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21. John W. Hughes, P.C. : Mediation Services In Fort Worth, Texas Alternative dispute resolution services provider, based in Fort Worth. http://www.mediatortexas.com/ | |
22. Creative_artist john hughes is an American doublebassist, currently residing in Hamburg. He is an active member of the jazz and improv. community in Hamburg, http://www.creativesourcesrec.com/artists/j_hughes.html | |
23. New Cars & Used Cars For Sale In Western Australia - John Hughes Online Find new cars and used cars for sale at john hughes online, Western Australias leading car dealer in new Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Volkswagen and Sunliner http://www.johnhughes.com.au/ | |
24. Hughes, John Francis (1857 - 1912) Biographical Entry - Australian Dictionary Of hughes, john Francis (1857 1912) Biographical Entry - The Australian Dictionary of Biography Online, or ADB Online, is a biographical dictionary featuring http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A090394b.htm | |
25. Admiralty And Maritime Law Offices Of John J. Hughes Experienced maritime lawyers represent seamen, passengers, and others in Jones Act, maritime and general civil litigation. http://www.oceanslaw.com/ | |
26. Hughes, John H. Molecular Virology, Immunology, And Medical Genetics This technology was developed at Children s Hospital by Drs. J. hughes and R. Vieth and resulted in the collaborative development of commercial high speed http://medicine.osu.edu/mvimg/1257.cfm | |
27. Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge - Hughes, John D. American Bar Association; Boston Bar Association; Massachusetts Bar Association; Professional Liability Underwriters Society. Professionals. john D. hughes http://www.eapdlaw.com/Professionals/Detail.aspx?attorney=259 |
28. John Hughes â Infoplease.com Related content from HighBeam Research on john hughes (john hughes appointed to the board for British Pig Executive)(Brief Article) (Grocer) http://www.infoplease.com/ipea/A0763421.html | |
29. Townsend And Townsend And Crew - Hughes, John A john A. hughes Partner prosecutor and litigator, Mr. hughes represents a variety of clients in diverse industries that range from computer software and http://www.townsend.com/attorneys/bioDetails.asp?o=3379 |
30. JOHN HUGHES (1797-1864) - Online Information Article About JOHN HUGHES (1797-186 john hughes (17971864) - Online Information article about john hughes (1797-1864) http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/HOR_I25/HUGHES_JOHN_1797_1864_.html | |
31. UCLA Anderson School Of Management Accounting John Hughes Vita hughes, john S., Dennis E. Logue, and Richard James Sweeney, Corporate International Diversification and Market Assigned Measures of Risk and http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x3268.xml | |
32. Mitsawokett: A 17th Century Native American Community In Central Delaware john Deborah s children (based on an affidavit signed by john hughes on 04 . john hughes was the son of Benjamin hughes and Mariah (aka Maria) Miller. http://www.mitsawoket.com/MilitaryService/John HUGHES.htm | |
33. DBLP: John Hughes 16, john hughes Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, 4, john hughes A Novel Representation of Lists and its Application to the http://www.sigmod.org/dblp/db/indices/a-tree/h/Hughes:John.html | |
34. Michigan State University Press | Unwanted, The | John McKendrick Hughes John R. john R. hughes is the grandson of Lt. Col. hughes. When Major john McKendrick hughes, O.C., C Company, 151st Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, http://msupress.msu.edu/bookTemplate.php?bookID=2827 |
35. John Hughes Biography, News, Born 1950, February Once dubbed the philosopher of adolescence by film critic and fellow Chicagoan Roger Ebert, john hughes made his mark as the man http://www.starpulse.com/Actors/Hughes,_John/index.html | |
36. Peter Gordon Dalgleish · Ivonna Ellis (née Hughes) · H John Friend · Anthony Ivonna Ellis (née hughes). H john Friend. Anthony Harold Mercer Gaze Jack (john) Kenneth Willson Pepper. Ivonna Ellis (née hughes) http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1127657 |
37. John Hughes â Julianne Hughes : ZoomInfo Business People Information View the professional backgrounds of hughes, john through hughes, Julianne from ZoomInfo, the largest index of business people in the world. http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page18675.aspx | |
38. John Hughes See also Life of the Most Reverend john hughes, D. D., First Archbishop of New York, with Extracts from his Private Correspondence, by john R. G. http://www.famousamericans.net/johnhughes/ | |
39. Hughes, John -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia hughes, john (born 1950), American film director, writer, and producer, born in Lansing, Mich.; attended University of Arizona; gag writer for Rodney http://student.britannica.com/ebi/article-9311753 | |
40. DBLP: John Hughes 15, john hughes Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, 4, john hughes A Novel Representation of Lists and its Application to the http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Hughes:John.html | |
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