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61. San Angelo Chamber Of Commerce :: Leadership San Angelo Graduate List herbert, Brad 2002 herbert, mary - 1985 Hernandez, Barbara - 1994 Hernandez, Fred - 2004 Herring, Tod - 2004 Hiebert, Tommy - 1984 Higgins, Mike - 1992 http://www.sanangelo.org/chamber/lsa/gradlist.php | |
62. Mary HERBERT | Leicestershire | Lasting Tribute - Online Obituaries Share your treasured memories of mary herbert , Leicestershire and create a permanent tribute in a safe place by adding messages or pictures. http://www.lastingtribute.co.uk/tribute/herbert/2712017 | |
63. JSTOR Herbert And Tears herbert proceeds to a second question in which the fact that mary washed Christ s .. Ultimately, for herbert, mary Magdalen is not the weeper but the http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0013-8304(197922)46:2<221:HAT>2.0.CO;2-C |
64. Stories, Listed By Author herbert, mary H(ouser) (1957 ) (chron.) * Thieves Justice, (nv) Realms of Mystery, ed. Philip Athans, Lake Geneva TSR 1998. herbert, ROSEmary (books) http://www.philsp.com/homeville/msf/s95.htm | |
65. Herbert, Mary Title mary herbert Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Summary mary Sidney herbert, Renaissance English lady poet, sister to Sir Philip Sidney. http://6go.biz/dwodp/index/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Herbert,_Mary/ | |
66. Loganberry Books: Hedda's Favorites mary Kennan herbert s work often evokes salt spray, the scrape of barnacles, herbert, mary Kennan. Coasts A Collection of Poems Bound By the Sea. http://loganberrybooks.com/specials-hedda.html | |
67. Munro's Books : Author Details Titles by herbert, mary 1. Return Of The Exile Linsha Trilogy Bk3 By herbert, mary ISBN 0786936282 Paper $9.99 1 Copy in Stock http://www.munrobooks.com/by_author.cfm?AUTHOR=HERBERT, MARY |
68. MIT OpenCourseWare | Literature | 21L.704 Studies In Poetry: From The Sonneteers 22, George herbert, mary Wroth, Amelia Lanyer, George herbert (Selections); mary Wroth (Selected sonnets); and Amelia Lanyer s Defense of Eve. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Literature/21L-704Spring-2006/Readings/index.htm | |
69. Genealogy Data herbert, mary Birth ABT 1806 Llansaintfraed, Cardiganshire Death 24 NOV 1884 Parents. Father herbert, David Rev. Mother Price, mary. Family http://www.geoffsgenealogy.co.uk/tree/dat19.htm | |
70. WWP herbert, mary (Sidney), Countess of Pembroke Psalms , 15851599 $25.00 The Tragedie of Antonie , 1595 $10.00 Hoby, Lady Margaret (Dakins) Diary of Lady http://www.wwp.brown.edu/texts/textlist.html | |
71. Shakespeare's Contemporaries mary herbert, Countess of Pembroke née mary Sidney (27 October 1561 25 September 1621), was one of the first English women to achieve a major reputation http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/contemporaries.htm | |
72. British & Commonwealth History--Microform Catalog Ann Crowley, mary Dudley, Lady Grace Dalrymple Elliott, Anne Grant. reel 5. Priscilla Hannah Gurney, Dorothea herbert, mary Jemison, Elizabeth Lichtenstein http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/abhist/brithist/microform.html | |
73. Mary H Herbert A bibliography of mary H herbert s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/h/mary-h-herbert/ | |
74. Muckross Research Library - Mary Herbert, Watercolour Artist mary married Henry Arthur herbert in September 1837 bringing a large dowry to the union. Following their marriage, the couple returned to Muckross, http://www.muckross-house.ie/library_files/mary_herbert.htm | |
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