (18421881), The Handbook of Texas Online (Texas State Historical Association and University of Texas at Austin) A relatively short http://library.marist.edu/diglib/english/americanliterature/19thc-american-autho | |
54. Welcome To Sidney Lanier-Anchor School Grades Pre K12. Includes history, faculty, anchor center, photo gallery, basketball, students of the month, and local weather. http://www.sbac.edu/~lanier/ | |
55. IPac2.0 More by this author. lanier, sidney, 18421881. Subjects. lanier, sidney, 1842-1881 Bibliography. Browse Catalog. by author. lanier, sidney, 1842-1881. http://mcc.dalnet.lib.mi.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.GW&term=The centennial editio |
56. Historic Macon Foundation - Promoting Historic Preservation In Macon, Georgia The sidney lanier Cottage, located at 935 High Street and open for public visitation MondaySaturday from 10 am 4 pm, is a featured stop on the Intown http://www.historicmacon.org/ | |
57. Lanier, Sidney - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Lanier, Sidney Hutchinson encyclopedia article about lanier, sidney. lanier, sidney. Information about lanier, sidney in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Lanier, Sidney | |
58. Trans. By Christy Sheffield Sanford (HTML At Fdt.net) La Fayette lanier, sidney Poems of sidney lanier, Edited By His Wife (1884 Scribner s edition), ed. by Mary Day lanier (HTML and TEI at UNC); lanier, sidney Select http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/BookLibrary/books/internet_biblio/l.htm | |
59. Sidney Lanier Middle School www.rice.edu/armadillo/Schools/lanier/ Similar pages sidney lanier - Research the news about sidney lanier - from sidney lanier - Research the news about sidney lanier from 3000 Business, Academic and General interest magazines, newspapers, journals, and reference http://www.rice.edu/armadillo/Schools/Lanier/ | |
60. REH Bookshelf - L REH to Tevis Clyde Smith, 21 August 1926 I ve about decided that the only American poets worth much are sidney lanier, Poe and George Sylvester Viereck; http://www.rehupa.com/bookshelf_l.htm | |
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