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Hughes Monica: more books (100) | ||||||||||
21. Results List Results List au hughes, monica. Searching Online Catalog / EDULIS CNTRL COLLECTION 0006, 1992, Invitation to the game /, hughes, monica. http://edupals.wcape.gov.za/cgi-bin/pals-cgi?SET WEB ECCCAT____/au Hughes, Mon |
22. Results For Hughes, Monica. Page 1 First brother or sister / monica hughes. 2004. 8. hughes, monica, XF HUG hughes, monica, XF HUG. First visit to the dentist / monica hughes. 2004 http://www.wbr.lib.la.us:8000/kcweb/kcResults?search=//NHughes, Monica.&page=0&g |
23. Chapters.indigo.ca: Sandwriter: M Hughes, Monica Hughes: Books Princess Anita of Komilant and Kamalant is sent to live on Roshan. She finds the desert island a hostile and alien place, but she has an important mission http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Sandwriter-M-Hughes-Monica-Hughes/9780773673 | |
24. Education : Hughes, Monica - Christianbook.com Search Christianbook.com is the online home of Christian Book Distributors (CBD), the world s largest distributor of Christian resources. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?event=EBRN&N=1031742 4294 |
25. Novels Grades 5-8 hughes, monica. The Crystal Drop. 1992. In a near future Cananda where water hughes, monica. The Story Box. 1999. A young storyteller is washed ashore http://phobos.ramapo.edu/~kfowler/sftorals5-8.html | |
26. Yukon Books - Gold-Fever Trail - A Klondike Adventure By Hughes, Monica (Illustr GoldFever Trail - A Klondike Adventure by hughes, monica (Illustrated by Patricia Peacock) Author, hughes, monica (Illustrated by Patricia Peacock) http://www.yukonbooks.com/shop/customer/product.php?productid=10975 |
27. Page 7 hughes, monica. Invitation to the Game. Simon Schuster, 1991. hughes, monica.The Crystal Drop*. hughes, monica. The Guardian of Isis. Atheneum, 1982. http://www.goldenduck.org/page6.html | |
28. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by hughes, monica, LITTLE NIPPERS NOW AND THEN MY HISTORY - LITTLE NIPPERS - by hughes, monica by hughes, monica, WATCHMAN hardback by RANKIN, IAN http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-240.html | |
29. Monica (Ince) Hughes (1925â2003) Biography - Personal, Career, Member, Hono Born in England, monica hughes was acclaimed within her adopted country of Canada, as well as elsewhere, for her novels, short stories, and picture books http://biography.jrank.org/pages/1726/Hughes-Monica-Ince-1925-2003.html | |
30. The Isis Pedlar - HUGHES, MONICA The Isis Pedlar; hughes, monica. Offered by Grant Thiessen BookIT. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/grantt/511023.shtml | |
31. Earthdark - HUGHES,MONICA Earthdark; hughes,monica. Offered by stevethefish. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/fis/STFISH007559I.shtml | |
32. Palo Alto City Library Catalog hughes, monica, 9. 2. hughes, Neal,, 1. 3. hughes, Pat (Patrice Raccio), 2. 4. hughes, Patricia, 1954, 1. 5. hughes, Patrick Cairns, 1908-, 1 http://webcat.cityofpaloalto.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1F7735XM98451.655&profi |
33. Project MUSE In works such as monica hughes s The Tomorrow City (1978) and The Dream Catcher (1986) and Lois Lowry s The Giver (1993), explorations of personal autonomy http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/lion_and_the_unicorn/v026/26.2hintz.html | |
34. Monica Hughes - MiC Entry monica hughes was born in Liverpool in 1925 and came to Canada in 1952. Sadly, she passed away in March of 2003. She was a proliferate writer with many SF http://www.geocities.com/canadian_sf/pages/authors/hughes2.htm | |
35. Golden Duck Reading List hughes, monica . Invitation to the Game. Simon Schuster, 1991. hughes, monica. The Crystal Drop. hughes, monica. The Guardian of Isis. Atheneum, 1982. http://www.sff.net/rff/readlist/goldduckRL.htm | |
36. Handful Of Seeds By Monica Hughes (Used, New, Out-of-Print Alibris UK has Handful of Seeds and other books by monica hughes, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/qwork/2801315/used/Handful of Seeds | |
37. Young Adult (ages 12-16) Index 247, The Crystal Drop, hughes, monica. 248, The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton. 249, Light In The Forest, Richter, Conrad. 250, Dragonsong, McCaffrey, Anne http://www.tnrdlib.bc.ca/rr-indexes/ya-index-whenadded.html | |
38. Children S Literature Associatio » Phoenix Papers List 2000 monica hughes The Keeper of the Isis Light summary . monica hughess The Isis Trilogy Feminist Rite of Passage? http://chla.wikispaces.com/Phoenix Papers list |
39. Author Title Results Matches forHughes, monica. Limits Set Remove All Limits. You are viewing results 1 to 10 of 26 You are viewing page 1 of 3 http://library.redbridge.gov.uk/02_Catalogue/02_004_TitleResults.aspx?media=2&se |
40. O'Fallon Public Library - O'Fallon, Illinois Really big dinosaurs and other giants /, hughes, monica. 567.9 HUG . Fighting dinosaurs /, hughes, monica. E 567.9 HUG. Flying giants /, hughes, monica. http://www.ofallonlibrary.org/newitems.htm | |
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