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41. Lafcadio Hearn A bibliography of lafcadio hearn s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/h/lafcadio-hearn/ | |
42. NEW ORLEANS SUPERSTITIONS (1886) By Lafcadio Hearn by lafcadio hearn. from An American miscellany , vol. II, (1924) originally published in Harper s weekly , December 25th, 1886 http://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/hearn/nos.htm | |
43. Mary Louise Vincent Lafcadio Hearn Collection Letters from the Raven Being the Correspondence of lafcadio hearn with Henry Watkin. New York Brentanos, 1907, (2 copies) http://library.hiram.edu/Archives/Mary Louise Vincent Lafcadio Harn Collection.h | |
44. Welcome To The Best Of New Orleans! A&E Feature 11 20 01 A selfdescribed Wandering Ghost, lafcadio hearn was more like a perambulating Cyclops; he had one good eye that, like a magnifying glass, saw the world http://bestofneworleans.com/dispatch/2001-11-20/ae_feat.html | |
45. Global Oriental - Japan And East Asia Books - Rediscovering Lafcadio Hearn This volume brings together a group of the worlds top authorities on lafcadio hearn, both Western and Japanese, headed by Sukehiro Hirakawa, who together http://www.globaloriental.co.uk/book.asp?Title_ID=26 |
46. Lafcadio Hearn -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia lafcadio hearn (18501904). Writer, translator, and teacher lafcadio hearn introduced the culture and literature of Japan to the West. http://student.britannica.com/ebi/article-9325994 | |
47. Ethan Brown Writes On The Legacy Of Newspaper Columnist Lafcadio Hearn In Post-K hearn s City Item columns recently were collected in a handsome anthology called The New Orleans of lafcadio hearn, published by Louisiana State University http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2218408,00.html | |
48. Lafcadio Hearn's Japan: An Anthology Of His Writings On The Country And Its Peop Compare lafcadio hearn s Japan An Anthology of His Writings on the Country and Its People prices before you buy to make sure you get the best deal. http://shopping.msn.com/Prices/shp/?itemId=840859832 |
49. A Guide To The Ohio University Libraries' LAFCADIO HEARN Collection, With Deside ED352956 A Guide to the Ohio University Libraries. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED352956 |
50. Hearn, (Patrick) Lafcadio (Tessima Carlos) - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article Abo Hutchinson encyclopedia article about hearn, (Patrick) lafcadio (Tessima Carlos). hearn, (Patrick) lafcadio (Tessima Carlos). Information about hearn http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Hearn, (Patrick) Lafcadio (Tessima Carlos) | |
51. Matsue Travel: Lafcadio Hearn's Former Residence About lafcadio hearn s former residence in Matsue. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e5803.html | |
52. Lafcadio Hearn I had long known of lafcadio hearn, but his contribution to Japanese studies was something new to me. Here I found that he had applied his powers of http://human.cc.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/philips/Hearn.htm | |
53. Lafcadio Hearn : Oxford Biography Index Entry hearn, (Patricio) lafcadio Carlos Yakumo Koizumi (18501904), author and translator hearn, lafcadio (27 June 185026 Sept. 1904) http://www.oxforddnb.com/index/101041244/ | |
54. Nicholls State University - Nicholls State University Chef John Folse Culinary I lafcadio hearn (18501904) was born on the Greek island of Lefkas. The 10th Annual lafcadio hearn Award Dinner and Distinguished Visiting Chef Series http://www.nicholls.edu/jfolse/special-events/lafcadio-hearn-award/ | |
55. EACB Lafcadio Hearn Folklore hearn, lafcadio. Japanese Fairy Tales by lafcadio hearn and others. Boni and Liverright New York, 1918. Reprinted several times (Ages 8+) http://ccb.lis.uiuc.edu/Projects/childrenslit/kwoodwor/L_Hearn_folklore.html | |
56. Lafcadio Hearn Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by lafcadio hearn, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Hearn, Lafcadio | |
57. Hearn, Lafcadio. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fou hearn, lafcadio. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. http://www.bartleby.com/61/76/H0107600.html | |
58. James Daniel And Lafcadio Hearn - Odd Brothers! About lafcadio hearns (Koizumi Yakumo) brother, James Daniel hearn and his extended family. http://www.lafcadiohearn.net/ | |
59. Japan E-Books hearn, lafcadio. The Cedar Closet. originally published in The Enquirer hearn, lafcadio. Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist Early Writings. http://e-asia.uoregon.edu/easia/ejapan_h.htm | |
60. "Lafcadio Hearn's JAPANESE GHOST STORIES" By Sean Michael Wilson, Haruka Miyabi These are pages from a manga we are working on now which is an adaptation of some of lafcadio hearn s Japanese ghost stories and myths. http://www.webcomicsnation.com/boychildproductions/hearnsjapaneseghosts/ | |
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