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         Jimenez Juan Ramon:     more books (100)
  1. Poesia by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1946-10-01
  2. Poesia, arbol joven y eterno (El Carnaval de la letras) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1988
  3. Platero und ich. Andalusische Elegie. by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1992-11-01
  4. Antolojia poetica (Letras hispanicas) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1975
  5. Melancolia (1910-1911) (Edicion del centenario) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1981
  6. Lirica de una Atlantida/ Lyric of the Atlantis (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1999-06-30
  7. Rimas, 1900-1902 (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 2006-01
  8. Platero et moi by Jimenez Juan Ramon, 1994-08-26
  9. Unidad (Biblioteca breve) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1999
  10. Musica De Otros/ the Music of Others: Traducciones Y Parafrasis (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 2006-10
  11. Jardines lejanos (Edicion del centenario) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1982
  12. Three Hundred Poems 1903 1953 by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1974
  13. En el otro costado (La Vela latina ; 23 : Poesia) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1974
  14. Elegias (Edicion del centenario) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Ramon Jimenez, 1982

41. Juan Ramón Jiménez - Biography
juan Ramón Jiménez juan Ramón Jiménez (18811958) belonged to the group of writers who, in the wake of Spain s loss of her colonies to the United States
Juan Ramón Jiménez
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1956
(1881-1958) belonged to the group of writers who, in the wake of Spain's loss of her colonies to the United States (1898), staged a literary revival. The leader of this group of modernistas Almas de violeta (Pure Elegies), 1908, La soledad sonora (Sonorous Solitude), 1911, and (Magic Poems of Sorrow), 1911. His early poetry was influenced by German Romanticism and French Symbolism. It is strongly visual and dominated by the colours yellow and green. His later style, decisive, formally ascetic, and dominated by white, emerges in the poetic prose of his delicate Platero y yo (Platero and I), 1914, and is fully developed in (Diary of a Newly-Wed Poet), 1917, written during a trip to the United States, as well as in Eternidades (Eternities), 1918, Piedra y cielo (Stone and Sky), 1919, (Poetry), 1923, and Belleza (Spaniards of Three Worlds), 1942, a book of prose portraits, and several collections of poems, among them Voces de mi copla (Voices of My Song), 1945, and

42. Juan Ramon On The Self
juan Ramón Jiménez (18811958) was one of the greatest Spanish poets of the 20th century. He was acutely aware of the difficulties involved in conceiving of
The Complete Perfectionist: A Poetics of Work Self Through work we define ourselves, and upon our work we leave our image. It is part of who we are, and who we shall become.
I , his public self. Over the years, in a series of vignettes and aphorisms (like the ones on the following pages), he portrayed himself as god, as nature, as his own disciple and master; in short, as a sufficient, alternate universe.
Like his poetry, that I , that public ego, was in a constant state of revision. In his earliest poses for the photographer, one sees the sad, dark eyes of a self- declared "martyr of Beauty," a "precision instrument for thinking and feeling." The well-trimmed beard and careful, elegant attire suggest a master of perfection: "My kingdom lles in the difficult." His look could be sharp and fastidious, and one or two of the photos might have been inscribed with the aphorism "Let us cultivate, before all else, the art of rejection!" On an imaginary calling cardone of many he handed to posterityhe engraved the words THE UNIVERSAL ANDALUSIAN
Was it really him , that I , that column spiraling endlessly around itself? Why did he show it so insistently in public, in newspapers and poetry magazines, where it was sure to awaken hostility to his poems and lend itself to ridicule? There is no easy answer. He called himself both a Classic and a Romantic. The Romantic project of his lifehis

43. Juan Ramón Web Developer | Inicio JuanRamó
Translate this page Bienvenidos a la nueva pagina personal de juan ramon Web Developer. juan Ramón puede diseñar y programar la página web de su empresa.
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Bienvenidos al portal de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Web Developer).
En esta página encontraréis información acerca de su autor , sus Soluciones y Productos Online para Empresas y Particulares.
En la sección Noticias podréis encontrar asuntos destacables , páginas web interesantes, y muchas otros temas. En la sección " Reviews " puedes encontrar comentarios extendidos acerca de la experiencia con componentes hardware. Esta página estará en completa evolución , que duda cabe que el apartado potencialmente más expandible es la sección de noticias. Pero intentará dar a conocer algunos proyectos tipo que no son más que soluciones a ciertos "problemas" para su empresa que muy probablemente tras un estudio tienen fácil solución
Esta es la versión 5.0 esto quiere decir que ha pasado por cinco grandes cambios , en el futuro intentaré mostrar cual ha sido la evolución de la página desde hace ya varios años. En esta última versión se trata de explotar al máximo el diseño mediante CSS, sin hacer uso (a menos que sea impresindible) de javascript.
Si eres propietario de la Comunidad de Bienes Axarcol, Juan Ramón tiene una página especifica para ellos. Podéis visitarla

44. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company
juan Ramón jimenez (18811958) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956, yet his work remains far less well-known in the English-speaking world
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45. Juan Ramón Jiménez
At the start of the Civil War, juan Ramón fled Spain to live in the U.S., Cuba and Puerto Rico, where he died. Jiménez and his wife were intensely devoted
Juan Ramón Jiménez Juan Ramón won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1956 and his masterpiece about an old man and his donkey, Platero y yo (1914), is widely considered the greatest work of poetic prose in the Spanish language. Jiménez was born in Moguer (1881), but moved to Madrid in 1898. Jiménez met his future wife, Zenobia Camprubí, in Madrid and they traveled to the U.S. in 1916 to get married. One of his best collection's, Diario de un Poeta Recién Casado (Diary of a Newly Wed Poet, 1917), was written during this period and marked a significant change in his style. This style rejected ornamentation and end-rhyme's in favor of an emphasis on simplicity and rhythm. The result is a collection of later poems which are succinct, delicate, and yet intensely emotional. At the start of the Civil War, Juan Ramón fled Spain to live in the U.S., Cuba and Puerto Rico, where he died. Jiménez and his wife were intensely devoted to each other and many of his poems were written for her, including "I Took Off Petal After Petal". Indeed, he was awarded the Nobel Prize while his wife was on her deathbed and refused to travel to Stockholm to receive the prize, stating that his wife should have received it and that he had no interest in it now. Juan Ramón was always a frail man, both physically and emotionally, and he suffered from severe depression before passing away just over a year after his wife's death. Read "I Took Off Petal After Petal"

46. .: ZENOBIA Y JUAN RAMÓN JIMENEZ 2.006 - 2.008 :: - 8k - Spanish Poetry Poesía Española a Dual-language Anthology, - Google Books Resultby Angel Flores - 1998 - Poetry - 448 pages

47. Juan Ramón Jiménez - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Portrait of juan Ramón Jiménez, by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida. juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1981); A. Campoamor, Bibliografía general de juan Ramónón_Jiménez
Juan Ram³n Jim©nez
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Juan Ram³n Jim©nez
Portrait of Juan Ram³n Jim©nez, by Joaqu­n Sorolla y Bastida Born December 24
Andalusia Spain Died May 29
Puerto Rico Occupation poet Nationality Spanish Juan Ram³n Jim©nez Moguer Spain 24 December Santurce ... 29 May ) was a Spanish poet . One of his most important contributions to modern poetry was the idea of poes­a pura Spanish for "pure poetry"). A prolific author, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in
edit Biography
Jim©nez was born in Moguer , near Huelva , in Andalusia Spain , on 24 December . He celebrated his home region in his prose poem about a writer and his donkey, called Platero y Yo ). He studied law at the University of Seville , but he declined to put this training to use. Strongly influenced by the poet Rub©n Dar­o , he published his first two books, in , at the age of eighteen. The death of his father in this same year affected him deeply, and the resulting depression led to his being sent to a mental institution in France . Ten years later, he was transferred to the Sanatorio de El Rosario in

48. Fundación Juan Ramón Jiménez
Translate this page Información cronológica sobre su vida, obra, fondos literarios, publicaciones, libros y antología de su obra.
L es invitamos a visitar su C asa - M al C entro de E studios J uanramonianos

49. Famous Hispanics: Juan Ramón Jiménez
Famous Hispanics in the World and History, a service of a Baltimore, Maryland, web company.
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50. : : : : : Juan Ramón Jiménez : : : : :
Translate this page La obra poética de juan Ramón Jiménez es muy numerosa, con libros que a lo largo de su vida, en un afán constante de superación, fue repudiando o de los que

51. Juan Ramón Jiménez - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page juan Ramón Jiménez fallece dos años más tarde, en la misma clínica en la que había fallecido su esposa. Sus restos fueron trasladados a España.ón_Jiménez
Juan Ram³n Jim©nez
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Juan Ram³n Jim©nez Juan Ram³n Jim©nez, quiz¡ por Sorolla Nacimiento: 23 de diciembre de 1881
Espa±a Fallecimiento: 29 de mayo de 1958
San Juan
Puerto Rico Ocupaci³n: Escritor del Novecentismo
Premio Nobel de Literatura
Juan Ram³n Jim©nez Mantec³n Moguer Huelva 23 de diciembre de San Juan Puerto Rico 29 de mayo de ) fue un poeta espa±ol , ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en , mientras permanec­a en el exilio desde su segunda patria, Puerto Rico (donde tambi©n vivieron exiliadas otras renombradas figuras peninsulares, tales como Pau Casals y Francisco Ayala
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52. CVC. Juan Ramón Jiménez.
Translate this page Monográfico dedicado al poeta andaluz juan Ramón Jiménez, premio Nobel de Literatura de 1956 y uno de los máximos exponentes de las letras hispánicas.
Buscar Literatura Lengua Artes Literatura ... Escritores > Juan Ramón Jiménez
ISBN: 84-690-3364-6
Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958) es un autor esencial para la poesía en lengua española y para la poesía contemporánea occidental. Sus propuestas éticas y estéticas marcan una línea divisoria entre el Romanticismo de Espronceda y Bécquer, bajo cuya influencia escribe sus primeros versos, y el Modernismo y las vanguardias de las primeras décadas del siglo XX . Tras la muerte de Rubén Darío, le corresponde el liderazgo entre los más jóvenes poetas de su tiempo, los cuales escriben bajo sus principios, deslumbrados por el rico caudal de sus luminosas imágenes y por la profundidad conceptual y simbólica de sus versos. El exilio en América durante las décadas de los cuarenta y cincuenta enriquece su poesía, la cual adquiere una dimensión cósmica y mística sin precedentes en la tradición española. El magisterio de Juan Ramón en la poesía española del siglo XX es indiscutible y continúa influyendo en los poetas de las generaciones más jóvenes Centro Virtual Cervantes © Instituto Cervantes

