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41. Stories, Listed By Author hughes, monica (Mary née Ince) (19252003). * A Warm Safe Bed, (ss) Mothers Day, ed. Miriam Hodgson, Methuen Childrens Books 1992 http://www.philsp.com/homeville/anth/s91.htm | |
42. Mid-Hudson Library System /Catalog Really big dinosaurs and other giants / by monica hughes. hughes, monica. Fighting dinosaurs / by monica hughes. hughes, monica. http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/search/X?(dinosaurs)&searchscope=1&Da=&Db=&p=&SOR |
43. Archived Newsletter Content hughes, monica, The Guardian of Isis (pre_teen; over time settlers have lost hughes, monica, The Keeper of the Isis Light (pre_teen; young orphan girl http://www.unclehugo.com/prod/newsletterSection.shtml?seq=49§ion=forthcoming |
44. TheReadingWarehouse.com: Dw-K Yl Seasons Is: Monica Hughes Welcome to one of the largest book websites in the world and the most complete website for schools to lookup, research and order books online. http://www.thereadingwarehouse.com/book.php?ISBN=9780763522759 |
45. AuthorTracker.com The Cross Rabbit by Butterworth, Nick The Crossing Place by Marsden, Philip The Crucible by Miller, Arthur The Crystal Drop by hughes, monica http://www.authortracker.ca/searchresults.asp?a=titlebrowse&b=T |
46. New Social Science Acquisitions - UIUC Education & Social Science Library S.394.2663 H874m hughes, monica. My Christmas Chicago Raintree, c2004. S.398.2 Ay44g Aylesworth, Jim. Goldilocks and the three bears New York Scholastic http://www.library.uiuc.edu/edx/acq/acq0504.html | |
47. IPac2.0 by hughes, monica. Add to my list. Add to my list. Add to my list . by Floyd, Candace (EDT)/ Melton, Jill (EDT)/ hughes, Nancy S. (EDT)/ Gillem, http://ipac.anaheim.net/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.GW&term=hughes |
48. The Bookshop At Pandora Press - Category Listing For Youth - Fiction hughes, monica $8.99. Janey s Girl Friesen, Gayle $6.95 hughes, monica $6.99. Storytime Jamboree Dyck, Peter J $10.99 http://bookshop.pandorapress.com/search.php?q=search&which=category&catid=81 |
49. UCF Libraries -- Fantasy And Science Fiction In The CMC hughes, Carol, Toots and the Upsidedown House, Random House, 1996, fantasy. hughes, monica, Invitation to the Game, Simon Schuster, 1990, science fiction http://library.ucf.edu/CMC/FANTFICT.asp | |
50. Class Title Results Anna the nurse. 2002 By hughes, monica Copies 1 On Order Copies 0 Reservations 0. Reserve Now Add to Basket Reviews More Details. Star rating 0.0 http://www.library.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/02_Catalogue/02_004_TitleResults.aspx |
51. Children's Literature Association (ChLA) Dreams and Devils, Devils and Dreams The Risk Factor in monica hughes s Devil on My Back monica hughess The Isis Trilogy Feminist Rite of Passage? http://www.childlitassn.org/Phoenix_Papers.html | |
52. The Secret Self ::: Book List ::: Monica Hughes, The Guardian Of Isis hughes, monica. The Guardian of Isis. New York Atheneum, 1982. One of the Isis trilogy, this book focuses on the new community and depicts what may happen http://www.collectionscanada.ca/secret/t9-1853-e.html | |
53. Kids All New Titles March 2007 - Hutt City Libraries Water cycle hughes, monica, 1925 551.48 HUG green tape. Did a dinosaur drink this water? Weather patterns hughes, monica, 1925- 551.6 HUG green tape http://library.huttcity.govt.nz/Kids/Great_Reads/2007_All_New/03_March.aspx | |
54. IPac2.0 by hughes, monica. Clarke, Irwin, c1982. Call YA FIC. Add to my list. Add to my list by hughes, monica. Groundwood Books, c1983. Call J FIC http://ipac2.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=Y2G0850R11741.117&profile=pac&uri=li |
55. Jason Hughes (Actor) - Jason Hughes (Actor) Videos - TV Listings - News - Gossip Jason hughes (Actor) tv guide, Jason hughes (Actor) listings, television, Ty Duncan Stacy Keach. Daniel Duncan Miko hughes. monica Roma Downey. http://www.meevee.com/channels/smartChannel.aspx?q=Jason Hughes&id=7096&t=CAST&d |
56. Horizon Information Portal by hughes, monica. New York, NY Bearport Pub., 2008. Add to my list. Add to my list Swimming giants / by monica hughes. http://seoipac.seo.lib.oh.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=120M6L4Y77814.117&menu=sear |
57. Stories, Listed By Author hughes, monica (Mary née Ince) (19252003) (chron.) * Planet-fall on Isis from The Keeper of the Isis Light, (ex) London Hamish Hamilton 1980 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s129.htm | |
58. Des Moines Public Library Catalog FLYING GIANTS / by monica hughes. This library owns a copy Alexander Graham Bell s talking machine / by monica Kulling ; illustrated by Richard Walz. http://libhip.desmoineslibrary.com/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.GW&term=monica |
59. Little Fingerling (in DOLCAT) Little Fingerling a Japanese folktale / retold by monica hughes ; illustrated by Brenda Clark. Published. Nashville, Tenn. Ideals Children s Books http://dol.state.vt.us:8002/DOLCAT/ABG-0695 |
60. Jakob Bokhandlare Antikvariat HB - Barn Och Ungdom hughes, monica. Vinterskuggans land. BonniersJunior 1988. Förlagsband. 147 sid. Namnteckning på frampärmens insida. (E32672). 40 Hugo, Victor. http://www.antikvariatjakob.se/barn och ungdom.htm | |
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