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Hollo Anselm: more books (100) | ||||||||||
1. Anselm Hollo Anselm Hollo is the author of more than thirty books, most recently the essay collection Caws Causeries and Notes on the Possibilities and Attractions of http://www.poets.org/aholl/ |
2. Anselm Hollo - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Anselm Hollo was born in Finland. His father, Juho Aukusti Hollo 1 (18851967) who liked to be (and was usually) known as J.A. Hollo was Professor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anselm_Hollo | |
3. Anselm Hollo Anselm Hollo was born in Helsinki, Finland, and was educated there and in the U.S. (senior year in high school on an exchange scholarship). http://www.cyberpoems.com/abtans-h.html | |
4. Boundary 2 01903659 Duke University Press Anaffirmation 0190-3659 CO;2 303874 Heissenbuttel Helmut hollo anselm 1999 26 1 135 135 research-article boundary 2 01903659 Duke University Press Essay in Greek http://spider.jstor.org:9080/spidergate/metadata?issn=01903659&index=3 |
5. Hollo ANSELM HOLLO. OH DIDN T HE RAMBLE (Excerpts from the Informal Seminar Verbarium). Collage and montage of various kinds are major modes of production. http://www.poetspath.com/transmissions/messages/hollo.html | |
6. Internet Archive Search: Creator:Hollo, Anselm A class taught by anselm hollo at the Naropa Institute July 31, 1980. hollo and class discuss various translators, poems in translation, and issues around http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator:Hollo, Anselm |
7. Duration Press anselm hollo was born in Helsinki, Finland, and was educated there and in the U.S. (senior Translations of Lauri Otonkoski by anselm hollo at Duration http://www.durationpress.com/authors/hollo/home.html | |
8. Friedlander, Benjamin; Hollo, Anselm - Benjamin Friedlander Lecture On Paul Cela Download Friedlander, Benjamin; hollo, anselm Benjamin Friedlander lecture on Paul Celan, July, 1992. MP3 for free. http://friedlander-benjamin-hollo-anselm-benjam-mp3-download.kohit.net/_/191834 | |
9. HOLLO, ANSELM | Find Articles At BNET.com Find Articles results for hollo, anselm Chicago Review, 6/22/99 by hollo, anselm · More from publication · Save http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qt=HOLLO, ANSELM |
10. Jacket 27 - April 2005 - Anselm Hollo: Anne’s School anselm hollo, poet and literary translator, is a Professor in the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. http://jacketmagazine.com/27/w-holl.html | |
11. Hollo, Anselm - Anselm Hollo Lecture, Letters To The New Century, Part 3, April, Download hollo, anselm anselm hollo lecture, Letters to the new century, part 3, April, 2001. MP3 for free. http://hollo-anselm-anselm-hollo-lecture-letter-mp3-download.kohit.net/_/221641 | |
12. Outburst[and The Matrix Press]Archive Correspondence from hollo, anselm 1961. 23. Correspondence from hollo, anselm Correspondence from hollo, anselm. 26. Correspondence from Hymes, Dell http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/coll_mss/outburst.html | |
13. Epstein's Presents. . . Anselm Hollo. Josephine Hollo. Time Hildebrand. George M Epstein s Presents. . . anselm hollo. Josephine hollo. Time Hildebrand. George Mattingly.; hollo), (anselm. JOSEPHINE hollo. TIM HILDEBRAND. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/stev/15613.shtml | |
14. Brgcorma Guide To The Cid Corman Collection Of Papers, 1941-1983 Deutsch, Babette, 1895 hollo, anselm. Olson, Charles, 1910-1970. Perlman, John. Came with Cid Corman s Poems Manuscript box (Corman) hollo, anselm. http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/berg/brgcorma.xml | |
15. Hollo, Anselm - Anselm Hollo Lecture, 'Neo-DaDa Futuredada No. 22.' MP3 Download Download hollo, anselm anselm hollo lecture, Neo-DaDa futuredada no. 22. MP3 for free. http://hollo-anselm-anselm-hollo-lecture-039-ne-mp3-download.kohit.net/_/221640 | |
16. The Poetry Project Cardelli, Joe; hollo, anselm; Malone, Kirby, Phantom Pod, Pod Books, 1977, First edition, signed by anselm hollo. Carey, Peter, My Life As A Fake http://www.poetryproject.com/books.php | |
17. Register Of Alice Notley Papers - MSS 0319 Includes Jack Collom, anselm hollo, Jane Dalrymplehollo, Lee Ann Brown, Steven Taylor, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, and Rose Pettet. http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/testing/html/mss0319a.html | |
18. Wtu00115.xml Register Of The Trigram Press Archive (WTU00115) The Esam, John, anselm hollo, and Tom Raworth. Haikucollection of poems. . Photographs of anselm hollo. 6 items 8/13. 1969 April 10. hollo, anselm. http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/manuscripts/mlc/findingaids/wtu00115.xml | |
19. New American Poetry Circuit Records hollo, anselm. Irby, Kenneth, 1936. Jones, Jenetta L. Kelly, Robert, 1935- 111, hollo, anselm, 1969-1971. 112, Irby, Ken, 1969-1970 http://www.lib.uconn.edu/DoddCenter/ASC/findaids/New_American/MSS19980206.html | |
20. Scorpion Press: A Preliminary Inventory Of Its Collection At The Harry Ransom Hu hollo, anselm. Some Poems by Paul Klee, translated by hollo, galley and page Anna Kavan), Royston Ellis, Robert Greacen, anselm hollo, Jenny Joseph, http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00235/hrc-00235.html | |
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