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41. HAWES, LOUISE: BIGWentertainment.com.au Add hawes, louise to your Artist Watch list (click for more information). Sorted by hawes, louise / WILLEM DE KOONING. WILLEM DE KOONING http://www.bigwentertainment.com.au/artist/hawes_louise_367090.html | |
42. Anderson, Laurie Halse hawes, louise. Rosey In the Present Tense. Walker and Company, 1999. 08027-8685-5. $15.98. Grades 8-10. I liked Rosey in the Present Tense. http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/fiction99.html | |
43. City Of Mountain View - Fifth Grade Nelson Malone Saves Flight 942 by hawes, louise Check our Catalog My Brother Louis Measures Worms by Robinson, Barbara - Check our Catalog http://www.ci.mtnview.ca.us/city_hall/library/childrens/childrens_reading_lists/ | |
44. Tmecca : Translate this page , hawes, louise. , Hardcover Hardcover Paperback. , 2002/08. , 179 Pages http://www.tmecca.co.kr/detail/detail_book.html?isbn=0786244186 |
45. Booktalking Colorado - Browse By Grade Level hawes, louise, Rosey in the Present Tense, Real Life. Hayden, Patrick Neilsen (ed.) New Magics, Fantasy. Hayes, Daniel, The Trouble with Lemons, Mystery http://booktalkingcolorado.ppld.org/Scripts/BrowseGrade.asp | |
46. Blank Page Strange Brew Bone Chillers Series, Haynes, Betsy, J F Haynes. Spaghetti and Spooks, hawes, louise, J F hawes. Night Cry, Naylor, Phyllis, J F Naylor http://www.provo.lib.ut.us/kids/kids_main_booklist_genre.asp?age=1&cat=41 |
47. Appendix B : Environment Overview And Scrutiny Committee On 11/11/2002 Further report to O S November 2002, Daniel hawes/louise Goodfellow. Future of Dunsfold Airfield, Now that the legal issues surrounding the present planning http://waverweb.waverley.gov.uk/live/wbc/NewComDB.nsf/26f84eb45abc1ffb002565ee00 |
48. Kids - Monroe County (NY) Library System Couloumbis, Audrey, Getting Near to Baby (Sister). Fry, Virginia Lynn, Part of Me Died, Too (General). hawes. louise, Rosey in the Present Tense (Friend) http://www2.libraryweb.org/orgMain.asp?storyid=465&orgid=257 |
49. Newbookssept06 Muti s necklace the oldest story in the world / by louise hawes ; illustrated by Rebecca Guay. E HEN Henkes, Kevin. Lilly s big day / Kevin Henkes. http://www.wells.lib.me.us/newbookssept06.html | |
50. Pearson hawes, Catherine E. see WAIT hawes, Leonard N. 18621904 hawes, louise F. 1828-1894 Hayes, Alzono K. b.Oct. 21, 1828 d.Dec. 16, 1893 Father, GAR http://www.rootsweb.com/~miallega/pearson.html | |
51. Camden County Library System /All Locations Mark, Year, Entries. hawes, L. E. (louise E.) See hawes, louise, 1. hawes, louise. c1988, 1. Hawk, Tony. 2. Hawke, Ethan, 1970, 2. Hawkes, Kevin. 28 http://iii.camden.lib.nj.us:90/kids/12,34,132/search/aHawkes, Kevin./ahawkes kev | |
52. Authors On Tour: Louise Hawes Signs Collection Of Stories On Sunday, April 1st at 2 p.m. louise hawes will read from and sign Anteaters Dont Dream and Other Stories at McIntyre s Fine Books Bookends in Pittsboro http://msauthorsontour.blogspot.com/2007/03/signings-and-apperances-april.html | |
53. Sign. II Featured Books The mixedup rooster. Edwards, Pamela Duncan. Mutis necklace The oldest story in the world. hawes, louise. My little yellow taxi. Johnson, Stephen T. http://www2.decorah.lib.ia.us/Oneota Journal/html/07SigOth1.htm | |
54. 2002 Popular Paperbacks For Young Adults hawes, louise Rosey in the Present Tense. Hobbs, Will The Maze. Jenkins, A.M. Breaking Boxes. Johnson, Angela Toning the Sweep http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/booklistsawards/popularpaperback/2002popularpaperba | |
55. MCPL MC Cyberteen Teen2Teen hawes, louise. Waiting for Christopher. Feena witnesses a young mother beating her baby son. Feena takes the child while the mother walks away. http://www.hca.montgomerycountymd.gov/libtext.asp?url=/content/libraries/teensit |
56. Humorous Stories hawes, louise. NELSON MALONE MEETS THE MAN FROM MUSHNUT. (1986). Fifth grader Nelson Malone borrows a giant talking snake from his neighborhood witch, http://www.ci.cerritos.ca.us/library/booklists/humorous.html | |
57. Good Reads - Abuse/Violence hawes, louise. Waiting for Christopher a novel. Shortly after moving with her mother to Florida , a lonely, fourteenyear-old bibliophile is reminded of http://www.usd320.k12.ks.us/whs/lmc/abuse.html | |
58. Books Nominated For The 2006 Best Books For Young Adults List Crutcher, Chris. The Sledding Hill. Curry, Jane louise. The Black Canary . hawes, louise. The Vanishing Point A Story of Lavinia Fontana. http://seeme4books.com/nom2006.html | |
59. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by Rozines Roy, Jennifer/ Roy, Gregory/ Roy, Jennifer Rozines, Willem De Kooning The Life of an Artist by hawes, louise, Laura Bush First Lady http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-2295.html | |
60. Writers & Illustrators Of North Carolina louise hawes is the author of more than fifteen books for young readers. Waiting for Christopher was named a New York City Public Library Best Book for the http://www.wincbooks.com/louisehawes.htm | |
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