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Hunter Bernice Thurman: more books (18) | ||||||||||||||
41. OYP Directory - Arts > Literature > World Literature > Canadian > Children's > A OYP Directory Arts Literature World Literature Canadian Children s Authors hunter, bernice thurman. CM Archive Reviews of several books. http://oyp.in/index.php?paplu=/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/Childre |
42. The Classy Librarian: Book Review - The Girls They Left Behind The book is based on the author, bernice thurman hunter s, experiences as a teenager. Prophetically, bernice asked her daughter, Heather, to finish the book http://theclassylibrarian.blogspot.com/2007/06/book-review-girls-they-left-behin | |
43. Teacher Resources - Hospital Care In Canada hunter, bernice thurman. Le choix de Marguerite / A Place for Margaret. Martha Brooks. Wild Strawberries and In Orbit in her book Paradise Café and http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Medicus/English/teacher.html | |
44. Milton Public Library: Battle Of The Books That scatterbrain Booky, bernice thurman hunter. The Secret garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett. Shadow in Hawthorne Bay, Janet Lunn http://www.mpl.on.ca/battles.html | |
45. Username Password Kimi-Kat ( [info] Willowkat) Wrote, @ 2007-11 That Scatterbrain Booky bernice thurman hunter With Love, Booky - bernice thurman hunter 24 read and 12 re-read for a total of 36! http://willowkat.insanejournal.com/600094.html?mode=reply |
46. IPac2.0 Amy s promise / bernice thurman hunter ; cover by Tony Meers. Details copies. by hunter, bernice thurman. Scholastic Canada, c1995. Call J FIC http://ipac2.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=12I085H82M450.124&profile=pac&uri=li |
47. Favorite 4th Grade Books. Bunnicula; hunter, bernice thurman THAT SCATTERBRAIN BOOKY; Hutchins, H.J.THE THREE AND MANY WISHES OF JASON REID; Ibbotson, Eve The Secret of Platform 13,. http://nancykeane.com/rl/276.htm | |
48. Child Care Options Mudge series by Cynthia Rylant; The Theif Lord by Cornelia Funke; Janeys Choice by bernice thurman hunter; Amys Promise by bernice thurman hunter http://www.childcareoptions.ca/Child_Care_Providers-Articles.shtml | |
49. Project MUSE Indeed, many engaging narratives have been accused of having no plot (bernice thurman hunter s Booky trilogy, for example). 2 http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/childrens_literature/v031/31.1wyile.html | |
50. Volume 5 Index hunter, bernice thurman. Lamplighter, Scholastic, 1987. (Reissued in 1999). (51). hunter, Dawn Karen hunter. Hit and Run (Sports Stories Series). http://www.resourcelinks.ca/indexes/indexv5.htm | |
51. Terrace Bay Library - New Books For January 2007 hunter, bernice thurman, The Girls They Left Behind. Korman, Gordon, Born to Rock. Payne, Rob, How to be a Hero on Earth 5 http://www.nwconx.net/~terpl/jan07books.html | |
52. Cover To Cover Books, Inc. At Antiqbook.com 0008223 MADELINE hunter The Seducer 0033463 bernice thurman hunter - With Love from Booky 0019023 bernice thurman hunter - Margaret in the Middle http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/cov/books9000.shtml | |
53. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 35773 EN, Amy s Promise, hunter, bernice thurman, 5.0, 5.0. 20206 EN, Amy s Story, Pfeffer, Susan Beth, 4.1, 1.0. 86685 EN, Anacaona, Golden Flower http://trinitychristian.info/Elementary School/Curriculum/QuizInfo.htm | |
54. KidsSpace - Toronto Public Library - One Hundred Best Canadian Books For Childre hunter, bernice thurman. Place Hold. Book Cover. CDN Boy Soup, or, When Giant Caught Cold. Lesynski, Loris. Place Hold. Book Cover. CDN Bubblegum Delicious http://kidsspace.torontopubliclibrary.ca/genCategory15785.html | |
55. Elementary Social Studies Bibliography: L Titles hunter, bernice thurman. ScholasticTAB (SCH), 1987. 115 p. ISBN 0-590-71373-6 ($2.80 pbk.). (CAN) This historical fiction novel is set in Northern Ontario http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/curr_inst/iru/bibs/ess/t-dl.html | |
56. Mirago : Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Children's: Authors: Hunt Top Arts Literature World Literature Canadian Children s Authors hunter, bernice thurman. Featured Sites. Access a Wide Range of Sites on delv.co.uk http://www.mirago.co.uk/scripts/dir.aspx?cat=Top/Arts/Literature/World_Literatur |
57. [Posted To PUBYAC, February 27, 1995 By Blanchet Jacynthe] I Was Children s Literature Award 1984 Guardian of Isis Canada Council Children s Literature Award 1981 bernice thurman hunter (2X) (a little young? http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dKBrown/popcan.txt | |
58. Literature And Canadian History: A Marriage Made In Heaven? hunter, bernice thurman. (1995). Amy s Promise. Describes family interaction set in hunter, bernice thurman. Trilogy. That Scatterbrain Booky (1981). http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/css/Css_37_1/ARliterature_canhistory_marriage.htm |
59. Missingmay hunter, bernice thurman. Amy s Promise. No Publication information available. Amy loses her mother when she is six and promises that she will look http://web.syr.edu/~cmdicrut/missingmay.html | |
60. Excite España - Arts - Literature - World Literature - Canadian - Children's - Translate this page 2 sitios web en hunter, bernice thurman. Book Alert Guarder Lian Goodall s review of Two Much Alike . http//www.liangoodall.com/reviews/ba. http://www.excite.es/directory/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/Childre | |
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