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21. William Langland. Piers Plowman (general Note). www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/ ~chaucer/special/authors/langland/ a class=fl href="/search?hl=en s largest distributor of Christian resources. http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/special/authors/langland/ | |
22. William Langland On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. http://cz.librarything.com/author/langlandwilliam | |
23. Vision Of Piers Plowman By William Langland. - (WILLIAM LANGLAND) TILLER, TERENC Vision of Piers Plowman By william langland.; (william langland) TILLER, TERENCE (TRANSLATOR).. Offered by Grendel Books. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/grende/12502.shtml | |
24. The Vision Of William - Piers The Plowman - LANGLAND, WILLIAM The vision of william Piers the Plowman; langland, william. Offered by AAA-Books. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/aaa/462323174.shtml | |
25. Langland - Definition Of Langland By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E Definition of langland in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of langland. author a brief but picturesque biography under the name of william langland. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Langland | |
26. The Vision Of William Concerning Piers The Plowman. - LANGLAND, WILLIAM. The Vision of william concerning Piers the Plowman.; langland, william.. Offered by Worpsweder Antiquariat. http://www.antiqbook.de/boox/wor/31812.shtml | |
27. Powell's Books - William Langland's Piers Plowman: The C Version (Middle Ages) B Presents a translation of the poet s third version of the text http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780812215618 |
28. William Langland (1331-1400) Very little is known of langland s life apart from information contained in The vision concerning Piers the plowman, on which his fame endures. http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/langland.htm | |
29. The Vision Of Piers Plowman - LANGLAND,WILLIAM The Vision of Piers Plowman; langland,william. Offered by stevethefish. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/fis/STFISH008199I.shtml | |
30. Internet Archive Search: Creator:Skeat, Walter W. (Walter William), 1835-1912 The vision of william concerning Piers the Plowman langland, william, 1330?-1400? Downloads 13. A history of English rhythms. New ed. http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator:Skeat, Walter W. (Walter William |
31. JSTOR William Langland S Piers Plowman The C Version william langland, william langland s Piers Plowman The C Version, trans. George Economou. (Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0038-7134(200010)75:4<955:WLPTC>2.0.CO;2-4 |
32. The San Antonio College LitWeb William Langland Page william langland s one surviving work, A Vision of william Concerning Piers Plowman, exists in more than fifty manuscripts from which have been derived http://www.accd.edu/sac/English/bailey/langland.htm | |
33. Wiktionary:Quotations/Templates - Wiktionary 1 Chaucer, Geoffrey; 2 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith; 3 Confucius; 4 Dickens, Charles; 5 Hardy, Thomas; 6 King James (Bible); 7 langland, william; 8 Milton, http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Quotations/Templates | |
34. Gypsy Scholar: Excursus: The Biblical Tradition Of The Kinsman-Redeemer I mentioned that I m working on an article on william langland s Piers Plowman. As my many readers (yes, all three of you) will recall, my preoccupation http://gypsyscholarship.blogspot.com/2005/08/excursus-biblical-tradition-of-kins | |
35. Piers Plowman Specs Author, langland, william. Dewey, 821.1. Publication Date, 03/2006. Roles, langland, william Author. Format, Trade Paperback http://shopping.msn.com/specs/shp/?itemId=2398156 |
36. Americana Exchange-Rare Book Auction, Bibliographic Database 23, langland, william. THE VISION OF PIERCE PLOWMAN, 1561, GBP 30005000, GBP 5625. 24, JONSON, BEN. THE WORKES, LONDON, 1616, 1640, GBP 12000-18000 http://www.americanaexchange.com/NewAE/auction/auctiondetail.asp?m=12&aid=2254 |
37. 'Piers Plowman' And The Medieval Discourse Of Desire - Cambridge University Pres This ambitious work is the first booklength study to link william langlands great poem Piers Plowman to wider medieval enquiries into the nature of http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521856102&ss=fro |
38. Short List Of Indexed Books(page 1397) - EBooks Search Engine langland, william, 1330?1400? - The vision and creed of Piers Ploughman. Newly imprinted with notes and a glossary by Thomas Wright http://www.ebdb.net/List.aspx?p=1397 |
39. Browse The English Poetry Database william langland Piers Plowman The Z Version Edited by A. G. Rigg and Charlotte Brewer langland, william poems associated with(c.13321400) http://dev.hil.unb.ca/Texts/EPD/UNB/l.html | |
40. Author:William Langland - Wikisource Author Index L, william langland (13301387). See also biography. edit Works. The Vision of william Concerning Piers the Plowman Piers Plowman http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Author:William_Langland | |
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