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61. A Western View: Poets Garrett Hongo And Ishmael Reed To Read At The Library Of C On Thursday evening, February 1, poets garrett hongo and Ishmael Reed will read from their work in the Mumford Room on the sixth floor of the James Madison http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/1996/96-009.html | |
62. The Association Of Writers & Writing Programs -- Serving Writers Since 1967 hongo, garrett; no. 4, p. 15 Johnson, Claudia; no. 6, p. 10 Klappert, Peter; no. 3, p. 4 Lake, Paul; no. 1, p. 17 Lament For a Maker; no. 6, p. 1 http://www.awpwriter.org/magazine/artindex09.htm | |
63. UPNE | American Furniture The White Fire of Time, Hinsey, Ellen. Of Gravity Angels, Hirshfield, Jane. Yellow Light Poems, hongo, garrett Kaoru. Singularities, Howe, Susan http://www.upne.com/series/WPS.html | |
64. WAL Bibliography 1998 TI garrett hongo. PI Boise Boise State University, 1997. Hopkins, Pauline E. AU Tonkovich, Nicole. TI Guardian Angels and Missing Mothers Race and http://www.usu.edu/westlit/bib98.htm | |
65. 6moons Audio Reviews: Bugle Boys - A Poem By Garrett Hongo What follows is a poem reader garrett hongo permitted us to reproduce. I d usually not feature it in the audioreviews section were it not for the fact that http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/bugleboys/bugleboys.html | |
66. The World Authors 1985-1990Authors Covered hongo, garrett. Horne, Alistair. Hourani, Albert. Hove, Chenjerai. Howard, Michael. Howatch, Susan. Howe, Tina. Humphreys, Josephine. Hwang, David Henry http://www.hwwilson.com/print/waseries_authorslist_1985_90.htm | |
67. Poetry In Motion | Portland hongo, garrett Eruption Pu u O o (excerpt). Grabill, James Almost from Nowhere (excerpt). Inada, Lawson Listening Images. Kenyon, Jane Who http://www.poetrysociety.org/motion/mapsite/pimpoems/portland/portlandindex.html | |
68. Untitled Document Other Authors hongo, garrett Kaoru, 1951 LCCN 94044594 ISN 0385472390 Location Baker Stacks E/184/O6/U47/1995 Author Bulosan, Carlos. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hist32/Books/LITERATURE - ESSAYS AND PROSE.htm | |
69. Books Aloud, Inc. - [CATALOG - Adult Category U - Z] VOLCANO A MEMOIR OF HAWAII, hongo, garrett, NATURE. VOYAGE OF A SUMMER SUN, CODY, ROBIN, TRAVEL. VOYAGE OF COMMITMENT, TRIPLETT, RAYMOND F. SEA STORIES http://www.booksaloud.org/adult_u_z.htm | |
70. Bolerium Books - Asia: American Labor And Radical History, Trotskyism, African A hongo, garrett Kaoru, Alan Chong Lau and Lawson Fusao Inada .. hongo, garrett , ed, Under western eyes; personal essays from Asian America. http://www.bolerium.com/cgi-bin/bol48/find/keywords/Asia.html | |
71. U.S. Society And Values, "Contemporary U.S. Literature: Multicultural Perspectiv hongo, garrett, ed. The Open Boat Poems from Asian America. New York Anchor Books Doubleday, 1993. Kim, Elaine H. Asian American Literature An http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itsv/0200/ijse/biblio.htm | |
72. Latimer05 In a similar manner, Garret hongo s critique of white America in Lost in Place unwittingly reinforces the feigned homogeneity of white suburbia by http://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb05-3/latimer05.html | |
73. A Guide To Contemporary Multicultural North American Poetry For Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/U6K65233466G705R.pdf |
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