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21. Mary Sidney Herbert Home Page mary Sidney herbert, Countess of Pembroke (15611621) Home Life Works Bibliography Links Other Sidneys http://users.mhc.edu/facultystaff/nkinnamo/pembroke/MSHHomeR.htm | |
22. Browse By Author: H - Project Gutenberg Hanshew, mary E. The Riddle of the Frozen Flame (English) . Twelve Sketches by herbert Spencer, Henry Fawcett, Frederic Harrison, and Other Distinguished http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/h | |
23. :: Munseys: Mary E Herbert not available. Tags No Tags. Woman As She Should Be E herbert, mary Description not available. Tags No Tags......E herbert, mary http://www.munseys.com/detail/mode/author/Mary_E_Herbert | |
24. Malaspina Great Books - Mary Sidney Herbert (1561-1621) Please browse our Amazon list of titles about mary Sidney herbert. For rare and hard to find works we recommend our Alibris list of titles about mary Sidney http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_631.asp | |
25. Politics1 - Guide To The 2004 Socialist Party-USA Presidential Candidate mary Alice herbert, mary ALICE herbert of Vermont Socialist Party USA mary Alice Mal herbert is 68, a retired school teacher, a widow, a mother, http://politics1.com/socialist04.htm | |
26. Kay Herbert â Neal Herbert : ZoomInfo Business People Information mary herbert is a fifth generation member of the family which herbert, mary, Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley, mary herbert, . http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page17400.aspx | |
27. Southern Maryland Obituary: Deceased = Herbert, Mary Anna mary ANNA herbert, 86 of Hommasassa, Florida, formerly of Hollywood, Md., died Monday December 3, 2007 in Inverness, Florida. http://somd.com/announcements/obits/report.php?rec=797 |
28. Herbert Family 1135 - 1986 + +WROTH, Lady mary, poet, (nee Sidney) SIDN18 17 herbert, Col. William, of Ireland, Royalist soldier HERB11 17 herbert http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/ODTs/HERBERT.shtml | |
29. Mary Herbert â Infoplease.com Related content from HighBeam Research on mary herbert. Selected Works of mary Sidney herbert, Countess of Pembroke.(Brief Article)(Book Review) (Reference http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0914300.html | |
30. Valorian's Legacy: City Of The Sorcerers, Winged Magic. - HERBERT, MARY H. Valorian s Legacy City of the Sorcerers, Winged Magic.; herbert, mary H.. Offered by Grendel Books. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/grende/27689.shtml | |
31. Internet Archive Search: Creator:Herbert, Mary Elisabeth à Court Herbert, Bar Wives and mothers in the olden time from French, Italian, and Latin authors herbert, mary Elisabeth À Court herbert, Baroness, 1822-1911 http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator:Herbert, Mary Elisabeth à Cou |
32. The Online Books Page: Mary Eliza Herbert herbert, mary Eliza Belinda Dalton, Or, Scenes in the Life of a Halifax Belle Founded on Fact (Halifax, NS ME herbert, 1859) (page images at canadiana.org http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Herbert, Mary El |
33. DigitalBookIndex: Search By Author (eBooks, ETexts, On-Line Books, EDocuments herbert, mary (Sidney) (15611626), The Dolefull Lay of Clorinda, 1595, Html, n/c, Luminarium. herbert, mary (Sidney) (1561-1626), The Triumph of Death (Tr. http://digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=Herbert, Mary |
34. Scientific Commons Mary Herbert herbert, mary., University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne.Dept. A study of selective media for Desulfovibrio /by mary herbert Vance. (1957) http://en.scientificcommons.org/mary_herbert |
35. Biographical Index Of English Drama Before 1660: H (Daughter of Henry herbert (I) and mary Sidney herbert; sister of Philip herbert herbert, mary (fl. 1635). Performer in masque (Temple of Love, 1635). http://shakespeareauthorship.com/bd/bio-h.htm | |
36. Features: Articles: Mary Herbert Fan Interview - Dragonlance.com The following is a fan interview the fans on the boards conducted with mary herbert on Feb. 19 20, 2005. Note that the fan interview has been edited so http://www.dragonlance.com/features/articles/10019.aspx | |
37. Alexa - Sites In: Herbert, Mary Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=83125&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
38. Articles By Author: Herbert, Mary Kennan - Free Online Library Free Online Library Articles by herbert, mary Kennan. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Herbert, Mary Kennan-a1273 | |
39. Education Notes. - Article Preview - The New York Times Elizabeth E, Hcnderson, C;de herbert, mary Heywang, Corlnne 1Corberg, Rose R. Horowltz, EsiellP Floward. Emily L. Hughes, Cecile Insler, C`. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60E17FF3B5F1B7A93C4A81788D85F4C8 |
40. Herbert, Mary E. - MobileBooks, 20000+ E-books For Mobile / Cell Phones - Free P herbert, mary E. Choose an eBook to download to your mobile / cell phone. Woman As She Should Be or, Agnes Wiltshire (herbert, mary E.) http://www.mobilebooks.org/?author=a6411 |
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