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41. Site Temporarily Unavailable Welcome to Read and Find Out , the Fanlistings Network approved fanlisting for author robert jordan. If you would like to find out more about robert jordan http://jordan.soliloquise.com/ | |
42. Robert Jordan Passes Away After suffering from cardiac amyloidosis for more then a year, author James Rigney, Jr http://www.mania.com/56027.html | |
43. My Author, My Life - Forbes.com How far will robert jordan s fans go to keep their favorite writer alive? robert jordan, author of the bestselling Wheel of Time series, has fans. http://www.forbes.com/2006/11/30/robert-jordan-illness-tech-media_cx_hc_books06_ | |
44. Robert Jordan Born James Rigney, robert jordan was a decorated Vietnam veteran with a degree in Physics from South Carolina military college the Citadel, http://www.nndb.com/people/965/000043836/ | |
45. Blog-j: Symbolizing, Coding, Objectifying, Processing » Robert Jordan, RIP Jim Rigney (aka robert jordan, author of the Wheel of Time series) passed away on September 16th, 2007, after battling amyloidosis for just under two years. http://blog.jasonnussbaum.com/?p=275 |
46. Robert Jordan Audio Books robert jordan Wheel of Time audio books Crossroads of Twilight, Knife of Dreams, The Great Hunt, Fires of Heaven, New Spring, Dragon Reborn, http://www.audiobooksonline.com/Robert-Jordan-audio-books-audiobook.html | |
47. Robert Jordan FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about the author robert jordan, his Wheel of Time series of books, and the newsgroup rec.arts.sf.written.robertjordan. http://stason.org/TULARC/education-books/robert-jordan/ | |
48. CNN.com - Books - Robert Jordan's 'The Wheel Of Time': Fantasy, Epic-style - Dec And it came to pass, more than 10 years gone, in a seaside city charged deep with history and Southern charm, that a writer created a primal tale of good http://archives.cnn.com/2000/books/news/12/07/robert.jordan/index.html | |
49. SF Signal: RIP: James Oliver Rigney, Jr. (Robert Jordan) According to a post this evening on his blog, bestselling fantasy author robert jordan died this afternoon at his home in Charleston, South Carolina after a http://www.sfsignal.com/archives/005652.html | |
50. School Board Members robert jordan. 1750 Lakeside Drive, Titusville, FL 32780 321267-8528/321-633-1000, ext. robert L. jordan is the current Chairman of the School Board. http://www.brevard.k12.fl.us/school_board/members/members.html | |
51. Robert Jordan Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by robert jordan, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Jordan, Robert | |
52. RIP, Robert Jordan | Evil Genius Chronicles On Sunday, Jim Rigney aka robert jordan passed away. He d been ill for some time so it is not unexpected but it is nonetheless sad news. http://www.evilgeniuschronicles.org/wordpress/2007/09/18/rip-robert-jordan/ | |
53. The Official Website Of Tor And Forge Books Tor announces that the final novel in bestselling robert jordan s legendary Wheel of Time® fantasy series will be completed by author Brandon Sanderson http://www.tor-forge.com/ | |
54. Robert Jordan | News Staff | WGNTV.com | WGN TV | Chicago's CW robert H. jordan, Jr., is a weekend anchor for WGNTV s News at Nine; he also produces, writes and reports news stories for weekday and weekend news as a http://wgntv.trb.com/news/local/newsstaff/wgntv-jordan-robertbio,0,5056054.story | |
55. CBC.ca Arts - Wheel Of Time Fantasy Author Robert Jordan Dies Fantasy author robert jordan, whose Wheel of Time series captivated millions, has died of a rare blood disorder at the age of 58. http://www.cbc.ca/arts/books/story/2007/09/17/robertjordan-obit.html?ref=rss |
56. Robert Jordan Discussions relating to American Fiction robert jordan. http://americanfiction.suite101.com/discussion.cfm/8148 | |
57. Robert Jordan — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress daniel wrote 1 month ago As many of you know, robert jordan, author of the famed Wheel of Time series, passed away 16 September. He more » http://wordpress.com/tag/robert-jordan/ | |
58. NCAA Football - Robert Jordan - Player Page robert jordan WR, 2 Ht/Wt 511, 171 Hometown Oakland, CA Cameron jordan, robert jordan, Mika Kane, Will Kapp, Jonathan Karacozoff, jordan Kay http://scoreboards.aol.com/football/ncaaf/player/21190/player.aspx | |
59. Dragon*Con Biography: [Robert Jordan] robert jordan believes that fantasy is an enduring form of literature because it reaches something deep in people; their dreams. http://www.dragoncon.org/people/jordanr.html | |
60. Fantasy Jewelry Inspired By Works Of Robert Jordan, J.R.R. Tolkien, & More. Fantasy Jewelry in Sterling Silver and 14k. Gold influenced by works of robert jordan David Eddings robert Aspirin Terry Brooks Tad Williams Anne http://www.badalijewelry.com/fantasy.htm | |
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