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61. LeRoi Jones Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by leroi jones, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.bibliocity.com/search/books/author/Jones, LeRoi | |
62. Baraka_Amiri_ny One of them is the African American poet named Le Roi jones who later changed Everett leroi jones (now known as Amiri Baraka) is one of the most famous http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/baraka_amiri_ny.htm | |
63. COMPLETE SET OF 44 ROYALTY CHECKS, ALL SIGNED BY THE AUTHORS ON VERSO - Jack; O' by KEROUAC, Jack; O HARA, Frank; OLSON, Charles; GINSBERG, Allen; CORSO, Gregory; jones, leroi; ASHBERY, John; WHALEN, Philip; etc. $7150.00 ( 0.00) http://www.biblio.com/books/3353885.html | |
64. Intro Afro-American Studies jones, leroi, Black Art In Black Fire An Anthology of AfroAmerican Writing, edited by leroi jones and Larry Neal. New York William Morrow, 1968. http://www.eblackstudies.org/intro/bibliography.htm | |
65. Ornette Coleman Chronological Perception Of His Music, And This is one of the first articles regarding the new music in New York in 1960 by leroi jones, later known as Amiri Baraka. In it, he alludes to politics, http://course.lib.uci.edu/ar/music/fa2005/200/sellers/ | |
66. When Poetry Was The Rage In her lively memoir, the poet Hettie jones (leroi jones s first wife) remembers that in the early 1960s a real estate broker named D.D. Stein advertised http://www.thenation.com/doc/20030616/palattella | |
67. Bebop Modernism And Change jones, leroi Amiri Barake. 1968. Black Music. New York William Morrow and Company. Kahn, Ashley. 2002. A Love Supreme The Story of John Coltranes http://www.nathanielturner.com/bebopmodernismchange.htm | |
68. COPH Home Page jones, leroi (1934 ) O. H. 1691 Interviewer Joan V. Feeney Date July 28, 1976 Status Not transcribed Tape length 65 min. http://coph.fullerton.edu/BlackHistoryCollection.asp | |
69. Music Book World - Music Books, Sheet Music And Much More! Blues People Negro Music in White America, jones, leroi, 244, H, $24.95. Blues, Ideology, and AfroAmerican Literature, Baker, Houston A. 225, P, $12.95 http://www.musicbookworld.com/jazz_blues.htm | |
70. African And African-American Literature, History & Culture jones, leroi, Blues People. The Negro Experience in White America and the Music that Developed It. Morrow, 1963. 244pp. 8th printing. $10 http://members.aol.com/kvcbooks/african.htm | |
71. Dawn Treader Catalog jones, leroi Price US $95.00 Hard Cover. Fine/Very Good. First British Edition. 8vo over 7¾; Inventory 106904 For Sale http://www.dawntreaderbooks.com/d-poetry-a.php | |
72. Interracial Intimacy A dramatic example is the breakup of Everett leroi jones (now known as Amiri Baraka) and Hettie jones. leroi jones was born of middleclass black parents in http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200212/kennedy | |
73. Outburst[and The Matrix Press]Archive jones, leroi 27. Correspondence from Keys, John Kupferberg, Tuli Levertov, Denise 28. Correspondence from Logue, Christopher McClure, Michael http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/coll_mss/outburst.html | |
74. FROM THE FRAGMENT jones, leroi. (Imamu Amiri Baraka). Blues People The Negro Experience jones, leroi. Hunting is Not Those Heads on the Wall and Expressive Language. http://myweb.brooklyn.liu.edu/bhenning/FromtheFragment.htm | |
75. LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka And The Limits Of Open Form - Critical leroi jones/Amiri Baraka and the limits of open form Critical Essay from African American Review in Reference provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2838/is_2-3_37/ai_110531678 |
76. Jack Kerouac, Beats, Kurt Vonnegut, First Editions, PBOs, Vintage Paperbacks, Ra 525 Kerouac, Jack (leroi jones, Gary Snyder). Yugen 6, Rimbaud. Yugen 6 (1960), 1960. 794 Kerouac, Jack (Allen Ginsberg, leroi jones). Beat Poets. http://www.wordsareimportant.com/beatbooks.htm | |
77. LeRoi Jones Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris UK Alibris UK has new used books by leroi jones, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/author/Jones, LeRoi | |
78. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Search And Browse by Amiri Barbaka; Imamu Amiri Baraka; leroi jones / Paperback / Jan 1971 / ISBN by leroi jones; Imamu Amiri Baraka; Amiri Baraka / Hardcover / Jan 2000 http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?id=3998793713299&type=author&find=Jones, |
79. Eperformer.com Media Store: Plays On Her 37th Birthday Brady, Michael; Tobacco Road - Caldwell, Erskine; Toilet, The - Baraka, Amiri (jones, leroi); Too Good to be True - Shaw, http://www.eperformer.com/media/plays.html | |
80. AuthorI-J jones, leroi. see Baraka, Imamu Amiri. jones, Michael. First timer. Disc. jones, R. S. I am making a mistake. Best1. jones, Rae Desmond. Walking the line. http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/ghuber1/index/authorI-J.html | |
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