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1. Wally Lamb - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wally Lamb (born 17 October 1950) is the author of She s Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True. Both were featured as selections of Oprah s Book Club. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Lamb | |
2. Author Profile: Wally Lamb Wally Lamb is a nationally honored teacher, critically acclaimed writer and bestselling author. His work includes the 1 New York Times bestseller, http://www.teenreads.com/authors/au-lamb-wally.asp | |
3. About Wally Lamb Wally Lamb is a nationally honored teacher, critically acclaimed writer and bestselling author. His new book, I Know This Much Is True (ReganBooks) was http://www.oprah.com/obc/pastbooks/wally_lamb/obc_pb_19980618_abio.jhtml | |
4. Simon & Schuster: Wally Lamb Wally Lamb appearances, new releases, photos, bios, news, etc. at Book Club Reader. http://www.simonsays.com/content/destination.cfm?tab=7&pid=351704 |
5. Debbiesidea.com: Wally Lamb Wally Lamb. added by Kmarie. Comments. post a new comment. No comments on this author have yet been posted. For a recommendation on where to start, http://debbiesidea.com/info/author/812/?PHPSESSID=cd6b48da7fa7cbe8dfb64500378cb1 |
6. Fictionwise EBooks: Wally Lamb Wally Lamb,Fictionwise Excellence in eBooks; Fictionwise is the world s leading independent eBook retailer. Thousands of eBooks by best selling authors are http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/WallyLambeBooks.htm | |
7. Bibliofemme: She's Come Undone By Wally Lamb Wally Lamb is able to bring his audience into the aching mind and body of a woman as she struggles with neglect, eating disorders, rape and relationships. http://www.bibliofemme.com/others/shescomeundone.shtml | |
8. IPac2.0 Search Results (When available, use the limit menu to your right to see just your library s holdings.) Browsing results matching lamb wally http://catalog.mvlc.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=man&index=AUTHOR&term=Lamb Wally |
9. Wally Lamb Quotes & Quotations Wally Lamb Quotes Quotations. Top quote contributors for Wally Lamb N\A I love the most the students with troubled lives. Wally Lamb http://www.focusdep.com/quotes/authors/Wally/Lamb | |
10. Wally Lamb From HarperCollins Publishers wally lamb s two novels, She s Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True, were both number one New York Times bestsellers and selections of Oprah Winfrey s http://www.harpercollins.com/author/index.aspx?authorid=5579 |
11. Wally Lamb A bibliography of wally lamb s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/l/wally-lamb/ | |
12. Wally Lamb Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by wally lamb, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Lamb, Wally | |
13. USA WEEKEND Magazine someone yells at novelist wally lamb. We re at a high school track meet in Storrs, Conn., wally lamb will write or call a reader who seeks advice. http://www.usaweekend.com/98_issues/980802/980802talk_lamb.html | |
14. WALLY LAMB - BOOK HELP WEB AUTHOR PROFILE wally lamb is a teacher, writer, and bestselling author. The winner of numerous awards, he s seen two of his books become Oprah book club selections. http://book.consumerhelpweb.com/authors/lamb/lamb.htm | |
15. Wally Lamb : She's Come Undone : Book Review Read a review of She s Come Undone by wally lamb at MostlyFiction.com. http://www.mostlyfiction.com/contemp/lamb.htm | |
16. Wally Lamb - Audio Interview On "Couldn't Keep It To Myself" Bestselling novelist wally lamb teaches writing to women in York Correctional Institution in Connecticut. Now, under his guidance, some of his students have http://www.eyeonbooks.com/ibp.php?ISBN=006053429X |
17. Book Buzz: Wally Lamb Reaches 'The Hour' - USATODAY.com After nine years, wally lamb, a twotime Oprah Book Club pick, says he s in the home stretch of his third novel, The Hour I First Believed, http://asp.usatoday.com/community/utils/idmap/29788468.story | |
18. Literature-Map: Wally Lamb What else do readers of wally lamb read? What else do readers of wally lamb read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of http://www.literature-map.com/wally lamb.html | |
19. Wally Lamb Quotes 16 quotes and quotations by wally lamb. wally lamb As my early drawings warned me, where humans go, lions and tidal waves follow. wally lamb http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/w/wally_lamb.html | |
20. Books By Wally Lamb Find the lowest price on new and used books by wally lamb. http://www.allbookstores.com/author/Wally_Lamb.html | |
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