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1. Mary Hays - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Mary Hays was born in Southwark, London. Almost nothing is known of her first 17 years. In 1779 she fell in love with John Eccles who lived in Gainsford http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Hays | |
2. Wise Co Va Hayes Hays Marriages Hayes Spouse Father Mother A I Togue Hays, Jalia Wilson Hays Nancy Hays 5/26/1898 Mead, A F J W Mead Eliza Mead Hays, Jalia L M W M hays mary Hays 5/17/1906 http://www.rootsweb.com/~vawise2/marriage/Hayes.txt |
3. Memoirs Of Emma Courtney. - HAYS MARY: Memoirs of Emma Courtney.; hays mary. Offered by Virginia Bank Books. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/virgin/3107.shtml | |
4. 1870 Torrey Index Alderman Schuyler 140 Alderman Ula 140 Amsbury Mary Ann 53 Andrus Mary E . A 173 Hays Maggie M 173 Hays Margarett 55 Hays Margrett A 173 hays mary E http://www.yatescounty.org/upload/12/historian/1870tor.htm | |
5. Erie, PA 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 2 Of 3) This Census Was 21 Hacket Lewis 15 N. Y. pg0001a.txt 3B 20 Hacket Mary 50 Conn pg0001a.txt . Penna pg0027a.txt 32a 18 hays mary 50 Penna pg0027a.txt 32a 22 hays mary http://ftp.us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/pa/erie/1850/indx-h-q.txt | |
6. Hays Mary C Sra, Loomis CA 95650 -- MerchantCircle.com hays mary C Sra, Po Box 490, Loomis, CA. Tel 916652-8484. Come to MerchantCircle to get hays mary C Sra information, coupons, and reviews. http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Hays.Mary.C.Sra.916-652-8484 | |
7. Census Index, East Bloomfield, Ontario County 1875 Jessie 7 57 Anderson Mary 7 57 Anderson William 7 27 Appleton Elizabeth 4 . Hays Josephine 12 101 Hays Lizzie 12 110 Hays Margaret 13 101 hays mary http://raims.com/Ebloom75.html | |
8. Molly Pitcher Born in 1754, mary Ludwig hays McCauley was the daughter of a New Jersey dairy At the close of the War, William and mary hays returned to Pennsylvania. http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/youasked/070.htm | |
9. Molly Pitcher An Artillery wife, mary hays McCauly (better known as Molly Pitcher) shared the mary hays McCauly was earning her nickname Molly Pitcher by bringing http://sill-www.army.mil/pao/pamolly.htm | |
10. Mary Hays Storyteller Biography, list of themes and programs, story sample, and brochure. Olds, Alberta. http://www.airenet.com/storyteller/index.html | |
11. Mary Ludwig Hayes McCauley Level 1 When the war was over, mary and her husband went home to Carlisle. In 1783 mary had a baby boy. They named him John L. hays. marys husband died when the http://www.cbsd.org/pennsylvaniapeople/level1_biographies/Biographies_Level_1/ma | |
12. Mary Hays Contains a biographical essay, bibliography of primary and secondary works and excerpts from works by the feminist author. http://info.wlu.ca/~wwweng/ety/ | |
13. Mary Hays Criticism After reading mary Wollstonecraft s 1792 attack on conventions, titled A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, hays, along with her sister Elizabeth, http://www.enotes.com/nineteenth-century-criticism/hays-mary | |
14. Antiquarian Books :: ILAB-LILA :: International League Of Antiquarian Bookseller A highly interesting Austen family association copy, linking Jane Austen and the radical feminist, mary hays. Volume one has the inscription Elizth Austen http://www.ilab.org/db/book1879_7563.html | |
15. Artist's Loft Gallery, William Hays: "Mary Bourne" The Artist s Loft Bed Breakfast and Gallery in Brattleboro, Vermont features the work of leading New England artists in a welcoming setting. http://www.theartistsloft.com/portraits2j.html | |
16. JOHN HAYS,MARY RAGAN - Hoge - Family History & Genealogy Message Board - Ancestr JOHN hays,mary RAGAN/Hoge family history genealogy message board. Hosted by Ancestry.com. Forum of community contributed messages helping members research http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.hoge/ | |
17. Chicago Pediatric Dentist Reviews: Dr. Mary Hays, DDS, IL. Dr. Hays, Pediatric D Chicago, , IL Dr. mary hays, DDS, Pediatric Dentist. http://chicago.doctoroogle.com/reviews/viewdentist.cfm/pageID/8/dentistID/173890 | |
18. People Index For Watts Hays Letters Hughes, mary Boone hays (18291872) Aunt mary Hughs 53 hays, mary Elizabeth (see) Moutrey (1856-1944) Betty -86, 89, 101 http://www.wattshaysletters.com/1main-indexPgs/people-index.html | |
19. Hays Family Genealogy Forum mary Elizabeth hays, born Nelson Cty, KY, died 1926 Deborah Fletcher 11/19/07 . reSamuel McCarty hays/mary Paulina Bates, Missouri - Debra Onstot http://genforum.genealogy.com/hays/ | |
20. Krista Hays â Pearl Hays : ZoomInfo Business People Information hays, mary, Ann Arbor Commerce Bank, mary hays Senior Vice President , Personal hays, mary, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, mary hays has been http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page17017.aspx | |
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