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3. Jones JV Web gallery generated with Web Gallery Wizard PRO 1.5.3113.1. http://www.bethanypics.com/BHS/2007/Football/jones jv/index.htm | |
4. A Preliminary Study Of Flutamide, Testolactone, An...[J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1 Laue L, Merke DP, jones jv, Barnes KM, Hill S, Cutler GB Jr. Developmental Endocrinology Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&uid=8855797&cmd=showdetailvie |
5. Impaired Immunity In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease And Hyposplenism: F P Ryan, J V Jones, J K Wright, and C D Holdsworth. Abstract PubMed; Bucknall RC, jones jv, Peacock DB. The immune response to phi chi 174 in man. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1419497 |
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8. Role Of Nocturnal Arterial Hypotension In Optic Nerve Head Ischemic Disorders Strandgaard S, jones jv, MacKenzie ET, Harper AM Upper limit of cerebral blood Boisvert DJP, jones jv, Harper AM Cerebral blood flow autoregulation to http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ArtikelNr= |
9. Clinical Science (1980) 59, 347-52 - Jones JV And Others - Baroreflex Sensitivit Baroreflex sensitivity changes during the development of Goldblatt twokidney one-clip hypertension in rats. jones jv, Floras JS http://www.clinsci.org/cs/059/cs0590347.htm | |
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20. $node.contribution("html Title") Avila NA, Shawker TS, jones jv, Cutler GB, Merke DP. Testicular adrenal rest tissue in Merke DP, Keil M, jones jv, Fields J, Hill S, Cutler GB. http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/SeniorStaff/deborah_merke.html | |
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