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Highsmith Patricia: more books (98) | ||||||||||||||
21. Patricia Highsmith Writer The Talented Mr. Ripley. Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0383604/ | |
22. Boston Review: Patricia Highsmith Few more stubborn, contrary or selfassuming writers than patricia highsmith. Making no concessions to market forcesperhaps, like other highly http://bostonreview.net/BR26.5/sallis.html | |
23. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Patricia Highsmith Listen to extracts from a BBC interview with patricia highsmith. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/highsmithp1.shtml | |
24. Patricia Highsmith's Secret Life Revealed - Swissinfo A Swiss exhibition, using private documents and diaries from patricia highsmith s estate, delves deeply into her life and works. http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/index.html?siteSect=108&sid=6586671&cKey=1143619808 |
25. Bloomsbury.com - Bloomsbury Author Information patricia highsmith was born in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1921. Bloomsburys most recent editions of patricia highsmith novels are Carol and Ripley Under http://www.bloomsbury.com/authors/microsite.asp?id=385 |
26. The Dark Shadow Of The Everyday - Telegraph patricia highsmith s superior crime fiction is informed by her interest in the patricia highsmith s mother tried to abort her by drinking turpentine. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2007/05/12/bohigh12.xml |
27. Her Well Of Loneliness - New York Times SINCE the 1999 film adaptation of her novel The Talented Mr. Ripley, patricia highsmith has been gaining posthumous celebrity. American fame evaded her http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F02E6DD1739F932A0575BC0A9659C8B6 |
28. Glbtq >> Literature >> Highsmith, Patricia Acclaimed mystery writer patricia highsmith is the author of one explicitly lesbian novel, as well as the popular series featuring the amoral bisexual Tom http://www.glbtq.com/literature/highsmith_p.html | |
29. The Chronicle Of Higher Education When patricia highsmith s final novel, Small g, was rejected in 1994 by Alfred A. Knopf, it left the author without an American publisher and culminated http://chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i24/24b01201.htm | |
30. Patricia Highsmith Interview With Don Swaim Listen to the patricia highsmith interview with Don Swaim in RealAudio. http://wiredforbooks.org/patriciahighsmith/index.htm | |
31. Patricia Highsmith A bibliography of patricia highsmith s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/h/patricia-highsmith/ | |
32. Highsmith, Patricia - Mystery Net Community Discuss highsmith, patricia at Mystery Net Community. Mystery Net Community Discuss online mysteries, games, books, and socialize. http://discuss.mysterynet.com/scripts/discuss/community/books/authors/list-ghi/P | |
33. Patricia Highsmith Papers Swiss Literary Archives patricia highsmith was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on 19.01.1921 and died on 04.02.1995 in Locarno (Ticino). She was raised in Fort Worth, Texas, http://ead.nb.admin.ch/html/highsmith.html |
34. Jabberwock: The Poet Of Apprehension: Patricia Highsmith's Short Stories Ive been reading Eleven, a collection of some of patricia highsmiths short stories (two of which Id read before in other horror anthologies). http://jaiarjun.blogspot.com/2007/09/poet-of-apprehension-patricia.html | |
35. Allreaders.com Patricia Highsmith Club A detailed analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of her greatest novels. Sign up as a patricia highsmith scholar on the site http://www.allreaders.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=248 |
36. Patricia Highsmith On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 97 conversations about patricia highsmith s books. . edit delete. Publisher s site for patricia highsmith. edit delete http://www.librarything.com/author/highsmithpatricia | |
37. Patricia Highsmith Biography (Writer) â Infoplease.com Biography of patricia highsmith, Crime author and creator of Tom Ripley. http://www.infoplease.com/biography/var/patriciahighsmith.html | |
38. Patricia Highsmith Quotes 25 quotes and quotations by patricia highsmith. patricia highsmith For neither life nor nature cares if justice is ever done or not. patricia highsmith http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/patricia_highsmith.html | |
39. This Day In History 1921: Patricia Highsmith Is Born Learn what happened on This Day in History at History.com. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=4219 |
40. Patricia Highsmith: Biography, Dates And History patricia highsmith, mystery writer, was born in Fort Worth, Texas. She was originally named Mary patricia Plangman. Below is a short biography and some http://nyny.essortment.com/patriciahighsmi_rxiu.htm | |
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