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41. Transatlantic Slavery: Selected Bibliography hogg, peter C. The African Slave Trade and its Suppression A Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Articles. http://www.sil.si.edu/silpublications/transatlanticslavery.htm | |
42. Official Site Of Hendrix College Athletics Keith DePauw 406.80 407.54 3 7 hogg, peter DePauw 403.08 409.55 2 8 Hale, Matthew Rhodes 3308.83 5 5 hogg, peter DePauw 3313.08 4 6 O Brien, http://www.hendrixwarriors.com/newsItem.aspx?i=1002 |
43. References hogg, peter, Constitutional Law of Canada, 2d ed. (Toronto Carswell, 1972). hogg, peter, Constitutional Law of Canada, 3d ed. (Toronto Carswell, 1992). http://www.bcwatersheds.org/wcelpub/4994_ref.html | |
44. Onitsha Market LiteratureSecondary Sources hogg, peter and Ilse Sternberg, eds. Market Literature from Nigeria A Checklist. London The British Library, 1990. Z3597 .M37 1990 Ikpoto, Grey. http://www.indiana.edu/~libsalc/african/onitsha3.html | |
45. Burkean Canuck: Maurice Vellacott, M.P. V. Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin, P.C. hogg, peter W. Canada Act, 1982, Annotated, Toronto, Carswell Co., 1982. hogg, peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada, Toronto, Carswell Co., 1977. http://burkeancanuck.blogspot.com/2006/05/maurice-vellacott-mp-v-rt-hon-beverley | |
46. The Resistance Of Collateral Channels In Excised Human Lungs James C. hogg, peter T. Macklem, and William M. Thurlbeck. Department of Pathology, McGill University and the Cardiorespiratory Service, Royal Victoria http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=535706 |
47. Peter Hogg Of Jedburgh, Taxi & Coach Hire Specialists peter hogg of Jedburgh, Taxi Coach Hire Specialists based in the heart of the Scottish Borders. Thanks to Jake Designs for their patience, http://www.petestaxis.co.uk/ | |
48. Harrow County School For Boys - Prefects 1944-45 Ken Blackburn was at the 90th Anniversary and I believe that Jimmy hogg and peter Bellamy have been heard of, fairly recently, in the O.G.s. http://www.jeffreymaynard.com/Harrow_County/Prefects1944.htm | |
49. DePauw University Intercollegiate Athletics hogg, peter. 2001, 02, 03, 04. Holmes, Adam. 1991. Hull, Nathan. 1991, 92, 93, 94. Hurley, Jim. 1980, 81. Huss, Steve. 1992, 93, 94, 95. Iddins, Jim http://www.depauw.edu/ath/mcross/lettermen.asp | |
50. Slavery Guide: Bibliography hogg, peter C. The African Slave Trade and its Suppre ssion A Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Articles. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/slavery/bibliography.html | |
51. Agendas, Minutes And Reports John Heenan, Alan Hockridge, Ian hogg, peter Kehoe, Rosey Knifton, Derek Kraft, . Motion Moved by Councillor Bates and seconded by Councillor hogg http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/cairo/docs/doc8030.htm | |
52. Deconstructing Dinner - Recent Shows Andy Fisher, Devorah Kahn, Gordon hogg, peter Ladner, Jacqueline Tiller, Michael Roberts, Nicole Manuel, Paul Smith, Cathleen Kneen, Dena Hoff, http://www.kootenaycoopradio.com/deconstructingdinner/recent.htm | |
53. AAC -- Table Of Contents (May 1 1999, 43 [5]) H. Cody Meissner, Jessie R. Groothuis, William J. Rodriguez, Robert C. Welliver, Geoff hogg, peter H. Gray, Richard Loh, Eric A. F. Simoes, peter Sly, http://aac.asm.org/content/vol43/issue5/ | |
54. The Court » Supreme Court Of Canada - 2006 - Authors Cited hogg, peter W., Joanne E. Magee and Jinyan Li. Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law, 5th ed. Toronto Carswell, 2005. Holmes Appleman on Insurance 2d, http://www.thecourt.ca/supreme-court-of-canada-2006-authors-cited/ | |
55. Chapter 01, The Canadian Context hogg, peter W. (1982). Canada Act 1982 Annotated . Toronto Carswell. hogg, peter W. (1992). Constitutional Law of Canada (3rd ed). Toronto Carswell. http://www.unb.ca/education/bezeau/eact/eact01.html | |
56. 000264 - Psychological Fiction hogg, peter Crimes of War more; Homes, A.M. The End of Alice more; Howie, Betsy Snow more; Hoyte, Kirsten Dinnall Black Marks more new 12/05 http://www.readersadvice.com/readadv/000264.html | |
57. History Of Singlehanded TransPac peter hogg, who safely traversed the strong winds and heavy seas during the beginning of the race in his 40foot catamaran Tainui, was the first to appear http://www.wingo.com/sss/tpc/tphist.html | |
58. Hogg Family Genealogy Forum (Page 6) Re peter hogg / Barbara Hume Laurel aka Mrshogg2B 2/25/01 THOMAS hogg, b/o peter hogg, 1700 VA - Jason Combs 8/04/99. Re THOMAS hogg, b/o peter hogg http://www.genealogyboard.com/hogg/page6.html | |
59. Peter Hogg Quotes peter hogg quotes,peter, hogg, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/peter_hogg/ | |
60. Www.roadhoggs.net | Peter Hogg Of Jedburgh Coach Services peter hogg of Jedburgh was founded on 1st February 1996 by the late peter Augustine hogg. peter hogg bought out the local taxi company, which also comprised http://www.roadhoggs.net/about.html | |
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