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41. THOMAS (Library Of Congress) An online journal of the US legislative process maintained by the Library of Congress, named for thomas jefferson. Search bills and laws by number or http://thomas.loc.gov/ | |
42. Thomas Jefferson: Radical And Racist - 96.10 In the future jefferson will not be considered the Sage of Monticello argues Conor Cruise O Brien in the Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96oct/obrien/obrien.htm | |
43. Thomas Jefferson - His Life As An Inventor thomas jefferson was the third President of the United States and the inventor of the swivel chair spherical sundial - moldboard plow - cipher wheel. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bljefferson.htm | |
44. Thomas Jefferson Famous Leaders for Young Readers, thomas jefferson. http://gardenofpraise.com/ibdjeff.htm | |
45. Thomas Jefferson Quotes 182 quotes and quotations by thomas jefferson. thomas jefferson All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/thomas_jefferson.html | |
46. TJ Center The thomas jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression is a unique The thomas jefferson Center is now seeking nominations for the 2008 http://www.tjcenter.org/ | |
47. The Thomas Jefferson Hour » Home The goal of each of The thomas jefferson Hour® programs is to tease out the truth of each topic in the tradition of thomas jefferson the founding father http://www.jeffersonhour.org/ | |
48. Thomas Jefferson School Independent boarding and day school for talented students in grades 712. Includes information on admissions, curriculum, campus life, http://www.tjs.org/ | |
49. The Jefferson Bible thomas jefferson believed that the ethical system of Jesus was the finest the . Conversations on thomas jefferson and jeffersonian Politics An Open Forum http://www.angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/ | |
50. Poplar Forest: Retreat Home Of Thomas Jefferson At this plantation in Bedford County, Virginia, thomas jefferson built his final, personal architectural masterpiece an octagonal house surrounded by an http://www.poplarforest.org/ | |
51. The Architecture Of Thomas Jefferson jefferson (17431826), 3rd President of the USA, was an able and influential Neo-Classical architect. Portrait, works, drawings and bibliography from RG http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/wilson/home.html | |
52. Thomas Jefferson â Infoplease.com thomas jefferson was born on April 13 (April 2, old style), 1743, at Shadwell in Goochland (now Albemarle) County, Va. A William and Mary graduate, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0760627.html | |
53. Thomas Jefferson District Of The Unitarian Universalist Association Serves congregations in North Carolina, South Carolina, eastern Georgia, eastern central Tennessee, and most of Virginia. http://www.tjd.uua.org/ | |
54. "Thomas Jefferson" (1997) (mini) Directed by Ken Burns. With Blythe Danner, Ossie Davis, Gwyneth Paltrow. A biographical film about The United States influential and profoundly enigmatic http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118489/ | |
55. Thomas Jefferson - Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School In Joplin, Mo. thomas jefferson Independent Day School in Joplin, Missouri (Joplin, Mo.) offers challenging curriculum, caring and committed faculty, and the most advanced http://www.tjeffschool.org/ | |
56. The Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society An organization dedicated to furthering the honor and integrity of thomas jefferson, and to promoting his vision and ideas, and their application in our http://www.tjheritage.org/ | |
57. Kimmel Cancer Center At Jefferson Part of thomas jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Features patient and family resources, details of education and research projects, http://www.kimmelcancercenter.org/ | |
58. Positive Atheism's Big List Of Thomas Jefferson Quotations thomas jefferson, in a letter to John Adams, 11 January 1817, in Lester Cappon, ed. The Adamsjefferson Letters, (1959) p. 506, quoted from Jeremy Koselak, http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/jefferson.htm | |
59. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission The Commissioners and Staff of the thomas jefferson Planning District Commission will work together to be a catalyst for solutions to improve the quality of http://www.tjpdc.org/ | |
60. The Jefferson Institute Is A Non-profit Agricultural Education And Research Cent The thomas jefferson Agricultural Institute is a nonprofit agriculture education and research center based in Columbia, MO. jefferson Institute staff http://www.jeffersoninstitute.org/ | |
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