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41. PUBLIC -//Stanford UniversityLibrariesDept. Of Special This includes large quantities of work by poets such as Frank Bidart, Carl Dennis, David Ferry, Barry Goldensohn, Donald Hall, robert hass, John Hollander, http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/spc/xml/m0697.xml | |
42. HCPL Catalog Of Books, Music, Movies And More Search the Web. hass, robert. Poetry Collections. Search Bookstores Time and materials poems, 19972005 / robert hass. by hass, robert. http://hip.hcplonline.info/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=hcpl&ri=&index=BIB&term=36091 |
43. Horizon Information Portal 811.54 Has, Sun under wood new poems /, hass, robert. dra, anf. 2. 811.54 Has, Time and materials poems, 19972005 /, hass, robert. emc, anf http://ipac.slco.lib.ut.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=119S52387790D.109728&profile= |
44. The National Book Foundation robert hass served as poet laureate of the United States from 1995 to 1997; he is currently a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. http://www.nationalbook.org/nba2007_p_hass.html | |
45. Palo Alto City Library Catalog hass, robert. 17. 2. hassaini, Nassim. 1. 3. hassall, Christopher, 19121963. 1. 4. hassall, Christopher Vernon, 1912-1963. 1. 5. hassall, William Owen,, 1 http://webcat.cityofpaloalto.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1CTY476869878.4425&prof |
46. Horizon Information Portal Sun under wood new poems / by robert hass. by hass, robert. Time and materials poems, 19972005 / robert hass. by hass, robert. http://ipac.orion.lib.mi.us:81/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=11W7216M46B61.12506&profi |
47. Videos On Authors And Their Works, Texas Tech University Libraries hass, robert, Allen Ginsberg and Friends, PN 1064 A55 1997, 59 min. hass, robert, The Lure of Poetry, PN 1064 L87 1997, 59 min. hass, robert, Why We Write http://library.ttu.edu/ul/subjects/humanities/english/authors_videos.php | |
48. TomFolio.com: By Robert Bartlett Stein, Gertrude (edited by Bartlett, robert hass) REFLECTION ON THE ATOMIC . Stein, Gertrude, edited by robert Bartlett hass A PRIMER FOR THE GRADUAL http://www.tomfolio.com/SearchAuthorTitle.asp?Aut=Robert_Bartlett |
49. Echo In The Sense » On Echo In The Sense: Robert Hass Reading Echo In The Sense, On Echo in the Sense robert hass Reading, EIS Radio Shows / Guests, EIS Broadcast Schedule. http://www.echointhesense.com/archives/2006/06/eis-radio-shows-guests/on-echo-in | |
50. WhimsyLand: All About BAP Poets who were in the first BAP (1988) and BAP 2007 Donald Hall, robert Pinsky, Richard Wilbur, robert Creeley, robert hass, and Rae Armantrout. http://www.whimsyspeaks.com/2007/09/all_about_bap.html | |
51. POETRY FROM ZYZZYVA Hatami, Haleh, Peralata s Ghost, 69 Hater, Katharine, Spring Training, 21 hass, robert, Tahoe in August, 15 hass, robert, Faint Music, 41 http://www.zyzzyva.org/published.poetry.htm | |
52. Contributors hass, robert Bernard. About By. hassaballa, hassaballa 0. About By. hassall, Anthony J. About By. hassall, Arthur. About By. hassall, Carol http://www.questia.com/ContributorsList.qst?page=37&letter=H |
53. Time And Materials: Poems, 1997-2005 - Robert Hass - Books - Review - New York T The poet laureate robert hass has gone back to private life. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/07/books/review/Burt-t.html | |
54. The Poetry Poll hass, robert Song (154 Votes) Neruda, Pablo Animal Of Light Shakespeare, William When Icicles Hang By The Wall Donne, John The Good Morrow http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8321/poetrypollresults.htm | |
55. Poet Robert Hass Goes Back In Time With New Work When robert hass was a baby, his grandmother often said, he was so sanguine that his parents could put him on the roof of their Jackson Street house in San http://www.goddard.edu/content1353 | |
56. Alexa - Sites In: Hass, Robert Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=83091&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
57. Glück Appointed Poet Laureate - The Library Today (Library Of Congress) Glück succeeds robert Penn Warren, Richard Wilbur, Howard Nemerov, Mark Strand, Joseph Brodsky, Mona Van Duyn, Rita Dove, robert hass, robert Pinsky, http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2003/03-148.html | |
58. Robert HASS Art Auction Sales And Market Information By Artprice.com - Artprice artprice.com, the world leader in art market information Art price guide and art market reference book, updated world auction sales calendar, art prices, http://web.artprice.com/artistdetails.aspx?idArti=NTE3NzYyMzAwMDU1MTI0LQ==&src=3 |
59. Robert Frost At Agnes Scott College - McCain Library hass, robert Bernard. Going by contraries robert Frost s conflict with science. Charlottesville University Press of Virginia, 2002. PS3511.R94 Z743 2002 http://library.agnesscott.edu/about/exhibits/frost_exhibit_bibliography.htm | |
60. Washingtonpost.com: Style Live: Books & Reading A column from the Sept. 27, 1998 column by former Poet Laureate robert hass on James Wright. Contains the text of Trying to Pray and Depressed by a Book http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/books/features/19980927.htm | |
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