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61. Events | The Modernist Studies Group At The University Of Washington huelsenbeck, richard. Collective Dada Manifesto. (1920) The Dada Painters and Poets. Robert Motherwell, Ed. Cambridge, MA Belknap Press, 1951. http://courses.washington.edu/modsg/foster.htm | |
62. Collections: Hu / SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections SchillerNationalmuseum (Marbach/Neckar, Germany); huelsenbeck, richard richard (1872-1931), writer Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck; http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/collections/hu.html | |
63. Art History - A Selected List Of Dada Artists George Hausmann, Raoul Heartfield, John Höch, Hannah huelsenbeck, richard Janco, Marcel Man Ray Picabia, Francis Prampolino, Enrico Richter, http://arthistory.about.com/library/artists/bymovement/bldada_artists.htm | |
64. Richard Huelsenbeck Translate this page charla dadá, mantenida en la galería neumann, berlín, el 18 de febrerO de 1918 pOr richard huelsenbeck. señOras y señOres hOy tengO que decepciOnarles; http://es.geocities.com/dada1391/richardhuelsenbeck.htm | |
65. Richard Huelsenbeck Audio By Visual Artists, TELLUS 21 richard huelsenbeck Four Poems from Phantastiche Gebete . 1916. Recorded by Aspen Magazine, November 1967, N.Y. http://www.artpool.hu/Poetry/soundimage/Huelsenbeck.html | |
66. Tristan Tzara/Richard Huelsenbeck/Marcel Janco, MP3 Music Download At EMusic Tristan Tzara/richard huelsenbeck/Marcel Janco MP3s at eMusic. Download Tristan Tzara/richard huelsenbeck/Marcel Janco albums, tracks and songs for free http://www.emusic.com/artist/MP3-Download/11607583.html | |
67. Wrights & Sites - Documentation huelsenbeck, richard (1989) 1920, Collective Dada Manifesto , in The Dada Painters and Poets An Anthology, ed. Robert Motherwell, Cambridge http://www.mis-guide.com/ws/documents/dealing.html | |
68. NIKOLAJ huelsenbeck, richard Højmark, Jakob Draminsky Ignorante, Anton Ikuo, Shimizu International Telepathic Group Jacobi, Frans Jacobsen, Mogens Janco, Marcel http://www.kunsthallennikolaj.dk/en/index_subpage.asp?subpageIDX=232&mainpageIDX |
69. Huelsenbeck, Richard - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page huelsenbeck, richard - Lebensdaten und Erinnerung in Berlin. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Ehrung/h/huelsenbeck_richard.htm | |
70. Dada (Rowohlt-Vlg.) / Huelsenbeck, Richard Test Und Preisvergleich Translate this page Dada (Rowohlt-Vlg.) / huelsenbeck, richard im Ciao Preisvergleich unter Bücher zum Thema Kunst. Lesen Sie einen Testbericht zu Dada (Rowohlt-Vlg.) http://www.ciao.de/Dada_Rowohlt_Vlg_Huelsenbeck_Richard__146750 | |
71. AKUK The European Home Of AK Press And Distribution. huelsenbeck, richard (ed). Atlas paperback ISBN 0947757627 £12.99. A new translation of the original collection first published in 1920. http://www.akuk.com/mainpage.php?ThisSub=27 |
72. Capital Cities At War - Cambridge University Press huelsenbeck, richard, 17. Hugo, Victor, 291, 457. Humboldt University, 390, 395. hypnosis, 381. iconoclasm, 17. iconoclasm, metropolitan, 10, 16, 18 http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521870436&ss=ind |
73. Rare Books & Mss. All Departments.. From "D. H. Lawrence. Reminiscences And Corr huelsenbeck, (richard). Dada Almanach. Im Auftrag des Zentralamts der Deutschen DadaBewegung, 1920, £ 2000. SHORT, (Robert). Dada and Surrealism. http://www.maggs.com/departments/title.asp?dept=HOME&letter=D&browse=title&subse |
74. Unacknowledged Roots And Blatant Imitation: huelsenbeck, richard. 1920. Dada Conquers! Taking Stock and Remembrance. Hanover Silbergaule. Kellner, Douglas. 1990. The Postmodern Turn Positions, http://www.sociology.org/content/vol004.001/locher.html | |
75. The University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Else Von Freytag-Loringhoven Holdings In T huelsenbeck, richard 7 25 Hugo, Jean (SEE Photos.+Repros.) Huszar, Vilmos (SEE ALSO Photos.+Repros.) 7 26 Huxley, Aldous (SEE ALSO Photos.+Repros. http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/collections/fpg/frl/collUWis2fd | |
76. Project MUSE We can refer back to richard huelsenbeck s claim to inventing the word Dada in opposition to Tristan Tzara s claim.6 Other groupaffiliated poets are http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/contemporary_literature/v045/45.2kane.html | |
77. Tomfolio.com Category: Art History, Style: Dadaism huelsenbeck, richard The Dada Almanac Picture Publisher London Atlas Press, 1993. ISBN 0947757627 8.25 x9 174pp. Pictorial wraps. Illustrated. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=2616 |
78. If You Have Come Straight To This Page Thanks To A Search Engine the original German almanac from the Berlin, 1920, which richard huelsenbeck edited, in its firsttime-ever English version presented by Malcolm Green, http://www.xs4all.nl/~boewoe/h.htm | |
79. Surrealism huelsenbeck, richard (Ed) The Dada Almanac. £12.99 pb 0947757627 Atlas , A new translation of the original collection first published in 1920. http://www.obsolete.com/ak/distribution/surrealism.html | |
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