53. Biografia De Juan Ramón Jiménez
Translate this page juan Ramón Jiménez. (Moguer, 1881 - San juan de Puerto Rico, 1958) Poeta español. Su lírica evolucionó desde las últimas derivaciones del modernismo hacia
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad (Moguer, 1881 - San Juan de Puerto Rico, 1958) Poeta español. Su lírica evolucionó desde las últimas derivaciones del modernismo hacia una poesía a la vez emotiva e intelectualista. Tras cursar el bachillerato en el colegio de los jesuitas de Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), ingresó en la universidad de Sevilla para estudiar derecho, carrera que abandonó para seguir su vocación artística. Aunque inicialmente quiso ser pintor, pronto se orientó hacia la poesía, animado por la lectura de R. Darío y de los escritores románticos. Sus primeras colaboraciones en la revista madrileña Vida Nueva fueron acogidas con entusiasmo por los modernistas, por lo que decidió trasladarse a Madrid en 1900 y publicar ese mismo año sus dos primeros volúmenes de versos, Ninfeas y Almas de violeta , títulos que le fueron sugeridos por R. del Valle-Inclán y R. Darío. De carácter melancólico y depresivo, la repentina muerte de su padre le causó fuertes crisis nerviosas que lo obligaron a pasar largas temporadas en sanatorios de Burdeos y Madrid. A esta época corresponden los libros Rimas Arias tristes (1903) y Jardines lejanos (1904), que configuraron una poética impregnada de musicalidad, nostalgia y amor por la naturaleza, con metros sencillos en los que predomina el octosílabo y un ritmo fluido de inspiración modernista.

54. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
Also See Our pages on these individual works by juan Ramón Jiménez Use these links to search for juan Ramón Jiménez outside the IPL.

55. Juan Ramón Jiménez —
Jiménez, juan Ramón (hwän räm n h m n th) key, 1881–1958, Spanish lyric poet, b. Andalusia, studied at the Univ. of Seville. In his youth Jiménez was
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    Almas de violeta in 1900. He later turned to greater simplicity of style in [diary of a recently married poet]. Later collections include Unidad (1932), and Presente Platero and I (1956) and The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

56. Ingles English CEDRO Home Contact Us Acerca De Novedades Noticias
juan Ramón Jiménez juan Ramón Jiménez. Jiménez is a Spanish poet who was born in the southern town of Moguer in 1881 and died in Puerto Rico in 1958.

57. Juan Ramón Jiménez
Translate this page juan Ramón Jiménez - Poesía en español. Sitio oficial de juan Ramón Jiménez y Zenobia. MENÚ DE POEMAS (por TÍTULO y primer verso). A DIOS EN PRIMAVERA
primer verso A DIOS EN PRIMAVERA A LOS SIGLOS Abril, sin tu asistencia clara, fuera ADOLESCENCIA ... seleccionar autor, menú o búsqueda

58. Juan Ramón Jiménez
juan Ramón Jiménez Born 24Dec-1881 Birthplace Moguer, Spain Died 29-May-1958 Location of death San juan, Puerto Rico Cause of death unspecified
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Born: 24-Dec
Birthplace: Moguer, Spain
Died: 29-May
Location of death: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Cause of death: unspecified
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Poet Nationality: Spain
Executive summary: Pastorales Wife:
University: University of Salamanca (briefly) Nobel Prize for Literature Exiled (voluntary) Author of books: Almas de violeta , poetry) Ninfeas , poetry) Pastorales , poetry) Jardines lejanos , poetry) , poetry) Sonetos espirituales 1914–1915 , poetry) Piedra y cielo , poetry) , poetry) Voces de mi copla , poetry) Animal de fondo , poetry) Diario de un poeta y mar Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile

59. Google Earth Community: Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez
Hospital juan Ramón Jiménez 677965 11/09/06 1157 AM. View in Google Earth View in Google Maps (121 Hospital de Especialidades juan Ramón Jiménez

60. La Poesía Hermética De Juan Ramón Jiménez | Department Of Spanish &
La poesía hermética de juan Ramón Jiménez. Pub Type. Book. Pub Year. 1973. Author. Michael Predmore. © 2007 The Leland Stanford Junior University

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