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Hellerstein David: more detail | ||||||||
1. Hellerstein David MD - New York, NY 10001 - Directory hellerstein david MD New York, NY 10001 - Directory Information. http://goldbamboo.com/yp-ype213433.html | |
2. Battles Of Life And Death By Hellerstein David On Sify Shopping Battles Of Life And Death by hellerstein david on Sify Shopping. Battles of Life and Death. by hellerstein david. ISBN, 0595131956 http://shopping.sify.com/shopping/book_detail.php?prodid=14038554&cid=4334 |
3. David Hellerstein (Harper's Magazine) by David Hellerstein Letter, August 1998, 2 pp. Untitled Letter. by David Hellerstein Letter, September 1996, 1 pp. http://www.harpers.org/subjects/DavidHellerstein | |
4. Jeffrey S. Chase Franz G. Amador Edward D. Lazowska Henry M. Levy 4th USENIX USITS March 2003 Steven D. Gribble Eric A. Brewer Joseph M. hellerstein david Culler Scalable, Distributed Data Structures for Internet Service http://www.cis.udel.edu/~sprenkle/bibtex2html/ours.xml | |
5. JSTOR Are Earnings Profiles Steeper Than Productivity Profiles Evidence from Israeli FirmLevel Data Judith K. hellerstein david Neumark ABSTRACT We test competing explanations of rising age-earnings profiles by ob- http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-166X(199524)30:1<89:AEPSTP>2.0.CO;2-I |
6. Index-2002 david hellerstein, MD Home Pagepsychiatrist, writer, and researcher. http://davidhellerstein.tripod.com/ | |
7. David J. Hellerstein, MD - Department Of Psychiatry Faculty Profiles Dr. david J. hellerstein is Director of Medical Communications at the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. He is a research psychiatrist at the New http://asp.cumc.columbia.edu/facdb/profile_list.asp?uni=djh102&DepAffil=Psychiat |
8. SSRN-Spatial Mismatch Or Racial Mismatch? By Judith Hellerstein, David Neumark, hellerstein, Judith K., Neumark, david and McInerney, Melissa, Spatial Mismatch or Racial Mismatch? (June 2007). US Census Bureau Center for Economic http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1015624 |
9. NEW EVIDENCE ON SEX SEGREGATION AND SEX DIFFERENCES IN WAGES FROM Bayard, Kimberly, Judith hellerstein, david Neumark, and Kenneth Troske. 1998. New Evidence on Sex Segregation and Sex Differences in Wages from Matched http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/283090.html |
10. DBLP: Joseph M. Hellerstein 15 EE Andrea C. ArpaciDusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, david E. Culler, Joseph M. hellerstein, david A. Patterson High-Performance Sorting on http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Hellerstein:Joseph_M | |
11. Judith Hellerstein Kimberly Bayard, Joel Elvery, Judith hellerstein and david Neumark . Judith hellerstein* University of Maryland. and. david Neumark . http://unjobs.org/authors/judith-hellerstein | |
12. David Culler's Papers Scalable, Distributed Data Structures for Internet Service Construction, Steven D. Gribble, Eric A. Brewer, Joseph M. hellerstein, and david Culler. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~culler/papers/ | |
13. Log In Problems david J. hellerstein, MD It was to assess the health status of . Disclosure for Interviewee david hellerstein, MD, has disclosed that he has received http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/542269 | |
14. David Hellerstein, MD david hellerstein, MD Home Pagepsychiatrist and writer. http://hometown.aol.com/djhell/prof/index.htm | |
15. DBLP: David E. Culler 53 Steven D. Gribble, Eric A. Brewer, Joseph M. hellerstein, david E. Culler Scalable, Distributed Data Structures for Internet Service Construction. http://www.sigmod.org/dblp/db/indices/a-tree/c/Culler:David_E=.html | |
16. RePEc by Judith hellerstein; david Neumark RePEcppippicwp2004.06; Is Water Policy Limiting Residential Growth? Evidence from California by Ellen Hanak http://www.inomics.com/cgi/repec?handle=RePEc:ppi:ppicwp |
17. EconPapers: Working Papers Judith hellerstein, david Neumark and Melissa McInerney; 0715 Changes in Workplace Segregation in the United States Between 1990 and 2000 Evidence from http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/cenwpaper/ | |
18. NBER Working Papers Cited In The Press 7003, Annual Salary Survey, Kimberly Bayard, Judith hellerstein, david Neumark, Kenneth Troske, New Evidence on Sex Segregation and Sex Differences in Wages http://www.nber.org/wpcites_1999.html |
19. Antidepressants - Health - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'HELLERSTEIN, DAVID' Your search for hellerstein, david in Antidepressants returned 1 articles Letter from Dr david hellerstein, researcher at St Luke s Roosevelt Medical http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/anti |
20. The ADvanced Systems Laboratory (ADSL): Publications david E. Culler, Joseph M. hellerstein, david A. Patterson, Katherine Yelick. IOPADS 99. Available as Abstract PostScript http://www.cs.wisc.edu/adsl/Publications/ |
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