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41. :: Munseys: E.T.A Hoffmann hoffmann, ETA The author s tale, read by Ian Richardson. Tags hoffmann, ETA (Ernst Theodor Amadeus), 17761822 Translations into English. http://www.munseys.com/detail/mode/author/E.T.A_Hoffmann | |
42. Sheet Music Plus - Hoffmann Eta Messa D-moll (ep) hoffmann Eta Messa Dmoll (ep) at Sheet Music Plus - By hoffmann. Schott. 36 pages. Published by Schoenberg. (49034070) http://wwws.sheetmusicplus.com/sheetmusic/detail/HL.49034070.html | |
43. Excite France - Hoffmann, E. T. A. > H > People > Arts (Web-Catalogue) ETA hoffmann (17761822) Enregistrer Concise introduction featuring a biography, Raptus Association for Music Appreciation ETA hoffmann Enregistrer http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/People/H/Hoffmann,_E._T._A. | |
44. HOFFMANN, E. T. A.: Play4me.com.au Add hoffmann, ETA to your Artist Watch list (click for more information). Sorted by hoffmann, ETA / BEST TALES OF hoffmann, BEST TALES OF hoffmann http://www.play4me.com.au/artist/hoffmann_e_t_a_553412.html | |
45. Die Elixiere Des Teufels By E. T. A. Hoffmann (Used, New, Out-of Alibris UK has Die Elixiere des Teufels and other books by ETA hoffmann, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/qwork/1674801/used/Die Elixiere des Teufel | |
46. HOFFMANN ETA Term Papers, Research Papers On HOFFMANN ETA, Essays On HOFFMANN ET 8 College Term Papers, Research Papers, Essays and Book Reports. http://www.academon.com/lib/essay/hoffmann-eta.html | |
47. HOFFMANN, E. T. A.: Chaos.com Add hoffmann, ETA to your Artist Watch list (click for more information). Sorted by hoffmann, ETA / BEST TALES OF hoffmann. BEST TALES OF hoffmann http://chaos.com/artist/hoffmann_e_t_a_553412.html | |
48. The Nutcracker Heirloom Ed. By E T A Hoffmann, Don Daily Alibris has The Nutcracker Heirloom Ed. and other books by ETA hoffmann, Don Daily (Illustrator), Don Daly (Illustrator), including new used copies, http://www.bibliocity.com/search/books/qwork/7857112/used/The Nutcracker: Heirlo | |
49. Read About Arts, People, H, Hoffmann, E. T. A. From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/People/H/Hoffmann,_E._T._A. |
50. Hoffmann, E.T.A. » H » Author A-Z » Fiction EBooks On Franklin.com ETA Hoffmanns Novelle ,,Der Sandmann beschreibt die Erlebnisse des Studenten Nathanael, der durch diese Erlebnisse mit seinen innersten Ängsten konfrontiert http://find.franklin.com/nav/nau/Hoffmann, E.T.A. /aau/H/pubauth/auth/gr/fiction | |
51. Hoffmann, Eta - Definitions From Dictionary.com 1 result for hoffmann, eta. (Browse Nearby Entries) HOFF; hoffa; Hoffa s operation; Hoffa, James Riddle; Hoffa, Jimmy; hoffman; Hoffman Estates; Hoffman, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hoffmann, e t a?r=14 |
52. 19th-century German Stories: Story Index Illustriert, Goethe, J. W. von, A Fairy Tale Illustriert. Das Märchen vom harten Nuß, hoffmann, E.T.A., The Story of the Hard Nut http://www.fln.vcu.edu/index_stories.html | |
53. Tales Of ETA Hoffmann By ETA Hoffmann, Leonard J Kent (Editor Alibris has Tales of ETA hoffmann and other books by ETA hoffmann, Leonard J Kent (Editor), Elizabeth C Knight (Editor), including new used copies, rare, http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/7861415/used/Tales of E. T. A. Hoffman | |
54. Short List Of Indexed Books(page 1104) - EBooks Search Engine hoffmann, E. T. A. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus) De Gouden Vaas. hoffmann, E. T. A. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus) - De Gouden Vaas http://www.ebdb.net/List.aspx?p=1104 |
55. Mirago : Arts: People: H: Hoffmann, E. T. A. IMDb ETA hoffmann Filmography lists movies and television shows based on his writings, especially versions of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. http://www.mirago.co.uk/scripts/dir.aspx?cat=Top/Arts/People/H/Hoffmann,_E._T._A |
56. Excite Italia - Arts - People - H - Hoffmann, E. T. A. ETA hoffmann (17761822) Salva Concise introduction featuring a biography, major works, Raptus Association for Music Appreciation ETA hoffmann Salva http://www.excite.it/directory/Arts/People/H/Hoffmann,_E._T._A. | |
57. : : : : : E.T.A. Hoffmann : : : : : Translate this page Ernst Theodor Amadeus hoffmann, escritor y compositor alemán, que influyó en el movimiento romántico de la literatura alemana. http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=1829 |
58. Powell's Books - The Tales Of Hoffmann (Penguin Classics) By E T A Hoffmann These stories tell of a mysterious visitor, a man terrorized by a childhood fairy tale, drawings that bring the past to life, an eccentric violin maker, http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780140443929 |
59. Eric's Music Shop - Sheet Music - Complete Editions - 40 Wide selection of available sheet music complete editions ETA hoffmann. The first edition of the musical works of ETA hoffmann, begun in the 1920s, http://www.erics-music-shop.com/shop/Sheet_Music/Complete_Editions/E-T-A_Hoffman | |
60. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print, 4535 hoffmann, ETA; TRANSLATED BY RALPH MANHEIM; ILLUSTRATED BY MAURICE SENDAK. NUTCRACKER. 112949 hoffmann, ETA (With Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/bsearch.php3?bsearch_submit=Search&auth=H |
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