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Herrick Steven: more books (37) | |||||||||
21. By The River / Steven Herrick./Herrick, Steven. - Full Catalogue Age 12+ Reading By the River cast me back to my childhood in the suburbs of Sydney, so redolent is steven herrick s writing. http://amlib.eddept.wa.edu.au/webquery.dll?v1=pbMarc&v20=14&v27=69917&v30=20E&v4 |
22. All About Steven Herrick At Young Adult Books Central A site for and about readers of young adult and kid s books including author interviews, book reviews and study guides. http://www.yabookscentral.com/cfusion/index.cfm?fuseAction=authors.viewAuthor&au |
23. IPac2.0 Search Results. Browsing results matching herrick, steven, 1958 Author, Titles. 1. herrick, steven, 1958-, 22. 2. Herridge, Steve. http://www.librarycatalogue.act.gov.au/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1200KO6146W74.384 |
24. Steven Herrick Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by steven herrick, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Herrick, Steven | |
25. Steven Herrick (1958-) Biography - Personal, Addresses, Career, Member, Honors A steven herrick is an Australian poet who is dedicated to spreading the word about the magic of language to young people. Through his popular verse novels, http://biography.jrank.org/pages/1078/Herrick-Steven-1958.html | |
26. Books Of The Year 2000 - 2009 Shortlist, herrick, steven, Tom Jones Saves the World, University of Queensland Press, 2002. Shortlist, Murray, Martine, The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. http://www.cbc.org.au/2009.htm | |
27. Redcliffe City Library Horizon Information Portal Dowrong Ron / by steven herrick ; illustrated by Caroline Magerl The place where the planes take off / steven herrick ; illustrated by Annmarie Scott http://library.redcliffe.qld.gov.au/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=11O364F61592X.64&pro |
28. Ipswich Library And Information Service Catalogue by herrick, steven. Wollongong, N.S.W Five Islands Press, 1990. by herrick, steven. St Lucia, Qld. University of Queensland Press, 1996. http://ipac.library.ipswich.qld.gov.au/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=M1J862754N109.548 |
29. Herrick, Steven : Boyds Mills Contributors steven is an awardwinning poet who has performed his poems in schools, cafes, colleges, and festivals all over the world.He lives in Katoomba in the Blue http://www.boydsmillspress.com/contributors/contributors/herrick_steven.html | |
30. Samuel Herrick â Andrew Herrin : ZoomInfo Business People Information herrick, Steve, Cooper Square Committee, But the director, steven herrick, herrick, Steve, Stanford Supply Chain Forum, Steve herrick VP of Business http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page17472.aspx | |
31. Hume Global Learning Village Library Service Search Results. 4 titles matched herrick, steven, 1958 Naked bunyip dancing / steven herrick ; pictures by Beth Norling. http://catalogue.humelibraries.vic.gov.au/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=118493Q26D59C. |
32. CMC Knowledgebase - Bradley J, Ligon, Azra H, Ferguson, Heather, Higgins, Anne W, Leach, Natalia T, herrick, steven R, Lemyre, Emmanuelle, Farra, Chantal G, Kim, HyungGoo, http://cmckb.cellmigration.org/report.cgi?report=prot_isoforms&gene_id=816 |
33. Exploring Narrative Poetry And Verse Novels herrick, steven. The Spangled Drongo University of Queensland Press, 1999 herrick, steven. A Place Like This University of Queensland Press, 1998 http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/fiction/classroom/class2.htm | |
34. Primo Books For Kids :: By Author :: Herrick,Steven This site offers Australian award winning books for children aged 216 years from our online bookstore. http://www.primobooks.com.au/xcart/home.php?cat=303 |
35. Herrick, Steven. The Simple Gift. - Free Online Library Free Online Library herrick, steven. The simple gift.(Brief Article, Book Review) by Kliatt ; Business Publishing industry Library and information science http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Herrick, Steven. The simple gift-a0116526290 | |
36. UQP herrick, steven. 1999. The place where the planes take off. herrick, steven (picture book by) (illustrated by Annmarie Scott) http://www.uqp.uq.edu.au/history/author-h.php | |
37. HERRICK, STEVEN: Chaos.com A new uproarious collection of poems from steven herrick spun around classmates Billy, Anna, Sarah, Alex, Emily and Michael. Follow 5B s adventures in the http://chaos.com/artist/herrick_steven_227041.html | |
38. Young Adult Booklists By The River, herrick, steven, YA F herrick. A fourteenyear-old describes, through prose poems, his life in a small Australian town in 1962, where, http://www.provo.lib.ut.us/teen-booklist_genre.asp?age=2&cat=50 |
39. Provo City Library Catalog Collection, Call No. Status, Due Date. YOUNG ADULT FICTION, herrick, Checked In by herrick, steven. New York Simon Pulse, 2004. Add to my list http://pac.provo.lib.ut.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1198BA7866T80.5188&profile=pc |
40. Vidz Of Oz - HERRICK, STEVEN A new uproarious collection of poems from steven herrick spun around classmates Billy, steven herrick is Australia s most popular poet for young people. http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=227041 |
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