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1. Open Collections Program: Women Working: Julia Ward Howe Julia Ward howe julia ward Howe, a writer, lecturer, and women s rights activist, was born in 1819 in New York City to Samuel Ward, Jr., a wealthy Wall http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/ww/people_howe.html | |
2. Julia Ward Howe - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet most famous as the author of The Battle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Ward_Howe | |
3. Unitarian Universalist Biographical Dictionary Julia Ward howe julia ward Howe (May 27, 1819October 17, 1910), little known today except as author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, was famous in her http://www25.uua.org/uuhs/duub/articles/juliawardhowe.html | |
4. Julia Ward Howe -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Julia Ward Howe American author and lecturer best known for her Battle Hymn of the Republic. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9041243/Julia-Ward-Howe | |
5. Julia Ward Howe - Wikiquote Julia Ward Howe at Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist Biography; Julia Ward Howe at Harvard University; Julia Ward Howe at Anwers.com; National Women s http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Julia_Ward_Howe | |
6. Julia Ward Howe: Biography And Much More From Answers.com Julia Ward Howe , Poet / Activist Born 27 May 1819 Birthplace New York, New York Died 17 October 1910 Best Known As The abolitionist who wrote The. http://www.answers.com/topic/julia-ward-howe | |
7. Howe Julia Ward School - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - PA - School Overview howe julia ward School located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PA. Find howe julia ward School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/pa/2016 | |
8. Julia Ward Howe - Britannica Concise Julia Ward Howe US abolitionist and social reformer. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9367438/Julia-Ward-Howe | |
9. Battle Hymn Of The Republic: Julia Ward Howe Julia Ward Howe, today, we know her by her poem, which are the lyrics for The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. http://ma.essortment.com/battlehymnrepu_raqr.htm | |
10. Julia Ward Howe Julia Ward Howe, born in New York City, was the daughter of a Wall Street broker and banker and a mother who was a poet. http://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/poets/howe.php | |
11. Julia Ward Howe Julia Ward Howe Resources on the Net. Julia Ward Howe material written or compiled by this webmaster, on another site http://www.transcendentalists.com/julia_ward_howe.htm | |
12. Julia Ward Howe Julia Ward Howe, author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic. http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/linguistics/american/19th/howe.htm | |
13. Howe Julia Ward Sch School 421899003743 howe julia ward Sch School is located at 5800 N 13TH ST, view howe julia ward Sch School information and school stats plus parent reviews. http://schools.nationalrelocation.com/school/421899003743/ | |
14. Julia Ward :: Humanarchives.org Julia Ward Howe Mothers Day and Peace - Beyond the Battle Hymn of . Julia Ward howe julia ward Howe (May 27, 1819-October 17, 1910), little known . http://juliaward.humanarchives.org/ | |
15. About Julia Ward Howe Information on julia ward howe her life and work. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/bio/blbio_howe_julia_ward.htm | |
16. Julia Ward Howe - Home Composer Henry Papale has created a onewoman show, based the letters of julia ward howe. Using a compositional technique that is an amalgam of 20th century http://www.juliawardhowe.org/ | |
17. Julia Ward Howe â Infoplease.com howe, julia ward, 18191910, American author and social reformer, b. New York City. She assisted her husband, Samuel Gridley howe, in his philanthropic http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0824353.html | |
18. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall julia ward howe, author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, was a pioneer for women in Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory a biography of julia ward howe. http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=80 |
19. Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, Vol. I. julia ward howe, 18191910 by Laura E. Richards (1850-1943) and Maud howe .. Henry Marion howe, julia RUSH ward From a painting in the possession of her http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/richards/howe/howe-I.html | |
20. Mother's Day ~ The Origins And History Of Mother's Day, Julie Ward Howe, Anna Ja In the United States, julia ward howe suggested the idea of Mother s Day in 1872 julia ward howe, a Boston poet, pacifist, suffragist, and author of the http://www.emotionscards.com/trivia/mothersday/mothersday.html | |
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