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Home - Authors - Hollo Anselm |
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61. Reviewing The Tape, By Anselm Hollo Reviewing The Tape. anselm hollo. i.m. Piero Heliczer. I. calling 1959 calling 1959 what does he know Books in print by anselm hollo http://www.cultureport.com/newhp/lingo/authors/hollo.html | |
62. Library Catalogue Selected poems (of) Paavo Haavikko / translated and with an introduction by anselm hollo; (and of) Tomas Transtro mer / translated and with an introduction http://ipac.brad.ac.uk/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=GW&term=finnish |
63. Companion List hollo, anselm 500 words assigned Howard, Richard 500 words assigned Howe, Fanny 500 words assigned Howe, Susan 1000 words assigned http://web.njit.edu/~kimmelma/companionlist.html | |
64. Akua Lezli Hope's JAZZ POETRY BIBLIOGRAPHY hollo, anselm (Editor). EM 9507, IB 08023-9048-X PR Trade Paper ($3.50 (Retail Price)) PB Dufour, Pocket Poet Ser., 196301 Jazz Poetry From the 1920s to http://www.artfarm.com/jazzpobib.html | |
65. WRIT Cumulative Index hollo, anselm (tr.) 21 Holz, Cynthia 8, 16 Hustvedt, Siri (tr.) 18 Back to top of Index Inkster, Tim 1 Jacobsen, Rolf (tr. Roger Greenwald) 14, 18 http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~roger/index127.html | |
66. Faculty anselm hollo is a poet, translator and essayist. He is the author of more than thirty books and chapbooks of poetry, most recently Notes on the http://www.naropa.edu/academics/graduate/writingpoetics/mfa/faculty.cfm | |
67. English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Poetry Sort by. Most popular, Highest user rating, Lowest price, Highest price, Name AZ, Name Z-A. Guests of Space Guests of Space by hollo, anselm http://shopping.msn.com/results/english-irish-scottish-welsh/bcatid3091/forsale? |
68. R.Bové-Review It is enough to suggest to those who do read us to rush out and buy anselm hollos immeasurably delightful new collection, Corvus, brimming with poems at http://www.thing.net/~grist/bove/hollorev.htm | |
69. Water Row Books - Author Lists Bukowski, Charles,hollo, anselm, Kinsella, W.P. Et al Burns, Charles Burns, Charles, Illustrated by Charles Burns Burns, Charles, Panter, Gary, http://www.waterrowbooks.com/authors.php | |
70. John Ashbery's Three Poems: An Annotated Bibliography hollo, anselm. Gifts to Our Spirit John Ashberys Three Poems. Crazy Horse 14 (November 1973) 178. A short review in praise of the work, http://filebox.vt.edu/users/amonroe/Bibliography.html | |
71. AGNI | Poetry | 3 | 'oh, Mama Window' By Anselm Hollo by anselm hollo. today, you look so neat bright, today seurat, old saxophone joe, seurat anselm hollo has had several books published. (Fall 1974) http://www.bu.edu/agni/poetry/print/1974/3-hollo-mama.html | |
72. Untitled Document hollo, anselm HOROVITZ, Michael HOYEM, Andrew HUBBELL, Lindley Williams (Hayashi Shuseki) HUIDOBRO, Vincente JACKRELL, Thomas L. JACKSON, Richard http://www.evergreenreview.com/archive/contrib/poets.html |
73. Complete Index Of Hanging Loose hollo, anselm. Blue Ceiling, 63. Six from rue Wilson Monday 3, 12, 16, 17, 19, 22 75. Holstein, Amara. Reflections, 61. Holtz, Samara Adsit. http://www.hangingloosepress.com/poetry_index_h.html | |
74. University Of Delaware: EDWARD FIELD PAPERS hollo, anselm 1991 May 7 TDS 1p F28 Note Biographical sheet with a press release. holloway, David 1965 Jun 16 TLS 1p F165 Hoover, Paul, 1946 1991 Apr 16 http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/field/field10.htm | |
75. Records Of The Toothpaste Press - The University Of Iowa Libraries hollo, anselm, 1973 1982. Holman, Robert (Bob). NYC Poetry Calendar, 1977 1979. Houston, Bruce, 1975 1983. I, 1979 1983 http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/MSC/ToMsc500/MsC461/MsC461.htm | |
76. J. A. Hollo Their son anselm hollo (b. 1934) became a writer and translator; he moved to England in 1958. From 1967 anselm hollo has lived in the United States, http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/jahollo.htm | |
77. Anselm On BabyNamer anselm hollo (born 1934). FinnishAmerican poet and translator. Wrote Sojourner Microcosms and Finite Continued (see list of Writers of the Beat Generation) http://www.babynamer.com/Anselm | |
78. GALATEA RESURRECTS, #7 (A Poetry Engagement): GUESTS OF SPACE By ANSELM HOLLO anselm hollos) and real conversations with friends; that they need to know that poems are not just language, but rather that this is ME, anselm hollo, http://galatearesurrection7.blogspot.com/2007/08/guests-of-space-by-anselm-hollo | |
79. SFU Library - Special Collections And Rare Books Collections Policy At SFU Libra hollo, anselm Howe, Susan Irby, Kenneth Jess (Collins) Jonas, Stephen Kelly, Robert Kerouac, Jack Koch, Kenneth Kyger, Joanna Lamantia, Philip http://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/collections/specificcollections/specialcollections/s | |
80. Salem Press *hollo, anselm, 1782 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1787 *Holub, Miroslav, 1794 Holz, Arno, 1798 Homer, 1804 Hongo, Garrett Kaoru, 1812 Hood, Thomas, 1818 http://salempress.com/Store/samples/critical_survey_poetry/critical_survey_poetr | |
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