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Home - Authors - Jeapes Ben |
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Jeapes Ben: more books (16) | |||||||||||
61. LM_Net's Best YA Books jeapes, ben. Xenocide Mission. Johnson, Angela. First Part Last. Kidd, Sue Monk. The Secret Life of Bees. Klass, David. You Don t Know Me. Klise, Kate. http://www.djusd.k12.ca.us/emerson/LM_NetsBestYABooks.htm | |
62. RandomHouse.ca | Author Spotlight: Ben Jeapes Random House will keep you up to date on the works of ben jeapes! Written by ben jeapes. Hardcover 400 pages David Fickling Books Juvenile Fiction http://www.randomhouse.ca/author/results.pperl?authorid=35689 |
63. Horizon Information Portal jeapes, ben. Subjects. Science fiction Juvenile fiction. Browse Catalog The Xenocide mission / ben jeapes. by jeapes, ben. View full image http://ipac.citylibrary.pncc.govt.nz/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1177H710L769H.6903& |
64. Interzone Index - Interviews jeapes, ben (Brown) 160, Oct 00 Jeter, K.W. (Escott) 22, Winter 87/88 Jones, Diana Wynne (Barrett) 117, Mar 97 Jones, Gwyneth (Kincaid) 19, Spring 87 http://gregegan.customer.netspace.net.au/IZ/ints.htm | |
65. Glen Ellyn Public Library: Young Adult Booklists: Science Fiction jeapes, ben. The Xenocide Mission. J jeapes, B., YA PBK jeapes, B. When human Lieutenant Joel Gilmore and his doggish but intelligent First Breed coworker http://www.gepl.org/youngadults/fya_yab_sf.html | |
66. Aboriginal Science Fiction: Fiction Index jeapes, ben, Correspondents, 57 58, Summer, 1998. Jennings, Phillip C., Doctor Quick, 11, September-October, 1988. http://www.hycyber.com/SF/aboriginal_index.html | |
67. Hennepin County Library - TeenLinks - Science Fiction : jeapes, ben The Xenocide Mission Lt. Joel Gilmore, newly assigned to a surveillance station, finds the station attacked by the aliens they were observing. http://www.hclib.org/teens/booklistaction.cfm?list_num=286 |
68. Open Site - Arts: Literature: Authors: J jeapes, ben Jeffers, Robinson Jefferson, Thomas Jerome, Jerome K. Jeter, K. W. Jiménez, Juan Ramón Joe, Rita Johansen, Iris Johansen, K. V. http://open-site.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/J | |
69. Science Fiction F JEA jeapes, ben The Xenocide Mission. Having been sent to observe the aliens, Lieutenant Joel Gilmore is shocked when they are suddenly attacked by them http://www.usd253.org/~ehslib/ScienceFiction.htm | |
70. Spokane County Library District: Teens Booklists jeapes, ben. The New World Order. In a novel of breathtaking originality, the 17th century English civil war is interrupted by an attack by Holekhor, http://www.scld.org/teens_booklist.asp?list=17 |
71. SEE ALSO PHOTOGRAPHS OF ME HUMANISM/ ATHEISM ESSAYS GENERAL ARTICLES CULTS AND B jeapes, ben THE NEW WORLD ORDER www.arthurchappell.clara.net/bookreviewj. jeapesnewworldorder.htm. JONES, STEPHEN (EDITOR) SHADOWS OVER INNSMOUTH http://www.arthurchappell.clara.net/bookreviews.mainlist.htm | |
72. West Sussex County Council: Freestyle For 14-17s jeapes, ben, The Xenocide Mission, 0552548154. Johnson, Pete, I d Rather be Famous, 0141315466. Jordan, Robert, From the Two Rivers, 1904233201 http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/redirect/?oid=[com.arsdigita.cms.contenttypes.Multi |
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