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1. Friedrich Holderlin -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Friedrich Holderlin German lyric poet who succeeded in naturalizing the forms of classical Greek verse in German http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040776/Friedrich-Holderlin | |
2. Friedrich Holderlin - Britannica Concise Holderlin, Friedrich German lyric poet who succeeded in naturalizing the forms of classical Greek verse in German and in melding Christian and classical http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9367216/Friedrich-Holderlin | |
3. "Aidai" - Christian Tradition And Culture Today back. holderlin friedrich. Books. (1995). © Aidai 2004, Solution » http://www.aidai.lt/en/?pid=109&id=275 |
4. Holderlin Friedrich Friedrich Holderlin Gifts In India At Rediff Books holderlin friedrich Friedrich Holderlin at rediff books. http://books.rediff.com/bookshop/buyersearch.jsp?lookfor=Holderlin Friedrich&sea |
5. Friedrich Hölderlin â Infoplease.com Listening to the Voice of/as the Other friedrich holderlin and the Deconstruction of the German Nation .(poet) (The Germanic Review) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0823965.html | |
6. Friedrich Holderlin Selected poems translated by James Mitchell. Includes image gallery, brief biography, notes, glossary of mythological terminology. http://home.att.net/~holderlin/ | |
7. Friedrich Holderlin - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles Research friedrich holderlin at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/literature/friedrich-holderlin.jsp |
8. Friedrich Holderlin : Poems And Biography friedrich holderlin is considered to be one of the great lyric poets of the German Romantic period. Though he is not always grouped with the Romantic poets, http://www.poetry-chaikhana.com/H/HolderlinFri/index.htm | |
9. Friedrich Hölderlin - Friedrich Holderlin - Letters To G. W. F. Hegel And Fried friedrich Hölderlin Letters to G. W. F. Hegel and friedrich Schelling. Plus On Jacobi s Letters Concerning the Teaching of Spinoza (1790 http://evans-experientialism.freewebspace.com/holderlin01.htm | |
10. Some Poems Of Friedrich Holderlin. By Friedrich (author); Prokosch Holderlin, Fr by holderlin, friedrich (author); Prokosch, Frederic (translator). Publisher Information New Directions Books, Norfolk, Connecticut 1943 http://www.juniperbooks.com/cgi-bin/juniper/1654 | |
11. Powell's Books - Holderlin: Selected Poems And Fragments (Penguin Classics) By F Though his literary talents were scarcely known to his contemporaries, friedrich holderlin has emerged today as one of Europe s supreme poets. http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780140424164 |
12. : : : : : Friedrich Holderlin : : : : : Translate this page El poeta alemán friedrich von Schiller publicó algunos de los primeros versos de Hölderlin en sus periódicos y obtuvo también para él diversos puestos de http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=1831 |
13. The Archipelago - HOLDERLIN, FRIEDRICH; TRANSLATED BY J. B. LEISHMAN; INTRODUCTI The Archipelago; holderlin, friedrich; TRANSLATED BY JB LEISHMAN; INTRODUCTION BY friedrich GUNDOLF. Offered by Benson s Antiquarian Books. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/benson/010045.shtml | |
14. Articles From Chicago Review | Find Articles At BNET.com Paid off by lovely silence For every thorn in my heart And Chicago Review, 12/22/05 by holderlin, friedrich · More from publication http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qa=Holderlin, Friedrich |
15. [Holderlin] Hoelderlin, Friedrich.; Die Psalmen Des Koeniglichen Propheten David holderlin Hoelderlin, friedrich. Die Psalmen des koeniglichen Propheten Davids Ed. W. G. Marigold. New York and London Johnson Reprints 1972 lxxi, 413, http://www.ilab.org/db/book1835_96.html | |
16. Selected Poems And Fragments: Freidrich Holderlin; Author: Holderlin, Friedrich; friedrich holderlin (17701843), regarded as one of the giants of German literature, produced a large body of lyric poetry and a novel, HYPERION, http://www.netstoreusa.com/pxbooks/014/0140424164.shtml | |
17. Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Authors > H > Hölderlin, Friedr Encyclopædia Britannica holderlin, Johann Christian friedrich friedrich Hölderlin http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/friedrich_H%C3%B6lderlin http://www.google.dk/alpha/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hölderlin,_Friedrich | |
18. Goodreads | Friedrich Holderlin Get all the rants and raves about friedrich holderlin s books on Goodreads.com where you can see what your friends are reading. http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2690 | |
19. Friedrich Holderlin -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia friedrich holderlin (17701843). After more than a century of obscurity, the lyric poetry of friedrich Hölderlin came to be recognized as some of the finest http://student.britannica.com/ebi/article-9274911 | |
20. JSTOR Specular Reciprocity And The Construction Of The Feminine Specular Reciprocity and the Construction of the Feminine in friedrich holderlin s Hyperion TACEY A. ROSOLOWSKI Since he was the first one who had ever http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0047-7729(199522)25:3<43:SRATCO>2.0.CO;2-C |
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