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41. HENDRY LINDA (in DOLCAT) How to make super popups / by joan irvine ; illustrated by Linda Hendry. New York Morrow Junior Books, 1992. Midstate Regional Library http://dol.state.vt.us:8002/DOLCAT?A=HENDRY LINDA |
42. News: Patriots Day Parade Honors Joan Irvine Smith For Her Positive Contribution Patriots Day Parade honors joan irvine Smith for her positive contributions. http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/news/local/communities/lagunabeach/article_ | |
43. Teaching Children Bookbinding: A Pathfinder For Educators || The Book Arts Web irvine, joan, How to Make a PopUp Book, Home Page, 2000, joan irvine s pop-ups are simple, too, requiring only scissors, glue, and crayons. http://www.philobiblon.com/piper.shtml | |
44. San Francisco Bay Times page to joinasacp.com/membership_form.html. For further information visit the ASACP site (www.asacp.org ) or contact joan irvine, joan@asacp.org. http://www.sfbaytimes.com/index.php?sec=article&article_id=3859 |
45. Review Of The U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Draft Synthesis And Assessme 2.4 M. joan ALEXANDER (Chair), NorthWest Research Associates, Boulder, University of California, irvine M. joan ALEXANDER, NorthWest Research http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12076&page=R1 |
46. Boxobooks: Tags Greenberg, Jan and Sandra Jordan; How to Make Holiday PopUps, irvine, joan; Out of Darkness, Freedman, Russell; Outbreak Plagues that Changed History, http://boxobooks.brothersjunk.com/tags/nonfiction/ | |
47. Library News Archives: Library Hosts Joan Irvine Smith Book Signing Event (UC Ir On December 22, 2001, the Library presented authors joan irvine Smith, Jean Stern, and James irvine Swinden in a discussion and book signing to celebrate http://www.lib.uci.edu/libraries/new/archives/irvine.html | |
48. Travel Agency - Newport Beach, CA - Joan Irvine Travel joan irvine Travel provides first class travel arrangements for clients who prefer concierge level treatment. Complete worldwide itineraries with the finest http://profiles.ocregister.com/joan-irvine-travel | |
49. MASL: Time Train By Paul Fleischman Using a book like How to Make Super Popups by joan irvine, make pop-up cards or pop-up masks of a plant eating dinosaur and a meat-eating one. http://www.maslibraries.org/infolit/samplers/train.html | |
50. E. L. Easton - Bookstores And Publishers - ESL/EFL irvine, joan How to Make Holiday PopUps Beech Tree Books. McCallum, George P. 100 Word Games for Students of English as a Second or Foreign Language Oxford http://eleaston.com/books/esl.html | |
51. Joan Irvine Smith joan irvine Smith sues Richard J. RJ Brandes over Oaks Blenheim Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park. http://equestrianjump.com/joan-irvine-smith/ | |
52. Joan Lightner ~ Century 21 Professionals ~ Irvine, CA joan Lightner, Your Real Estate Professional! Evergreen Realty. 9901 irvine Center Drive irvine, CA 92618. Office 714244-8608 Fax 949-266-8602 http://www.joan4ahome.com/ | |
53. Language Arts - Elementary irvine, joan. joan irvine the Popup Lady. Johnson, Crockett. The Crockett Johnson Homepage. Keats, Ezra Jack. Ezra Jack Keats Virtual Exhibit. Lionni, Leo http://library.sjsd.net/elaelm.html | |
54. Let S Get Moving, Northern Michigan! irvine, joan (106). Jenema, Mable (2358). joanigan, Betty (417). joanigan, Claude (443). Johnson, Barb (1016). Johnson, Richard (376). Johnson, Joyce (801) http://www.lgmnm.org/site/3378/default.aspx |
55. Women In irvine, joan. How To Make Holiday PopUps. Isaacs, Anne. Swamp Angel. Isadora, Rachel. Lili at Ballet. Johnson, Paul Brett. The Cow Who Wouldn t Come Down. http://www.womeninkentucky.com/children.html | |
56. Adult Programs Marisela Montes, and cochaired by the Director, Center for Evidence-Based Corrections, University of California, irvine, joan Petersilia, Ph.D.. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Divisions_Boards/Adult_Programs/DORR.html | |
57. Piercy S Funeral Home Records (including Sutton S Funeral Home irvine, Hugh. 1 Apr 1913. 12 Jun 1971. 71064. irvine, Jessie (BINNIE). 10 Apr 1887. 07 Feb 1967. 67-012. irvine, joan Maureen (JOHNSTON). 01 Apr 1935 http://www.cvfamilyhistory.org/bmd/FuneralHomeIndex_IJK.htm | |
58. Recreation - Joan Irvine Smith Fine Arts joan irvine Smith Fine Arts specializes in late 19th and early 20th century California Impressionists, along with such Contemporary Traditional artists as http://www.goodtime.net/lbe/lolbe039.htm | |
59. Westfield Golf And Country Club Handicaps 12, Bird, Karen, 0261417300, 7, irvine, joan, 02614-39600, 3, Parks, Greg, 02614-57800. 13, Bishop, Tom, 02614-17350, 8, irvine, John, 02614-39700 http://www.westfieldgolf.net/handicap.htm | |
60. Joan Irvine Easy-To-Make Pop-Ups Gifts In India At Rediff Books joan irvine EasyTo-Make Pop-Ups at rediff books. joan irvine Now Rs. 332.31 Pay Cash On Delivery Format Paperback More books by joan irvine http://shop.rediff.com/bookshop/buyersearch.jsp?lookfor=Joan Irvine&search=1&cri |
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