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41. Alexa - Sites In: Herrick, Steven Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=297287&mode=general&Start=1&Sor |
42. Framingham Teen Alternate herrick, steven. Love, Ghosts, and Facial Hair. P Jack s got a lot on his mind He s trying to figure out the mystery of the opposite sex, he can t stop http://www.framinghamlibrary.org/teen/diary.htm | |
43. The List - Books - Www.theage.com.au By the River; herrick, steven. Call of the Wild; London, Jack. Came Back to Show you I Could Fly; Klein, Robin. Camel Rider; Mason, Prue http://www.theage.com.au/news/Books/The-list/2005/02/20/1108709493002.html | |
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46. Chief Minister's Reading Challenge Book List Tom Jones saves the world, herrick, steven. Tomorrow when the war began, Marsden, John. Tom s midnight garden, Pearce, Philippa http://activated.det.act.gov.au/actlearn/readingchallenge/Chief minister book li | |
47. Arts > Literature > Authors > H > Herrick, Steven :: YFT :: Your Favorite Things Find links and information about Arts, Literature, Authors, H, herrick, steven, at your favorite things. http://www.yft.com/favorite-things/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Herrick,_Steven/ | |
48. Damascus College (Library) herrick, steven The spangled drongo Honey, Elizabeth - 45 47 Stella Street .. herrick, steven - A place like this Hines, Sue - Out of the shadows http://library.damascus.vic.edu.au/Pages/fiction_themes.htm | |
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51. EBooks.com Search Results By herrick, steven Published by Allen Unwin. A memorable YA novel about the tough and tender sides of growing up in a small country town. http://www.ebooks.com/SearchApp/SearchResults.net?term=author:Herrick, Steven |
52. Chapters.indigo.ca: Wolf: Steven Herrick: Books Indigo Books Music is a Canadian bookseller committed to providing a stressfree approach to satisfying the booklover. Getting you the right book at the http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Wolf-Steven-Herrick/9781932425758-item.html | |
53. Kinokuniya BookWeb herrick, steven / PublisherAllen Unw Published 2007/09 AU$16.94 herrick, steven / PublisherUniv of Queensland Pr Published 2003/04 AU$16.95 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/bookseaohb.cgi?W-AUTHOR=HERRICK, S |
54. Curriculum Topic: Australian Authors - Books For Primary Schools 2004 *herrick, steven, Tom Jones saves the world. DoWrong Ron. *HILL, Anthony, Forbidden. The shadow dog. HILLS, Bennett, A duck named Chatsworth http://education.qld.gov.au/library/resource/currtopics/pb-authors-2004.html | |
55. Poetry Rocks herrick, steven. Love, Ghosts, Facial Hair. herrick, steven. The Simple Gift. 16year-old Billy runs away from his alcoholic father, http://www.duluth.lib.mn.us/Books/PrintFriendly/PoetryRocks.html | |
56. Herrick, Steven. The Simple Gift.(Brief Article)(Book Review) - Kliatt - HighBea Kliatt herrick, steven. The simple gift.(Brief Article)(Book Review) - From the HighBeam Research Archive. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-116526290.html | |
57. Bibliography herrick, steven. (1998) A Place Like This. UQP. CBC S/L 1999; McKerral, Helen. herrick, steven. (1996) Love, Ghosts Nose Hair A Verse Novel. http://ehlt.flinders.edu.au/english/yalit/bibliogr.htm | |
58. Conversion Calculator - Patent 4092523 herrick, steven S. (2204 Clapboard Hill Rd., Little Rock, AR, 72207). Application Number. 05/714590. Filing Date. 08/16/1976. Publication Date http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4092523.html | |
59. Sick In My Espresso. By Steven With Illustrations By Lisa Scheikowski Herrick : by herrick, steven with Illustrations by Lisa Scheikowski. Publisher Information Dobie Gillis Experience 1984. wrappers. Edition First. Binding Softbound http://www.riverrunbookshop.com/cgi-bin/rrbooks/31577 | |
60. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Discount New And Used Books by herrick, steven ISBN 0689867107 New. Told in lyrical free verse, sixteenyear-old by herrick, steven ISBN 0702231622 New. More about this title http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=index&author_id=764664 |
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