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1. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Build It With Boxes / Joan Irvine ; Illustrated By Linda Hendry. 1993 How To Make PopUps / by Joan Irvine ; Illustrated By Barbara Reid. 1987 http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/11,157/search/aIrvin, Christine M./airvin c | |
2. Brooklyn Public Library /Juvenile How to make holiday popups / by Joan Irvine ; illustrated by Linda Hendry. 1996. 2, How to make holiday pop-ups / by Joan Irvine ; illustrated by Linda http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/ai/ai/181,323, | |
3. Here Are 2 Ways To Meet Irvine Joan Crawford Fans Like Gilles Sabban - Joan Craw Meet others in your local area who love the actress Joan Crawford. Discuss her career, movies and her life. http://joancrawford.meetup.com/cities/us/ca/irvine/4990828/?ic=sn42 |
4. Date Time Location Name Title Address Host Notes Scopre Thesis x52834 No 200205-09 4 PM 159/173 Boyer Joan Ruderman, PhD Regulation of UC irvine joan Sawyer Steffan, PhD Paul Micevych, x68265 No 2003-03-06 4 PM http://www.mbi.ucla.edu/Archives/tabbed_list.php?list=thursday |
5. JSTOR A Semantically Based Analysis Of Mood In Spanish 197 4) A SEMANTICALLY BASED ANALYSIS of MOOD IN SPANISH TRACY TERRELL University o f California, irvine joan HOOPER University o f California, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0018-2133(197409)57:3<484:ASBAOM>2.0.CO;2-# |
7. REALTY SALES - VIRGINIA BEACH Cape Story By The Sea, 2202 Bayberry St. Shewbridge Douglas Mary Ann to irvine joan L., $168000, July 3. Charlestowne Lakes, 1992 Blue Knob Road - Evans http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/VA-Pilot/issues/1995/vp950901/08310288.htm | |
8. Joan Irvine: The Pop-up Lady joan irvine is a Canadian author, teacher and artist who has written children s books about popups and boxes. http://www.makersgallery.com/joanirvine/ | |
9. Joan Irvine-Smith The generosity of joan irvine Smith, through the joan irvine Smith Athalie R. Clarke Foundation, was instrumental in founding the Reeveirvine Research http://www.reeve.uci.edu/mission/joanis.php | |
10. Home Page Dr. joan irvine is a popular Sex Therapist, entertaining Speaker, an author of fun howto books on improving your sex life and an educator on how to use http://www.drjoanirvine.com/ |
11. Make Your Own Pop-Up - IRVINE, JOAN Make Your Own PopUp; irvine, joan. Offered by Barnaby Rudge Booksellers. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/barn/016850.shtml | |
12. Gregory Irvine â Lisa Irvine : ZoomInfo Business People Information irvine, joan, Prudential Preferred Realty, joan irvine New Construction Specialist irvine, joan, The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page19099.aspx | |
13. HOME Helping Buyers and Sellers in the moving process in the Central Texas area. http://sarairvine.com/ | |
14. The Irvine Museum Publications Written by joan irvine Smith, with essay by Jean Stern, forward by Maria Written by joan irvine Smith and Jean Stern, with a timeline by James irvine http://www.irvinemuseum.org/bookstore.html | |
15. I Chicagotribune.com irvine, joan, Halifax, CAN, 15632, Half irvine, Julie A, Devonshire, BMU, 55211, FIN irvine, Mark, Chicago, IL, 42929, FIN irvine, Scott, Frankfort http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/cs-2007marathonresultsi,1,2234304.htmls |
16. Faculty :: Uci Corrections | Center For Evidence-Based Corrections Professor, Criminology, Law, Society, School of Social Ecology, University of California, irvine. joan Petersilia is a Professor of Criminology, http://ucicorrections.seweb.uci.edu/faculty | |
17. Results For Pop-ups (paper Toy Making) Page 1 How to make holiday popups / by joan irvine ; illustrated by Linda Hendry. 1996 irvine, joan, 1951-, J 745.592 I72 http://martsubhub.lib.wv.us:8000/kcweb/kcResults?search=//w pop-ups (paper toy m |
18. HOW TO MAKE POP-UPS A LIST OF TITLES COMPILED BY ROBERT SABUDA irvine, joan. How to Make Holiday Popups. Beech Tree Books (William Morrow), 1995. ISBN 0-688-13610-9. $6.95. 21 x 24 cm. 64 pages, soft cover, http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~montanar/howtolist2.htm | |
19. Results For Pop-ups (paper Toy Making) Page 1 irvine, joan, 1951, J 745.5941 IR8H. How to make holiday pop-ups / by joan irvine ; illustrated by Linda Hendry. 1996 http://mcpl-websvr.co.midland.tx.us:8000/kcweb/kcResults?search=//w pop-ups (pap |
20. Results For Pop-ups (paper Toy Making) Page 1 irvine, joan, 1951, J 745.5941 Irv. How to make holiday pop-ups, 1996. 3. irvine, joan, 1951-, J 745.54 Irv. How to make super pop-ups, 1992 http://www.lib.chattanooga.gov:8080/kcweb/servlet/kcResults?search=//w pop-ups ( |
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