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41. Findings:@Everything2.com Here s the stuff we found when you searched for richard huelsenbeck ; richard Davies If you Log in you could create a richard huelsenbeck node. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Richard Huelsenbeck |
42. DADA Almanac - Huelsenbeck, Richard - Sjakoo's Catalog DADA Almanac Atlas Arckhive One Documents of the AvantGarde. http://www.sjakoo.nl/books/8355.htm | |
43. U B U W E B :: Presents :: Msg#00010 ASPEN MAGAZINE Index of Artists Authors Alpert, richard, LSD and the Art of . Audio Clarinet on St. James Infirmary Blues huelsenbeck, richard, http://osdir.com/ml/music.john-cage/2002-11/msg00010.html | |
44. Transition. Papers Of The Magazine Transition: Guide. (20) huelsenbeck, richard, 18921974. Dada lebt TsS, 1936. 1 folder. English translation published in Transition 25 (1936) 73-76. http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou00047 | |
45. Richard HUELSENBECK Art Auction Sales And Market Information By Artprice.com - A artprice.com, the world leader in art market information Art price guide and art market reference book, updated world auction sales calendar, art prices, http://web.artprice.com/artistdetails.aspx?idArti=MzI4NjE4MTY4ODgyNTQ0LQ==&src=3 |
46. [rumori] U B U W E B :: Presents :: A S P E N _ M A G A Z I N E huelsenbeck, richard, Audio Four Poems from Phantastiche Gebete Iimura, Takahiko, Program Notes for Soft Transformations http://www.detritus.net/contact/rumori/200305/0018.html | |
47. ARRABAL, Fernando, Baal Babylone. huelsenbeck, richard Die Newyorker Kantaten/Cantates NewYorkaises. Mit Sechs Zeichnungen von Hans Arp. Octavo, 51pp. First edition of this latter-day http://www.polybiblio.com/lameduck/400.html | |
48. Little Review (Chicago, Ill.) huelsenbeck, richard 1 TMs (2 pp). Hugo, Jean 1 reproduction. Huszar, Vilmos 1 AMsS (2 pp); 1 TMs (2 pp); 1 reproduction. Huxley, Aldous 1 ALS (2 pp); http://www.uwm.edu/Libraries/arch/findaids/uwmmss01.htm | |
49. The Greenwich Public Library /All Locations English. Selections, 1. huelsenbeck R richard 1892 1974 See huelsenbeck, richard, 18921974, 1. Your entry huelsenbeck, richard, 1892-1974 would be here http://pac.greenwichlibrary.org:90/kids/1899,2126/search/d?Huelsenbeck, Richard, |
50. Hulsenbeck Translate this page Avant la Première Guerre mondiale, richard huelsenbeck, né à Frankenau en Allemagne, est déjà parmi les jeunes poètes et écrivains expressionnistes qui http://home.nordnet.fr/~jgrosse/int/personnes/hulsenbeck.html | |
51. JSTOR Dada Berlin A History Of Performance (1918-1920) Six months after the closing of the first Dada theatre, the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, richard huelsenbeck returned to Berlin. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0012-5962(197406)18:2<114:DBHOP>2.0.CO;2-U |
52. English Literature & Creative Writing Web Sites, Resources For Writers & Informa Dadaistisches Manifest Unterzeichnet ua von Tristan Tzara, Franz Jung, George Grosz, Marcel Janco, richard huelsenbeck, Gerhard Preiß, Raoul Hausmann. http://www.literature-study-online.com/search/index.php/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Lit | |
53. Katalog DMOZ Arts Literature Authors H Huelsenbeck, Richard Katalog DMOZ Arts Literature Authors H huelsenbeck, richard. http://www.dmoz.point93.pl/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Huelsenbeck,_Ri |
54. Arp/Jean Arp Hans Arp, richard huelsenbeck, Tristan Tzara Dada, Dada Gedichte Dichtungen . Dada Almanach, édité par richard huelsenbeck, Edition bilingue allemand http://www.fondationarp.org/bibliarp.htm | |
55. Theory, Culture & Society -- Sign In Page huelsenbeck, richard (1951) `En Avant Dada A History of Dadaism , pp. 2147 in R. Motherwell (ed.) The Dada Painters and Poets An Anthology. http://tcs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/16/1/141 | |
56. Page 2 Tehching (Sam) Hubaut, Joël - Hubert, Pierre-Alain - Huebler, Douglas - huelsenbeck, richard - Hugnet, Georges - Hulbeck, Beate - Hutchins, Alice - http://pagesperso-orange.fr/henri.niotou/getty.edu/Page_2x.html | |
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58. Richard Huelsenbeck On Artnet richard huelsenbeck Find works of art, auction results sale prices of artist richard huelsenbeck at galleries and auctions worldwide. http://www.artnet.com/artist/578818/richard-huelsenbeck.html | |
59. Art Books - History - Surrealism richard huelsenbeck s memoirs bring to life the More intellectual, artistic, and political concerns of the individuals involved in the Dada movement and http://shopping.msn.com/results/surrealism/bcatid326/forsale?text=category:surre |
60. English Books > Poetry > Single Author - Continental European Ball, Hugo With huelsenbeck, richard Paperback; ; ISBN 0947757864. Blazing Lights Of The Sun. Copioli, Rosita Translator Tritel, Renata Paperback; http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbpq503B.shtml | |
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