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61. Department Of Modern History An Extraordinary Destiny Recent Work on mary hays Enlightenment and Dissent , 2008 (5000 words); Australian Women s History Women s History Review, http://www.modhist.mq.edu.au/staff/mspongberg.html | |
62. Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Neshoba County, Mississippi hays, Juanita, b. 18 May 1905, d. 6 Sep 1992 hays, mary F., b. 30 Nov 1876, d. 11 Aug 1878, Daughter of T. H. M. E. hays hays, mary, b. http://www.interment.net/data/us/ms/neshoba/carolina/carolina.htm | |
63. Bob Cox's Yesteryear mary Alicd Barton, Fannie Rhea Dosser, Margaret Dosser, Ida Deam Campbell, . George Rangeley Hannah, Verna Anderson, Ruth hays, mary Harshbarger, http://bcyesteryear.com/fulltext.php?article=113 |
64. Lives Of The Great Romantics, Part III / Major Works / Pickering And Chatto Publ Extracts from Elizabeth Hamilton, Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah (1796); mary hays, Memoirs of Emma Courtney (1796); John Fenwick, http://www.pickeringchatto.com/index.php/pc_site/major_works/lives_of_the_great_ | |
65. NEWSMEAT ▷ Mary Hays's Federal Campaign Contribution Search Results hays, mary NEW YORK, NY 10014 NY COUNCIL ON ARTS, EMILY S LIST, $1000 primary, 09/21/93. hays, mary NEW YORK, NY 10014 NYS COUNCIL ON ARTS http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?zip=10014&last=Hays&first=Mary |
66. SACS Reference Room 11726, NUR 633, L03, hays, mary Margaret, Spring, 2005. 12086, NUR 643, 01, Lacey, Susan Rouse, Spring, 2005. 11729, NUR 644, 01, Williamson, Joan B. Spring http://sacs.uah.edu/template.cfm?text=courses03&dept=30&mode=0&number=0 |
67. Hays Genealogy Page 2 hays, mary M. b. 1840 IN, d. 1909 Limestone Co, TX , m. SHRIVER, Adam 24th, Feb, 1867 in Wilkinson, MS hays, Elmus b. 1848 IN hays, Gilly b. 1850 IN http://www.geocities.com/kfcemt/KatsHaysPage2.html | |
68. JSTOR Charlotte Bronte The Self Conceived Winter 1978 375 mary hays, like George Eliot and Virginia Woolf (to name but a few), pondered the differences of their work from that of men; even women who http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0097-9740(197824)4:2<374:CBTSC>2.0.CO;2-0 |
69. Silyl Derivatives Of Eugenol - Patent 5206323 hays, mary K. (3000 Daniel La., 7106, Monroeville, PA, 15146) Assignee. hays, mary K. (US) Sivak, Andrew J. (US). Primary Class http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5206323.html | |
70. MIT OpenCourseWare | Literature | 21L.470 Eighteenth-Century Literature: Version hays, mary. Memoirs of Emma Courtney. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2001. Shelley, mary. Frankenstein. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2001. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Literature/21L-470Eighteenth-Century-Literature--Versi | |
71. Alexa - Sites In: Hays, Mary Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=516717&mode=general&Start=1&Sor |
72. Second Life Books: Search Results - HAYS, Mary. FEMALE BIOGRAPHY; or memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women of all ages and countries. Alphabetically arranged. by hays, mary. $4500.00 http://www.secondlifebooks.com/cgi-bin/secondlife/viewauthor/HAYS, Mary..html | |
73. News From Arkansas State University This year s distinguished alumni award recipients are Kristi Pierce Craig, Richard Robert hays, mary L. Housewright, Dr. Joyce A. McConaughy, Penny Rogers, http://asunews.astate.edu/NHPDistAlum07.htm | |
74. F&M College: Special Collections: Muench Family Papers 20/38 hays, mary R. Note to Alice . 1 Dec 1936. Notes on back of business card for Mrs. Franklin, Inc. speaks of someone being married in Cincinnati http://library.fandm.edu/archives/mscoll/muench.html | |
75. Rose Cemetery Temp. A-I A. J. 1938 CLINE, mary 28 TX G. W. Howl 10/29/1918 Child birth CLINE, . 117-1964 HAYEs, Thomas Calvin 91 Freeport OH Ira Louis hays/mary Steell http://rebelcherokee.labdiva.com/rosecemtemp1.html | |
76. Teche Electric Supply Showroom, Showroom Sales, Guidry, Lauren. guilau@techeelectric.com. Showroom, Showroom Manager, hays, mary. 246. mary@teche-electric.com http://www.teche-electric.com/branches.asp?BranchName=Lafayette |
77. Death Records Index 1925-1939 H Name Date Page Hackney, Erline hays, Joe, 1925, 105. hays, Lyda Jane, 1928, 107. hays, mary, 1934, 111. hays, Robert, 1938, 114. hays, William H. 1937, 114. Haywood, Henry, 1927, 107 http://www.rutherfordcounty.org/archives/Death Records/Death Records 1925-1939 H | |
78. Lives Of The Great Romantics Pt. 3; Godwin, Wollstonecraft And Mary Shelley By T Volume 1 William Godwin Extracts From, Elizabeth Hamilton, Translation of The Letters of a Hindoo Rajah (1796), mary hays, Memoirs of Emma Courtney (1796), http://www.foyles.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781851965120&aub=Harriet w/2 Devine&sort= |
79. ISTG - Passenger Surnames: Hap-Haz mary, 212 Steamer City of Boston HAYES, mary, 234 Steamer City of Boston HAYES, mary, 294 Ship Silas Greenman HAYES, mary, 390 Ship Ocean Monarch HAYES, http://www.immigrantships.net/v7/surnamesv7/splhap_v7.htm | |
80. Some Descendants And Relations Of Edward HAYES Of County Cork mary Hunter and Hugh Hayes family baptism sheet at Saint John s Cathedral. Mrs mary Hayes, wife of Hugh Hayes, died at her home 127 Westmorland Road on http://www.ualberta.ca/~btonge/EdwardHayes.html | |
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